Solid Frog is or was a very energetic and fun band to watch, i don't think their albums are as great as their live shows. Every show they would come on stage dressed in something bizaar, ie: hazmat suits, the mylar suits was probably not their best idea. Their songs were original and the lead singer Andy Patalan and the guitar player Kyle are so very talented and they really should be on the radio, i don't know what it takes for that to happen. I'm pretty sure they had to change their name to Personal Space Invaders, I have a cd with that title but the same solid frog songs on it, I heard there was another band in Europe going by solid frog.

I would describe their music as fun rock. You know the kind you could jump to. So much energy and talent. Some of my favorite songs by Solid Frog are: Trans Am (Kyle's rif is so perfect), Head Check (Girl), Telluride, Pepper Spray. I wish itunes would put their catalog online, everyone should listen to them at least once. Pure entertainment. --caalr

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