Talk:Portugal and the International Monetary Fund

Latest comment: 5 years ago by FENGDIAN YANG

Your lead section does not reflect all of the main information of the article. For the structure of the article, I think you can add a reference section. Besides, I think it may be more concise and clear to combine the Financial Crisis, Agreement, Conditions and Results sections into one Section like Financial Crisis and the IMF Project. I think you do a good job in balanced coverage. Different perspectives of the IMF project are provided. I think the article does good in giving neutral content. I think the resources you use in the article is a little unbalanced because they rely too much on references to primary sources and are all from the website of IMF. It may be better to add some other content based on other credible sources. FENGDIAN YANG (talk) 22:42, 6 December 2018 (UTC)FENGDIAN YANGReply