Why isn't this article called "State Equal Rights clauses" instead?


Not all states had to amend their constitutions to have equal rights in them, some of them already had them meaning they are just clauses of those constitutions and not really amendments. Sion8 (talk) 04:41, 12 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

For what little it's worth, I came here to agree with that. Or "provisions". —Tamfang (talk) 18:07, 16 January 2020 (UTC)Reply

Consider adding Indiana to this list and map


Indiana Constitution, Article 1, Section 23, states: "The General Assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens." http://iga.in.gov/legislative/laws/const/ Dan Bollinger (talk) 20:51, 11 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Man that's worded thickly! But, yeah I think that's an equality clause in Indiana's constitution. -- sion8   talk page 06:55, 12 March 2019 (UTC)Reply