Talk:Pythagoras (boxer)

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11. Eratosthenes, Olympic Victors 3rd century via Favorinus, Varied History, via Diogenes Laertius, Lives 8.47 “Eratosthenes (according to what Favorinus reports in book eight of his Varied History), said this man [sc. Pythagoras] was the first to box using technique, in the 48th Olympiad, letting his hair grow long and wearing a purple robe; after being excluded from the boys’ games and jeered at, he immediately joined the mens’, and won.” Olympiad 48: 588 to 584 BCE cf. Eusebius, Chronography, p. 93 Karst — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:36, 22 June 2024 (UTC)Reply