Talk:Princess Sally Acorn

Princess Sally Acorn(CANONICAL) [in SatAM series]:

Name: Princess Sally Alicia Acorn

Nicknames: Sal (from Sonic),Sally-Girl (from Bunnie),Bean (from King Acorn)

Species: Squirrel/Chipmunk hybrid:

Gender: Female

Age: 48

Alignment: Lawful

Good Stats:

Physical: 10

| Mental: 10 |

Luck: 6

Height: 1,89

Weight: 47,5

Residence: Knothole Village

Occupation: Leader of the Knothole

Freedom Fighters Likes: Instrumental music, the colour pink, sunny days, solving puzzles, "girls talk" time with Bunnie,Sonic .

Dislikes: Robotnik, Antoine, pollution, childishness from anyone not a child, recklessness, obnoxiousness, special treatment because of her royal background.

Hobbies/Talents: Archeology, inventing, teaching and playing with Tails, playing Tetris on Nicole, reading, writing in her journals, botany (and science in general, really).

Played By: Leda

Theme: Personality At first glance, you probably wouldn't even know that Sally was part of the royal family, let alone the current heir; Sally has a very down- to-earth style of presenting herself and relating to those around her. Although she had a bossiness problem as a child, as she matured the Acorn Princess grew into a humble, cooperative, and empathetic young woman. Sally makes a conscious effort to keep her opinions unbiased and to respect all parties involved in any given situation. She does not hold herself on any kind of pedestal because of her lineage, and it frequently embarrasses her when those around her do so. Still, upon further examination, the fact that she was raised as a noble becomes more clear, as her general behavior is best described as "diplomatic". Sally is by no means stiff, but clearly tries to keep formality first at all times. She rarely expresses extreme emotion in front of others, save for when she's angry with either Sonic or herself. Sally, as an appreciative person by nature, tends to be very forgiving of those around her for their mistakes, and instead praises the effort they put forth — that is, of course, unless the folly is her own. With the weight of the war and the fate of her citizens constantly on her shoulders, Sally allows herself no room for error, and is excruciatingly hard on herself should one ever occur. She's not necessarily a private person, but she still bottles many of her feelings, in the mindset that she needs to be strong for those around her. To help herself deal with the stress, Sally spends a lot of time writing in her journals. Despite her consistently high stress levels, however, the princess is generally a happy person and able to keep a positive frame of mind in most situations. She cares deeply for her friends, and considers the safety of every person in her kingdom her own personal responsibility. She has especially close bonds with Tails, whom she regards as somewhere between a little brother and a son, and Bunnie, whom she feels is like the sister she never had. As for Sonic… Well, Sally's never really hidden her affectionate feelings for him in terms of body language, yet at the same time she smirkingly reminds him that she is "not his girl" and isn't afraid to pummel him if he's being a doof. Abilities Physical As the child of both a squirrel and a chipmunk, Sally naturally has an excellent sense of balance, and can climb almost any textured surface. While she doesn't necessarily have an exceptional amount of physical strength, Sally's body is extremely athletically fit (largely due to favoring gymnastics as a child); this allows her to pack a considerable punch when preceded by a momentum-building maneuver. Additionally, she's very flexible (though by no means a contortionist), and her slender build allows her to fit through some tight squeezes. Her greatest attribute, however, is easily her intellect. Sally's mind is naturally left-brain oriented, and even from a young age her critical thinking skills were honed by her interest in academics. Learned This could go on for a while; Sally lived in the palace for nearly six years, and they teach those royals everything. Abilities of significance are things like gymnastics, swimming, science/engineering, biology, and cartography. During the years since the coup, she's also come to accel at battle strategy and computer use/programming/hacking, thanks to constant work with her personal computer, Nicole. Sally has also learned to pilot most aircrafts, and the ones she can't immediately fly she can usually figure out. Weaknesses Physical While her body IS mostly composed of muscle, she can't inflict much damage from a dead stand-still, which makes her relatively easy to overpower if caught. She's also not all that heavy, making her easy to toss. Additionally, Sally happens to be ticklish, which could potentially be used against her if one actually knew what they were doing. Mental Sally's usually under a great deal of stress, and could easily be called a workaholic. This frequently leaves her teetering on the brim of exhaustion. Additionally, Sally has a deep fear of failure, given that the stakes are so high and she's had to step up and lead from such a young age. When she does happen to fail, she takes it very, very harshly. She has an incredibly deep ache for the presence of her father, both for personal comfort and for want of his guidance. Most of the time she's able to distance herself from the pain, but at the times she does allow herself to feel it, it all but incapacitates her.

Princess Sally Acorn(CANONICAL) [in SatAM series]:

Name: Princess Sally Alicia Acorn

Nicknames: Sal (from Sonic),Sally-Girl (from Bunnie),Bean (from King Acorn)

Species: Squirrel/Chipmunk hybrid:

Gender: Female Age: 48

Alignment: Lawful Good Stats:

Physical: 10

| Mental: 10 |

Luck: 6 Height: 1,89

Weight: 47,5

Residence: Knothole Village

Occupation: Leader of the Knothole

Freedom Fighters

Likes: Instrumental music, the colour pink, sunny days, solving puzzles, "girls talk" time with Bunnie,Sonic .

Dislikes: Robotnik, Antoine, pollution, childishness from anyone not a child, recklessness, obnoxiousness, special treatment because of her royal background. Hobbies/Talents: Archeology, inventing, teaching and playing with Tails, playing Tetris on Nicole, reading, writing in her journals, botany (and science in general, really). Played By: Leda Theme: Personality At first glance, you probably wouldn't even know that Sally was part of the royal family, let alone the current heir; Sally has a very down-to-earth style of presenting herself and relating to those around her. Although she had a bossiness problem as a child, as she matured the Acorn Princess grew into a humble, cooperative, and empathetic young woman. Sally makes a conscious effort to keep her opinions unbiased and to respect all parties involved in any given situation. She does not hold herself on any kind of pedestal because of her lineage, and it frequently embarrasses her when those around her do so. Still, upon further examination, the fact that she was raised as a noble becomes more clear, as her general behavior is best described as "diplomatic". Sally is by no means stiff, but clearly tries to keep formality first at all times. She rarely expresses extreme emotion in front of others, save for when she's angry with either Sonic or herself. Sally, as an appreciative person by nature, tends to be very forgiving of those around her for their mistakes, and instead praises the effort they put forth — that is, of course, unless the folly is her own. With the weight of the war and the fate of her citizens constantly on her shoulders, Sally allows herself no room for error, and is excruciatingly hard on herself should one ever occur. She's not necessarily a private person, but she still bottles many of her feelings, in the mindset that she needs to be strong for those around her. To help herself deal with the stress, Sally spends a lot of time writing in her journals. Despite her consistently high stress levels, however, the princess is generally a happy person and able to keep a positive frame of mind in most situations. She cares deeply for her friends, and considers the safety of every person in her kingdom her own personal responsibility. She has especially close bonds with Tails, whom she regards as somewhere between a little brother and a son, and Bunnie, whom she feels is like the sister she never had. As for Sonic… Well, Sally's never really hidden her affectionate feelings for him in terms of body language, yet at the same time she smirkingly reminds him that she is "not his girl" and isn't afraid to pummel him if he's being a doof. Abilities Physical As the child of both a squirrel and a chipmunk, Sally naturally has an excellent sense of balance, and can climb almost any textured surface. While she doesn't necessarily have an exceptional amount of physical strength, Sally's body is extremely athletically fit (largely due to favoring gymnastics as a child); this allows her to pack a considerable punch when preceded by a momentum-building maneuver. Additionally, she's very flexible (though by no means a contortionist), and her slender build allows her to fit through some tight squeezes. Her greatest attribute, however, is easily her intellect. Sally's mind is naturally left-brain oriented, and even from a young age her critical thinking skills were honed by her interest in academics. Learned This could go on for a while; Sally lived in the palace for nearly six years, and they teach those royals everything. Abilities of significance are things like gymnastics, swimming, science/engineering, biology, and cartography. During the years since the coup, she's also come to accel at battle strategy and computer use/programming/hacking, thanks to constant work with her personal computer, Nicole. Sally has also learned to pilot most aircrafts, and the ones she can't immediately fly she can usually figure out. Weaknesses Physical While her body IS mostly composed of muscle, she can't inflict much damage from a dead stand-still, which makes her relatively easy to overpower if caught. She's also not all that heavy, making her easy to toss. Additionally, Sally happens to be ticklish, which could potentially be used against her if one actually knew what they were doing. Mental Sally's usually under a great deal of stress, and could easily be called a workaholic. This frequently leaves her teetering on the brim of exhaustion. Additionally, Sally has a deep fear of failure, given that the stakes are so high and she's had to step up and lead from such a young age. When she does happen to fail, she takes it very, very harshly. She has an incredibly deep ache for the presence of her father, both for personal comfort and for want of his guidance. Most of the time she's able to distance herself from the pain, but at the times she does allow herself to feel it, it all but incapacitates her. Pre-RP History Sally's early life was just what one would expect for one born into a royal family: elegant parties, fine dining, exotic entertainment, and lavish doting from her father. However, the young princess never developed a seniority complex thanks to the very wise move to raise her alongside other children, both noble and common. Sally knew Sonic, Bunnie, Rotor, and Antoine from a very, very young age, as they were all other wards of her nanny, Rosie. Instead, Sally reveled in the fact that she could share elements of the life she lived with those that would otherwise never get to experience such things. It was a good thing they appreciated the privileges while they were able, because Sally was only five (going on six) when her father's war adviser overthrew the monarchy. Robotnik sealed King Acorn into the Void, and probably would've done the same to his heir had Rosie not escaped with the children to the secret village of Knothole: a refuge built deep in the Great Forest for just such an emergency. With their lives turned upside down, the residents all struggled to adjust to the new era in which they lived. Sally struggled through many lonely nights aching for a hug, a whisper, even a glance from her father… But she knew as well as anyone that it would not come The agony of King Acorn's absence eventually morphed from a crushing depression into an unrelenting motivation to restore him to his throne. Sally poured herself into her studies more than ever, and accelerated her education even further with the assistance of her handheld computer, Nicole. By age eleven, Sally had the confidence that she could begin leading the war against Robotnik herself — much to the dismay of many of her caretakers. However, the princess quickly proved herself competent, and her determination to succeed inspired those around her. Now at age sixteen, Sally continues to lead the resistance, and is more focused than ever on restoring the kingdom to its former glory.

Princess Sally Acorn(CANONICAL)

[in the Sonic comics]: APPEARANCES


ARTIST Ben Bates Rafa Knight


AGE: 48 years old

RELATIVE(S): Nicole † Unnamed grandfather[2] Nigel Acorn (father) Unnamed mother

NICKNAME(S) Sal Sally-girl Princess SPECIES Mobian/Chipmunk


GENDER: Female

FUR: Tan, light brown, dark auburn HAIR: Dark auburn

EYES: Blue (originally black)

ATTIRE: Azure denim vest Azure knee-high boots White gloves with Ring-Blades Black tank-top Black skin-tight shorts with white trim. POWERS AND ABILITIES SKILLS: Acrobatic skills Leadership skills Martial arts skills Skilled strategist Swordsmanship Extreme Gear skills Princess Sally Acorn is the daughter of former King Acorn, a longtime friend and Sonic's wife. When her father's throne was usurped,she joined the Freedom Fighters by helping Sonic and his companions in the revolt against the evil Dr. Robotnik thanks to his small computer speaking handyman, Nicole. Princess Sally Acorn is the wife of Sonic the Hedgehog and the Amy's BFF ,but often Sonic squabbles with Amy,called "whore" by Sonic because she is jealous of Sally's and Sonic's family. Sally is very smart, and she often tries to put a little pumpkin salt on her husband. Sally was the daughter of King Acorn,who evaporated when the cruel Doctor Julian Robotnik lost control of his mind. With his nephew,Caciotta,they went to attack Mobius. Sally was very worried, so she decided to sacrifice herself to Robotnick's robotizer without letting Sonic discover anything. But Sonic came to know,so he intervened to save Sally,and together they brought peace to Mobius. Amy saw what Sally did,what Amy would NEVER do for Sonic and Mobius,so,Amy,he thought that for what he did Sally was incredible, and Sally really deserved Sonic,and not Amy,after all Amy was only 7 years old,and instead Sally 48 and Sonic 47. From here born a new married couple,happy and romantic that will be canonical for eternity!!! ^ _ ^

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