Talk:Professors World Peace Academy

Front group?


Ingo Michehl


Ingo Michehl calls PWPA a Moonie "front group". Should this info be in the article?

Yes: Like many other front groups including the 'student organization' CARP, the PWPA is used deceptively to give credibility to the Unification Church and its self-proclaimed Messiah Sun Myung Moon, and to recruit new members and affiliates.

No: Ingo didn't say why he calls it a front group. Is he accusing Moonies (or PWPA) of concealing their relationship? Is there an ulterior motive adduced? -- Uncle Ed (talk) 16:14, Mar 28, 2005 (UTC)

Response (by Ingo Michehl): Yes, as I was taught as a UC member to conceal the relationship with Sun Myung Moon since 'you don't give a baby steak!' And 'The end justifies the means'. Thus 'heavenly deception' was endorsed. I stand by what I said: Moonism, the UC and its front groups are a destructive cult!!!

Rick Ross


Rick Ross calls PWPA a "Moon political front". But I don't know what he means by a political front. -- Uncle Ed (talk) 16:19, Mar 28, 2005 (UTC)