Type Length Value (TLV) It is a type of encoding rule used in protocol communication.

 |  Type    |  Length   |    Value    |

Type: The type field is used to encode the purpose of the information embedded in the message. Usually, it is of fixed length (fixed no. of bytes).

Length: Length field indicates, usually, the length in bytes used for value. The size of the length field is either fixed to certain bytes or is coded in such a way that it can be dynamically extended.

Value: It is the actual message which is communicated between two communication entities.

There are different standards available which make use of this encoding mechanism. The advantage of this type of encoding are seen

  • in carrying different types of message in the value field over a single protocol depending on the value in the Type field
  • in keeping the Vlaue field taylored exactly for the embedded data, thus avoiding the need of zero-padding

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