English language


I removed this from the leader: "The festival was promoted entirely through the English language to avoid attracting the attention of the authorities."

It is a parade. I doubt the authorities missed it because it was in English. This is dealt with better further in the article, so I think it is sensible to get rid of this unreferenced leader statement. (talk) 11:00, 7 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Similarly I have placed a fact tag on another section referring to the event possibly not passing well with the authorities. Such statements should be cited in order to avoid misrepresenting people/groups. --Taelus (talk) 11:28, 7 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
And I have now removed it having found a citation... Sorry, I misread the article when I first read through it and didn't catch the potential reference. --Taelus (talk) 11:30, 7 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's NOT a parade, it's a party/festival/gathering at a private venue and thus could slip under official radar to some extent. They also advertised in a non-Chinese text to avoid too much opposition from local civilians. Radagast (talk) 03:23, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

This is small unimportant news and should not clutter up WikiPedia's front pages. Plane crashes, economic crises, acute infectious diseases are news. This is a tiny exhibition. Ho-humregford (talk) 04:26, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Agreed. Plus it is totally not reported in Shanghai in the official media for now. 99% of the local people are not even aware of this. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:04, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
And why shouldn't Wikipedia help make people aware of it? --candlewicke 16:46, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
This doesn't seem like an article at all. It's purpose would seem to be to advertise the event. Is that what Wikipedia is for??? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:36, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Text dump of removed chinese from article


Note: I have no idea what the following means, or if it is in any way relevant. I am simply moving it here from the main article incase it is intended to be translated, or was a good-faith contribution that desired translating. --Taelus (talk) 15:31, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply



周六(6月13日)在新华路Cotton’s餐吧举行的花园狂欢派对将“骄傲周”活动引向高潮。当天的派对由展现活力与健康的健美比赛火热开场,之后,颇具特色的地方反串(男扮女装)表演、巴西民间舞蹈、中国传统舞蹈、京剧、游戏以及一场无声拍卖会(silent auction)轮番上演,精彩纷呈。在从下午两点到晚上十点的八个小时中,爆满的活动现场欢声雷动,一直洋溢着节日的气氛,其中还有不少参与者慕名从国内其他城市赶来。在花园派对将近尾声之时,著名爵士表演艺术家赵可(Coco Zhao)登台献艺,经典的爵士老歌激发了现场观众的热情。在这之后,四对同性爱人隆重登台,在现场来宾的见证下郑重盟誓、“喜结连理”,这场象征意义的“婚典”将全场气氛推向顶点,Cotton’s酒吧成了欢乐的海洋。花园派对之后,狂欢的人群移师外滩一处著名的酒吧,继续跳舞庆祝直到次日凌晨。

国内众多同性爱主题的网站及在线论坛对本次活动都给予了极大关注,部分在线博客还及时翻译和转载了英文媒体对于本次活动的报道。令人惊喜的是,国内最权威的英文主流媒体《中国日报》(China Daily)在其头版上对于本次活动进行了报道,并对活动的意义给予了积极评价,称其“反映了中国社会发展的进步……是一次对中国及世界具有深远意义的活动”。

