Sugar addiction is the state of addiction to consumption of sweet foods and/or sweet drinks. Eating foods with any kind of "sugar releases opioids and dopamine in our bodies."[1][2] These opioids and dopamine give us a temporary happy feeling, which makes us crave for more.

Types of Sugar


On food labels, "added sugars" refers to the following :

  • Glucose,
    • White sugar
  • Fructose
    • High Fructose corn syrup
  • Dextrose
    • corn syrup, brown sugar
  • maltose
    • Rice syrup, sweet potato syrup
  • Sucrose

simple carbohydrates


Simple carbohydrates are easily converted into sugar

sugary drinks


In countries with severe water shortage(eg. Saudi Arabia), or polluted water(eg. Mexico), Soft drinks and sugar added juices tend to be more readily available than clean water.

Coca cola


In addition to a large amount of sugar, Coca cola also has Caffeine, another addictive ingredient.

Many Mexicans are addicted to Coca cola, which is more available than clean water in distant towns in Mexico. [3]



Research has shown that many people in India are addicted to sweets.[4] These 'sweets' are made of sugar along with milk or pulses, and sometimes oil or Ghee. Sweets are usually eaten as deserts, and also brought by visitors as gifts.

Intake of milk may also be addictive. Research suggests the digestion of milk protein casein releases an opioid called Casomorphin.



A person addicted to chocolates is called Chocoholic

Ice Cream


Research has shown ice cream is very addictive, and regular intake decreases the pleasure from eating it: "Our results provide novel evidence that frequent consumption of ice cream, independent of body fat, is related to a reduction in reward-region responsivity in humans, paralleling the tolerance observed in drug addiction."[5]

See Also


