Pietro Carmeliano, one of Henry VII's chaplains


Which was at least one hundred years before the dates given for the secretary hand. What exactly is the relevance? (fotoguzzi) (talk) 08:13, 10 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Let's prepare a transcription of the displayed documents


At the moment the article says almost nothing about the actual letter forms. In the long run it would be wonderful to have a table showing the common forms and variants. That would be very ambitious. But a good first step would be to actually transcribe the documents. Here is the beginning of an attempt to transcribe the 1623 covenant bond. I'm starting at the ornate T about a quarter of the way down the page. I don't vouch for much accuracy -- I'm hoping that people who read secretary better than I will chip in.

The condicioun of this obligacoun (sic) is sure, that if the above bounden Margaret Boucher & her heires shall from time to time & att all and evrie time and times for ever performe(?) and keepe as well all and singular ??? graunts things & agreemts conteyned & ??? in one ??? bearinge date the second day of May laste pay(?) ??? before the date hereof ...

Well, I'm running out of steam and confidence here, but I hope others can see the usefulness of such an addition to the article, and can extend my poor beginning. ACW (talk) 23:44, 3 December 2022 (UTC)Reply