File:Black darter (Sympetrum danae) male.jpg scheduled for POTD


Hello! This is to let editors know that the featured picture File:Black darter (Sympetrum danae) male.jpg, which is used in this article, has been selected as the English Wikipedia's picture of the day (POTD) for January 18, 2021. A preview of the POTD is displayed below and can be edited at Template:POTD/2021-01-18. For the greater benefit of readers, any potential improvements or maintenance that could benefit the quality of this article should be done before its scheduled appearance on the Main Page. If you have any concerns, please place a message at Wikipedia talk:Picture of the day. Thank you! Cwmhiraeth (talk) 11:41, 28 December 2020 (UTC)Reply


Sympetrum danae, the black darter or black meadowhawk, is a species of dragonfly found in northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Both sexes are black and yellow, but the abdomen of the male is largely black while that of the female is largely yellow. Breeding takes place in shallow acidic pools, lake margins and ditches in lowland heaths and moorland bogs. The female lays her eggs during flight by dipping the tip of her abdomen into the water. The eggs hatch the following spring, the larvae developing very rapidly and emerging as adults in as little as two months. The male seen here is perched on a frond of bracken on Warren Heath in Hampshire, England.

Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

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