Talk:Rumohra adiantiformis

Latest comment: 6 years ago by Darorcilmir in topic Multiple geographical lnks

Multiple geographical lnks


A bugbear of mine is the widespread practice of listing multiple countries, regions, oceans, continents in a single article. And providing a blue link to each one. This is really not helpful. It gives the reader false hope that these general articles will contain more information about this plant - which they don’t. Masses of blue links interfere with the readability of an article, imho.

The species has a wide distribution, we get it! I have therefore removed these links. Darorcilmir (talk) 06:43, 11 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Um... I understand your point, and for countries like Brazil, I agree. However, I'm less sure about smaller countries and regions, and terms like "Australasia" or "Malesia" (which often get 'corrected' to "Australia" and "Malaysia"). Peter coxhead (talk) 12:02, 11 October 2018 (UTC)Reply
It’s so annoying ... it detracts from the genuinely interesting and informative links. I don’t object to the lists themselves, just the automatic linking of every single country. Darorcilmir (talk) 17:17, 11 October 2018 (UTC)Reply