Talk:Samantha Carter

Latest comment: 9 years ago by in topic Rank

Fighter jets


The article says Carter "... flew fighter jets in the Gulf War logging over 100 hours of air time." This seems to be based on a couple of lines from the first episode:

Kawalsky: "..., have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F-16 at 8+ gees?"
Carter: Yes."

and later

Carter: "I logged over a 100 hours in enemy airspace during the Gulf War."

However she doesn't have pilot's wings on her dress uniform -- she has some other badge I can't make out. The script doesn't actually say she was a fighter pilot; she could have taken a joy ride in the back seat of an F-16, and worked in the back of an AWACS or transport in the Gulf War. Is there any other evidence one way or the other?
--wwoods 04:06, 5 Jul 2004 (UTC)

We've seen her pilot an F-302 in season 8 (and maybe before) but there haven't been any references to her piloting real-world aircraft that I can think of. IIRC there still weren't a lot of female fighter pilots in USAF in 1991. Robertbrockway 08:33, 22 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, she and O'Neill were portrayed as the experts on flying the 302 since its introduction in season 6. Which strained my suspension of disbelief, because even though she is the expert on its engines, she doesn't have the time to spare to be proficient as its pilot. There ought to have been test-pilots assigned to the plane to do the flying. But I understand why the TV show didn't want to add new characters to do the flying in the big scenes, leaving all Our Heros to watch from the control room.
—wwoods 22:24, 22 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

If Sam was born on December 29, 1968, she didn't turn 17 until December 29, 1985. The US Air Force Academy requires one to be a minimum of 17 at the begining of your freshman year. Sam couldn't have entered the Academy before Fall of 1986. Therefore, she couldn't have graduated and been commissioned as a second lieutentant before Spring of 1991, after the Gulf War was over. She couldn't have seen service "in the Gulf." —Preceding unsigned comment added by Fscottr0262 (talkcontribs) 10:29, 25 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Um, the Air Force Academy is a 4-year institution, so if Sam entered in the fall of 1986, she would have graduated in the spring of 1990, in time to serve in the Gulf War. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:33, 27 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sam's birthday date itself can't be right either because in ACENSION Orlin created the emerald stone for her and it was referred to be her birthstone, if that is the case she would have been born in May. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:10, 12 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Though I agree that Carter would be Class of '90 (86-87/87-88/88-89/89-90), in the end it wouldn't matter since the military considers the Gulf War was August 2, 1990 through November 30, 1995 as evident by those dates as the official dates that are the criteria for the National Defense Service Medal for service during the Gulf War. (talk) 00:49, 28 July 2008 (UTC)Reply


For crying out loud (no joke intended), PLEASE, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, MAKE SURE THAT THE LINKS GO TO THE EPISODE! 19 September 2005

Discussion Regarding Her Sex Prowess


There is a fan comment about a "running joke" with daniel jackson and his many lives. How does the fan know this? There is also a running joke about how samantha carter, while not a sex goddess like most sci fi shows, is incredibly easy to get into the sack. How do I know this? I just do. So, how can my fact be left out, while the other one, without a citation as well, is included? Lets have some consistency, shall we?—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Agreed. No uncited rumors or speculation. They both go. CovenantD 02:53, 17 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
The joke about Carter that I'm aware of is that she's the 'Black Widow of Stargate' -- fall for her and die. If you're lucky your whole planet won't die with you. Seriously, aside from her several alternate-timeline marriages, I don't recall her having much of a sex life. Certainly she's no Captain Kirk.
—wwoods 06:17, 17 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
Wikipedia policy requires citable sources. Without a citation from a reliable source, such as the producers of the programme that they consider these themes to be jokes, 'repeating theme' is a better description. RayGates 00:12, 18 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
Come to think of it, I vaguely recall some mention of this on the DVDs. In an episode with Tapping doing the commentary? Or maybe one of those video diaries? And in "Wormhole X-Treme!", the 'Carter' character has a line like "How come I never get to kiss anyone?"
—wwoods 07:42, 18 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
Not the one I was thinking of, but in the commentary for "Covenant",
Amanda Tapping: It's not "sort of a relationship"—we worked together. And everyone just assumes that whenever Carter works with someone, you know, they have a relationship.
Martin Wood: And that's not true. Because if you did have a relationship with them ... they'd be dead.
Amanda Tapping: This is true. This is true. It's my thang.
—wwoods 06:33, 31 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
I remember Tapping joking on a DVD featurette for the episode "The Other Guys" that she's the "Black Widow of Stargate." 23:12, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Carter even mentions this in one episode soon after Pete was introduced. In a scene in a diner Carter warns Pete that her love interests have a tendency to die. If anyone said this to me I'd run for the hills but Pete appears to have taken it rather well. Robert Brockway 01:18, 8 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
She doesn't actually say her love interests have a tendency to die, just that the majority of her recent relationships happen to have died (Though the implication is rather obvious). JBK405 03:38, 8 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yea, well it was a joke anyway. They were already together at the time. Tomalak Geret'kal (talk) 22:57, 3 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: Addendum to Love Life


I feel that the Addendum to Love Life should be removed as I think that the comments made within it about a romantic relationship between Sam and Daniel is based on nothing except speculation. It is something that has never even been hinted or acknowledged in the series as strongly as the love and attraction between Sam and Jack has been. Alan-WK 20:45, 1 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

"As far as the alternate reality argument goes- that Sam has been involved with, or at least apparently had feelings for, Jack O'Neill in every alternate reality encountered by the SGC- it should be noted that, in these realities, Daniel was either dead when Carter fell for O'Neill ("Moebius", although the kiss shared by the alternate versions may just have been a simple need for contact brought on by fear of death and Alt-Carter's uncertainty about the presence of the 'original' Daniel following the death of the one she knew) or had never been part of SGC in the first place ("There But For the Grace of God", "Point of View")"

I removed that section from the "Addendum to Love Life" because, even though I personally feel that the rest of the section is also grasping at straws, this paragraph is just to far out to keep in. All it does it say that she never knew Daniel in the alternate realities, so she never fell in love with him, but that is such an opinionated leap. As I like to point out, she also never met Teal'c, or Narim, or a dozen other men that she's shown interacting with in our reality. For all I know she might truly be destined to be with Daniel, and she might have only ended up with Jack in alternate realities because she never met Daniel, but we have no evience, only conjecture. JBK405 20:54, 9 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

"===Addendum to Love Life===

It is interesting to note that, despite the constant hints at a Carter/O'Neill relationship, some fans also favor Sam becoming romantically involved with Daniel Jackson, due to them being more intellectually equal than Carter and O'Neill, as well as them having more in common with each other. The two are regarded as the 'Science Twins' in many ways, each one possessing a love of the knowledge and discoveries that the Stargate enables them to make, and often end up working together on missions.

Although not as common as hints to a Carter/O'Neill relationship, there have been suggestions of a Carter/Daniel one. Two particularly prominent examples of hints at a romantic link between the two occur in "Meridian", when Carter told a dying Jackson "I don't know why we wait to tell people how we really feel. I guess I hoped that you always knew", suggesting that she does feel something for him beyond friendship, and after his return from ascension in "Fallen", when an amnesic Daniel quickly asked Carter if there had ever been something between them."

On second thought, I'm removing the rest of the section, too. It's to much conjecture and not enough support, relying to much on interpretation and assumption. If somebody is really compelled they can add it back in (I've copied the entire section here so that my decision isn't irrversible), but at least put more support. JBK405 20:58, 9 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

perhaps Sam/Daniel could be included if, say, Sam/Teal'c, Jonas (Quinn), etc were as well. if anyone's up to the task...seems like a rather slippery slope to me. or maybe make a section specifically "actual" stuff (Jack, Pete, Joe, Jonas, maybe Narim and Martouf) and then another section for fan speculation showing all sides (Daniel, Teal'c, Jonas Quinn...Hammond, Ba'al, Thor...).

Also, doesn't Mark have two kids? The "Known Relatives" block only lists one unnamed niece. 16:31, 26 December 2006 (UTC)PRReply

Sam & Daniel in "Holiday"


Just to add to the confusion: I just watched "Holiday" (Season 2, Episode 17) and noticed the following:

Sam: "Daniel. You can't die on me now"
Daniel: "It's nice to know you don't just like me for my looks"

after which Sam kisses Daniel (in Ma'chello's body) on the forehead. This seems to fit in with the other hints at a romantic link between Carter and Daniel Jackson. I'm not sure what (if anything) it means, but this seemed as good a place as any to mention it.

-- Felix C. Stegerman (talk) 00:52, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Love life: Graham Simmons


The Lovelife section stated:

Graham Simmons - A Lieutenant at the Stargate Command that has a crush on Carter during the events of "Message In a Bottle"; it is unknown if he survives the alien infection or dies due to an allergy to Tetracycline, the antibody capable of fighting the infection.

Since I've seen Lt. Simmons appear in several later episodes of season 2, I'd say he's not dead. Therefore I've removed the "it is unknown ... infection" part.

-- Felix C. Stegerman (talk) 22:38, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Carter on SGA


Amanda Tapping is contracted for 14 episodes of SGA Season 4. That's all I know, but if anyone has more information, this article should probably be updated to include that. nmw 02:09, 14 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Does anyone know why they Amanda Tapping off of SGA in season five? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:31, 21 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Because the actress is working on Sanctuary (web series) now. – sgeureka tc 05:51, 22 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Sam in Seasons 9 and 10


Regarding Sam's status in Seasons 9 and 10, is it accurate to refer to her as Mitchell's 2IC?

It has never been stated on the show, in fact Mitchell has specifically said (in the Season 10 episode "Insiders") that he and Sam having the same rank is a factor in his inability to "control anything". In "Uninvited", he says that he is used to a clearer chain of command. Neither would be an issue if she were his 2IC, even if they are both lieutenant colonels.

Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi has publicly stated that Sam and Mitchell co-command SG-1.

"In the writers room, we did debate the whole leadership issue and eventually compormised, deciding on a co-leadership." - Joseph Mallozzi, post #2838 in the Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3) thread at Gateworld.


Perhaps in the absence of an onscreen statement that Sam is indeed 2IC of SG-1, Mr Mallozzi's word should be accepted and both Sam and Mitchell's profiles should be amended to list them both as co-commanders of SG-1.

You Stargate fans really have no idea how the military works do you. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

I think it's safer to suggest that the SG-1 writers don't. Maury 18:24, 22 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

The writers definitely don't, I was just saying the fans seem to go crazy over what they think they know about the military. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:12, August 24, 2007 (UTC)

It's fiction...=David(talk)(contribs) 02:22, 23 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
A friend of mine revealed that all is not always clear-cut in the US military. He saw a 10-12 man team in Iraq, led by a Major with a Lt Colonel in it. Presumably it was a temporary assignment for the Colonel, not worth altering the entire leadership structure of the team for. Tomalak Geret'kal (talk) 22:53, 3 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Simply put season nine first episode, general landry says to Mitchell "Your here to lead SG-1" discussion solved.Ottawa4ever (talk) 15:32, 12 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

New Picture?


I'm not sure, do you think we should update the picture to a more recent one, say one of the promotional shots from Atlantis, or just keep this one? If we update it the old one will be deleted, and we can't really have one of Sam in the Atlantis uniform just because it's a different uniform. I'm just thinking aloud...Million_Moments (talk) 12:10, 16 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I just added a promotional image from Atlantis to the Atlantis section for now. Million_Moments (talk) 11:54, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I swapped the old SG-1 image for her Atlantis image in the infobox. I don't think two images are necessary at the moment per Wikipedia:Non-free content, but this may change when the other sections with real-world content get developed. – sgeureka t•c 21:19, 2 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Removed sections


I removed the following sections from the article because I see them as unnecessary per WP:Manual of Style (writing about fiction) and WP:No original research. I'm still leaving them here in case some of it can be re-used later. – sgeureka t•c 21:19, 2 March 2008 (UTC)Reply


  • Jack O'Neill - Throughout the run of the series, much speculation has been devoted to the nature of the relationship between Jack O'Neill and Carter. For example, in the episode "There But For the Grace of God", a Sam from an alternate reality (who has never entered the military) is engaged to Jack, who is the head of Stargate Command. Similarly, in the episode "Point of View" the Sam and Jack of the alternate reality have been married for over a year.
Other mentions of their relationship include: In the episode Window of Opportunity, O'Neill resigns from the Air Force so that he can kiss Carter during one of the repeating time-loops he is trapped in. In the fourth season episode "Divide and Conquer", both Sam and Jack are forced to openly admit that their feelings for one another go beyond the professional and are something they must conceal. In the seventh season episode "Grace", Samantha hallucinates an encounter with Jack in which she discusses her feelings for him and kisses him, but ultimately decides to let him go because he is ultimately unavailable due to military protocol. In the episode "Threads", Sam must come to grips with her feelings for Jack and cope with the loss of her father, Jacob Carter. Citing uncertainty among other reasons, she breaks off her engagement to Pete. Throughout the series, there are several other incidents that prove their feelings remain a subtle constant in their lives. They marry in various alternate realities (e.g. "Point of View"); in the main reality, they are forbidden from even expressing mutual attraction by military regulations that ban relationships between a soldier and his or her commanding officer. With O'Neill promoted to a position in which he is no longer Carter's immediate commanding officer, it is unclear if they have entered into a relationship. However, in an episode of Season 9 Samantha mentions that she's "not exactly" single, while avoiding any explanation. In one episode (200), O'Neill and Carter marry during a fantasy sequence. In Line in the Sand, Carter reveals that her secret computer password is "fishing", an oblique reference to O'Neill and his frequent invitations to her to go fishing with him at his cabin, especially in season 4. In the recent episode "Reunion" from season 4 of Atlantis, in the scene where Carter is unpacking after reaching her new home, there is a visible photo in one of her suitcases: a picture of O'Neill, suggesting that there is still something between them.
  • Martouf and Lantash - Samantha hosted Jolinar, a past lover of Martouf, and the romantic feelings seem to carry over, though Martouf eventually grows attracted to Samantha herself. In one alternate reality, they have a long-term relationship, though it has ended by the time Sam encounters the alternate Martouf in ("Ripple Effect"). Martouf's symbiote Lantash shared his feelings for her in ("Last Stand").
  • Rodney McKay - Another scientist, Sam first meets him during the events of "48 Hours", when the two are assigned together to try and get Teal'c out of the Stargate when it shuts down before his matter stream is reintegrated into a person. McKay is strongly attracted to Sam, but his arrogance and rude behavior, bordering on sexual harassment, prevent them ever developing anything beyond a civil working relationship, even after he is transferred to Atlantis and matures into a better person. Although she is now the leader of the Atlantis Expedition, she does not hint at any sort of attraction towards him - and interestingly, neither does McKay, who has a girlfriend - but she appears to respect him somewhat more than she did early on. His feelings for her may subconsciously continue, however. When Sam visits an alternate reality in "The Road Not Taken", Sam learns that the two had been briefly married, but divorced prior to our Sam's visit to that reality.
  • Fifth - The most human of the human-form Replicators, Fifth develops feelings, of a sort, for Sam during SG-1's mission to stop the Replicators by using a time dilation device. When the Replicators escape ("New Order"), Fifth, hurt by Sam's betrayal, captures her and tries to make her love him. When this fails, he tried to 'win her' anyway by creating a human-form Replicator in her image that would become known as RepliCarter, but he is eventually killed by his own creation.
  • Orlin - (Briefly reciprocated) - An Ascended being, Orlin falls in love with Sam when SG-1 visits the world he had been banished to for interfering in the affairs of lower beings. He eventually rejoins the other Ascended ("Ascension"), but later Descends once more to give SG-1 vital help during the Ori crisis. He takes the form of a child, in order to allow him to retain some of his Ancient knowledge, and the result is brain-damage, leaving him unable to ascend. Ultimately, he can no longer even recognize Sam.
  • Agent Malcolm Barrett - (not reciprocated) - They worked closely together in a few episodes, and his attraction to her is implied by his body language and intonation when he asks in "Ex Deus Machina" if she is seeing anyone, and she replies that she is unavailable.
  • Narim of the Tollan - ("Enigma"). She is attracted to him, but tells him she needs to work out the effects of her hosting Jolinar before she can make any decisions. His planet is then assaulted by the Goa'uld, and his people are never heard from again.
  • Dr. Jay Felger - A well-meaning but inept scientist, Doctor Felger develops a crush on Sam, but she never learns of it. ("The Other Guys")
  • Pete Shanahan - A police detective and friend of Sam's brother, the two date for about a year, with Pete learning about Sam's work during the final fight with Osiris; they are briefly engaged ("Affinity"), but Sam breaks it off due to her uncertainty about her feelings after Daniel's apparent death, and her feelings upon discovering that Jack is having a relationship with a CIA agent ("Threads")
  • Joseph Faxon - An ambassador sent to negotiate an alliance with the Aschen. In an alternate future in which the alliance with the Aschen proceeded, the two are married. However, in that future, the alliance ultimately causes the downfall of earth's civilizations, ("2010"), with Faxon's complicity. The future SG-1 sacrifice themselves to successfully send a message back to the past to stop them from ever meeting the Aschen. In the present, however, Sam and Faxon still meet, due to a different encounter with the Aschen. They flirt with one another, but he apparently is killed or captured by the Aschen while saving the earth from them, in ("2001")
  • Jonas Hanson - A former fiance, Hanson was a member of SG-9 until he tried to set himself up as a god on another planet. After SG-1 exposes him as a false god, he is killed when he is thrown through the gate while the iris was closed. ("The First Commandment")
  • Graham Simmons - A Lieutenant at the Stargate Command that has a crush on Carter during the events of "Message In a Bottle".
  • Daniel Jackson - After his descension for attempting to stop Anubis destroying Abydos, Daniel loses his memories of being an Ascended being. When he is reunited with his teammates on SG-1, he asks Samantha Carter if there was ever anything between them; she responds that they were just really good friends. Whether this comment of Daniel's means anything more has never been fully explored. Also, when Daniel was poisoned by radiation, Sam came and talked to him and said, " Why don't we ever tell people how we really feel?" Interestingly enough, in an interview with Carmen Argenziano, the actor who plays Jacob Carter, when asked who he could see as a good match for Samantha Carter, Carmen stated that he favored a Daniel Jackson/Samantha Carter pairing in the series; his exact words were "I like Daniel Jackson. I felt that Daniel would have been the right choice because Daniel is well-educated, is intelligent, gentlemanly and he was everything that I envisioned that my daughter would end up with."

Ribbons and Medals


Further reading

  • ""Amanda Speaks Out – GateWorld talks with Amanda Tapping"". 2004. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  • ""Action Mom – GateWorld talks with Amanda Tapping"". 2005. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  • ""A Decade With Sam – GateWorld talks with Amanda Tapping"". 2006. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  • ""Looking Backward, Looking Forward – GateWorld talks with Amanda Tapping"". 2007. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

Alright which picture is better?


which picture should be put on display: [2]‎ or [3] both are cool, but i suggest the former mainly because im still not convinced that Carter was a prominent figure in Atlantis. leading Atlantis wasnt one of her highlights in her career, she was just put there for a moment to boost the show. am i right? the first pic represents her defiance while the second represents her leadership. Dioxholster (talk) 18:48, 8 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

I am fine with either image, as long as we can keep the number of non-free images in this article to no more than two (preferably one) in the article. (But if I had to decide, I'd pick any SG-1 image of her over an Atlantis imagesper your reasoning. And because I never got used to Carter in leather. :-)) – sgeureka tc 19:21, 8 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

images again


This image has twice been removed from the article w/o summary. I don't know why, although I speculate that editors feel the article has too many images and will fall afoul of WP:NFC. [ I've replaced the image again] because it's not copyrighted and certainly doesn't detract from—and should improve—the article. I asked editors to discuss here before removing again.

I also removed the image sizing specifications for Image:Samcarteratlantis.jpg since WP:MoS#Images recommends against it unless demonstratively necessary since it would override the user-set image thumbnail sizing.

I also added a {{non-free}} tagging, since three copyrighted images of the same character is rather excessive. I would recommend using the first two that're in the prose as they span a greater time, and deleting the one in the infobox as unnecessary. And again, the Continuum image isn't copyrighted and doesn't run afoul of any image use policies or guidelines. — pd_THOR | =/\= | 18:31, 6 November 2008 (UTC)Reply



according to ~ "Promotion to GeneralEdit

Roughly two years after the defeat of the Ori, Carter was promoted to Brigadier General and was put in charge of Stargate Command, placing her in command when the base was attacked by the System Lords Third Battle Group. (Stargate Resistance)" Nford24 (talk) 08:55, 17 October 2011 (AEST)

Should it be noted that this "promotion" comes from a video game that is no longer available, and was never canon to begin with?Rcarter555 (talk) 02:00, 12 May 2012 (UTC)Reply

When did Sam join the United States Air Force


When (year) did Sam join the United States Air Force?. (talk) 1:49,18 September 2014 (UTC)

Does anyone know when Sam joined the Air Force?. (talk) 1:49, 18 September 2014 (UTC



Carter is promoted to colonel. Why not simply state this? Why the reference to "Full bird Colonel" - a rare and obscure slang term? (talk) 07:16, 26 May 2015 (UTC)Reply