Talk:Pressure-temperature-time path

Latest comment: 6 years ago by Dinohk in topic Review from Dinohk

Feedback from karaclc


Hi Tamjwh,

1. I like the point form in "P-T-t path trajectories". It is easy for me to understand the steps together with the graphs.

2. The image of "A garnet-mica schist" in Textures at different stages of metamorphism observed under optical microscope may not be appropriate because it is a hand specimen but not a image shown under microscope. A better image should be provided.

3. For the organisation in Tectonic implications, you may point form the implication first so as to show the overview of all the implication. Thus, readers can have the ideas of what kinds of implication before reading the details of each one.

1) Collision setting 2) Intrusion 3) Paired metamorphic belts 4) Plume tectonics 5) Structural deformation

Hope my suggestion are useful. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Karaclc (talkcontribs) 03:34, 21 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Feedback from YCYBenjamin


Hi Tamjwh, you page is so cool and so useful! I like it! So informative and detailed.

1. You may add more detail on the animation in 'intrusion' part, like what you did in 'collision setting' above, giving numbers to indicate steps or which stage of metamorphism is it in.

2. Can you give more detail on 'suitable activity models' mentioned in the third last paragraph of Geothermobarometry?

3. You may add some examples on 'tectonic implication' to make it more interesting, like some you have mentioned in 'P-T-t path trajectories'. You can further explain them in tectonic part. — Preceding unsigned comment added by YCYBenjamin (talkcontribs) 23:00, 20 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Feedback from celiayangyy


Hi Tamjwh, here is some suggestions on your Wikipedia page!

1.I think is a really clear and easy to understand page. For the introduction, I can understand what are you going to do for the rest of the page. I think that the structure of the Wikipedia page seems a little bit strange to me though. From main contents, I think you are going to talk about a lot of aspect of P-T path, like metamorphic facies, like how to reconstruct them, what does different path trajectories means in tectonic setting. In your introduction, you give a rather detailed explanation about just particularly clockwise P-T path, which is think looks rather strange to me. I think for introduction, usually they are about giving some idea of what would be included afterwards and a general picture. I think maybe it would be better to have introduction giving introducing the topic more, like introducing each sub-topic perhaps, and their importance.

2.There maybe some parts which needs clearer explanations. For example, in the chart of Optical Microscopy, you stated a lot of observation for different stage, like you would find mineral inclusions formed in pre-peak time of metamorphism and porphyroblasts at peak time of metamorphism. I think maybe inlcluding why you find such observation for a given condition (like prograde, peak or retrograde) is also useful in understanding more about the whole pressire and temperature relationship with metamorphism. Are they related to crystallization condition or anything else? For the geochronology part, I think there could be more explanation on the zircon method. You just gave 2 sentences about it but it is actually something rather common in the field. I think there could like a few sentences more for the explanation.

3.I see that a lot of the sub-topics of your page is linked to a main article. I guess it is a good way for people to know more about metamorphism in a clear and logical way, but I think you could also include more your first handed insight on the topic. Do more that is not yet included in other article perhaps, and relate each sub-topics more to your topic, P-T graph, like the thermal modeling part, I guess you could tell more about how it could be used in P-T graph.

Feedback from kakitc


Hi Tamjwh,

Your page is very good and the following are some suggestions:

  • For the thermal modelling, I think you can add some explanation to the symbol you used, for example, T for temperature, t for time, κ for thermal diffusivity, etc. It is because readers may not be familiar with the convention of the symbol used. On the other hand, the main idea for this section is to demonstrate how numerical modelling can help reconstruct the P-T-t path, so I think the numerical techniques (finite difference) does not need a very detailed explanation. The equation can possibly be deleted. Moreover, I think the figure may not be related to the text, the cosine function is not involved in the heat equation. So I think you can make or modify a simple figure like the one shown on the right to demonstrate how the temperature change of the rock is modelled, you can add a point to represent a rock and the initial condition can be an intrusion in the middle.
  • For the figures in the clockwise P-T-t path, I think it is not clear where and when the rock are subjected to prograde or retrograde metamorphism, you can add some point indicate the location of prograde or retrograde metamorphism, or make several figures that follow a particular of rocks that subjected to prograde and retrograde metamorphism sequentially. Moreover, you may also added some annotations for the zone of anticlockwise/clockwise path in the figure for paired metamorphic belts.
  • For the future development section, there can be more elaborations on how P-T-t path is applied, because the readers may want to know why P-T-t path are related to the topics listed.

Kakitc (talk) 06:44, 22 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

Tamjwh, this guy must be mad, he did his work in detail.≥≤ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Volvob9tlateu (talkcontribs) 12:43, 22 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

Feedback from dinohk


1. For the equations you included I think you should explain a little more on what they mean and their significance since there's only two of them.

2. Perhaps consider adding a section outlining the significance of P-T-t path in both geological terms and if there are any practical applications.

3. Deformation seems like it should just be lumped in with the previous section. For other applications I would suggest putting in something like commercial applications if there are any. Something that veers away from having purely research significance but more real world impact. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dinohk (talkcontribs) 03:37, 23 October 2017 (UTC) 'Reply

Feedback from leonkh


1. I think a part talking about supercontinent reconstruction can be added because it is an important topic that applied PTt graph.

2. Can talk more about the limitations of PTt graph because as this is a widely used method. People may misuse this method.

3. A graph can be added to illustrate the details of using PTt graph in structual system such as fault bend fold and duplexes. It will be clearer and easier to picture

Feedback from Jupiter 20171120


Good use of charts and diagrams to explain the concepts and examples of pressure-temperature-time path. The chemical equations are clear with labels of mineral names and links to corresponding wiki page. The illustration of the garnet growth zoning is a good way to show the growth of mineral and the information on P-T path, with use of colour. Although some terms and parts are quite technical, you includes links to the the corresponding wiki page, which is useful for readers to understand the concepts. There is really not much thing for improvements. For minor changes, some words on the charts may be small, you may want to enlarge the charts a bit. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jupmira104 (talkcontribs) 14:28, 20 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Review from Dinohk


I think you've addressed pretty much all of the issues raised with the draft so there aren't any obvious areas of improvement I can see. You have some good diagrams and everything is quite clearly explained. Overall the page is very effective at explaining your topic so I think it's quite good as it is. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dinohk (talkcontribs) 17:00, 21 November 2017 (UTC)Reply