Talk:Talisman (board game)

Latest comment: 9 years ago by Cyberbot II in topic External links modified

First stab


This article is just my first stab at a discussion of the game. It would be nice to have a table of the board (like Monopoly has). It'd also be nice to have some images of game elements, such as the board, characters or cards. But I think Games Workshop has a copyright on all these, so displaying them here wouldn't be possible. I'd appreciate any corrections between the Second and Third Edition discussions. Most of what appears here is from memory and I haven't played it in years (sob). I only played the Third Edition briefly and it may be vastly different than the Second. Is killing a dragon the object of the Third Edition? I know the object of the Second Edition was to reach the Crown of Command... -Frecklefoot

If Monopoly is allowed to display it shouldn't that mean we are allowed to show the board here too? Mathmo 05:49, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
Hi, nice article. I didn't realize until I saw the pic that I bought this game as a kid! I wonder if it's still at my parents' house. Anyhow, some info that I thought might be interesting is how it compares to other RPG board games - for example, you mention on the talk page that playtime is pretty short, taking only an hour or two, but I didn't see that in the article. I think it would be useful information. Other than that, great informative article!Lijakaca 19:41, 24 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Glad you like it, but I can't take all the credit any longer. A lot of editors have dropped by and added a great deal of information (they also deleted articles I wrote related to this topic—something I did not appreciate!). Game play length is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • Experience levels and ages of players (for example, very experienced >13 year-old players can just glance at a card and know what it does, they don't have to read it; if they need to read it, they can read faster than a younger player; they can anticipate play and know when to roll the dice based on what the previous player is doing)
  • The number of expansions in use
  • The number of players

So giving even a ballpark figure would be tough. Most games will be at least an hour, however. — Frecklefoot | Talk 14:39, 25 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



I re-organized the article so now it has seperate sections for the First, Second and Third Editions. Looking through the history, it looks like I am the only one who has ever edited this article. Holy Cow! Am I the only one who's ever heard of this game? -Frecklefoot

No! I run tournaments of Talisman at UK Games Expo and helped with the design of the new revised 4th edition and many of the expansions. I have 3 complete copies of the game which are all sleeved and I use playing piece standees instead of miniatures (I don't have the time to paint). Elliott. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Talismanamsilat (talkcontribs) 08:20, 10 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ramble about something


I have finally had a chance to play the game after wanting to for about 15 years or more. I picked up a copy of the limited 3rd edition, never having seen anything more of previous editions but the box, but hearing that the game was GREAT by everyone that had ever played it. I opened up the box and saw the trademark Games Workshops cheap pieces, such a contrast to the German games I usually buy these days (like Settlers of Catan) and I wondered why it cost me $130 Canadian for the game. I was pretty disappointed by the amount of luck vs. skill needed and the simplicity of the game. Well, my friends liked this game so I decided to go through all of the work of cleaning up the skimpy rules. And after reading a bunch of stuff on the web written by players I decided to add some new stuff.  :) I guess that's really what the game is about.. I had a LOT of trouble finding modifications suggestions to the game and couldn't find a single decent faq. So I'll post my House Rules here for someone else who might be looking for ideas. A tiny bit is stolen from other dudes on the web, never kept track of who.

CHARACTER CARDS Strength, craft and life cannot be increased beyond double your starting level (this is called your Absolute Maximum). Bonuses from magical objects and followers are excluded from this limit.

Your starting Current Life Maximum (and the Life you start with) is determined by your starting Strength vs. your starting Craft. If your Craft is higher, you start with a 3 Current Life Maximum. If your Strength is higher, you start with 5 Current Life Maximum. If your Craft and Strength are tied, you start with a 4 Current Life Maximum.

Your Current Life Maximum (the amount that you can heal to by effects that "heal" your life to full) is kept track of by placing a die on the Life box of the Character Card. It can never be decreased (except by casting Temporal Warp, see below). It can be increased through trading in 7 Xp/+1 Current Life Maximum. As a bonus, when you trade in Xp for life in this matter, you are fully healed.

You may only trade in Xp for things before you roll to move or at the end of your or an opponent's turn.

The Wizard gets to draw 2 spell cards when first playing him. He must choose and discard one immediately.

Character Cards that say "You do not need to roll the dice in the...". You are allowed to add or subtract a number from your die if you choose to roll there (after you roll). In addition, you are allowed to add or subtract a number from an opponent's die roll for this space, if he lands here while you are here (after he rolls). If both you and the enemy have an ability for the space, they are nullified (for that one roll) if used against each other.

The Knight Templar's Pray ability can only be used once during your turn and once during each of your opponent's turns (if they attack you or you are rolling because of an opponent's Event, etc.). You choose if/when to use it.

Buying spell cards: At the beginning of each of your turns, before you roll for movement you may buy random spell cards (draw off of the spell pile) for X gold. X depends on the values of your Strength and Craft (not counting objects, followers, etc.). If your Craft is two or more higher than your Strength, X = 7. If your Craft is 1 higher than your Strength, X = 10. If your Strength and Craft are equal, X = 14. If your Strength is higher than your Craft, you may not buy spell cards using this option.

GENERAL RULES Older but Wiser If you miss a turn for any reason you gain 1 xp. If you land on a space and it results in the specific instructions "nothing happens" you gain 1 xp. This also includes 4-5 on the Forest or Crags space and Neutral characters on the Graveyard.

Weapons Weapons (Broadsword, Axe, Bow, Doomsword, Holy Lance, Skull Wand, Ancient Artifact, etc) and other "combat" increasing cards do not add to Psychic (Craft) combat unless the card specifically says "PSYCHIC combat". Note: This rule is straight from the company, not just a house rule!

Objects in Battle You must declare which objects you are using BEFORE you roll the combat dice. Armour and other "save a life" items are declared but not rolled for unless you would lose a life in the combat. You may use a shield, helmet and armour or any combination (to a maximum of 1 each item) you choose. However even if one item saves your life, you must still roll for each of the items used for possible breakage.

Allocating Objects and Followers - New Phase The very first thing you do each turn on your own turn is allocate who/what will be carrying the various objects you own. This cannot be changed until the start of your next turn unless you come across a new item that you can pick up which then triggers another phase like this one, before carrying on with your turn. You may ditch objects on your space during this phase as well.

Rafts If you start a turn in a Forest space and have an Axe, you may build a raft in order to cross to the space directly across from you in the opposite ring. This one move counts as your move for the turn, you may not roll for movement first.

BOARD SPACES Hazards If you land on a space occupied by another player and the space forces you to roll a die and consult the space's chart, if there are no positive results on the chart (ie: you couldn't gain anything), you must roll and follow the space before you choose to attack the other player or not.

Desert A)The desert effects of taking a life always affects anyone who lands there, even if they choose to encounter a player that is there. B)Followers perish on a 1d6 roll of 1 or 2 if you do not have a water bottle or the holy grail.

Runes In addition to increasing the combat strength of any monster you fight here, this space has an effect on the following cards:

  • Arena: When the final totals are made, increase the lower total by 3 (Increase both by 3 if both are equal - for Xp purposes).
  • Cave: Monsters/Spirits encountered within the cave have their Strength/Craft increased by 3 and increase the amount of gold found by 1.
  • Cave Troll: In addition to having its strength upped to 9, it will

regenerate on a roll of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

  • Earthquake: Even worse earthquake -- a roll of 1, 2, 3 or 4 will have the

card fall into the chasm and be discarded.

  • Fountain of Wisdom: Place FIVE craft here instead of four.
  • Magic Stream: Place FIVE strength here instead of four.
  • Marsh: The Marsh is thicker and stickier then ever, forcing you to lose a

turn unless you have a strength of 8 or more.

  • Maze: The Maze is even twister, forcing you to lose a turn unless you have a

craft of 8 or more.

  • Pool of Life: Place FIVE lives here instead of four.

The Wizard's Tower When you land on the space you encounter all five of the Tower cards in the order listed on the cards. You either win or die, there is no other turns for your character in the tower besides that one. When you die, unless you are playing the team_survivor variant, you may still choose another character to play, but your followers, objects and that Character Sheet are forever lost (thrown back into the game box for the duration of this game) as well as your gold (goes to the bank). You do not have to roll for the magical trap or the pit trap if you are prepared to proceed as if rolled a 1 or 2 on each object or follower (depending on the card). Followers and objects lost in the Wizard's Tower are forever lost (see above).

The Temple You do not normally roll twice when on this space. You just roll your movement for the turn and are unable to move unless you rolled a 4-6. Some things like the "Praying" ability allow you to roll more than once. The roll kept however, is still your movement roll. With objects that let you add dice together for your movement roll, you move on a 4 or greater total.

The Warlocks's Cave You may only be on one quest at a time. If you land here without having finished a previous quest, you lose your choice of 1 Life, 1 Strength or 1 Craft (you cannot choose Strength or Craft to go below your starting total). You are then given a new quest (by rolling). It may be the same quest again.

The Cursed Glade If you land on another player here and opt to fight them, as per the space neither of you may use objects or cast spells.

The Castle and The Chapel You may only go to 4 life (if 4 Life is your Current Maximum). You must pay for and heal as much as it takes to get to 4 life if you opt to heal here.

The Village You may only go to 4 Life (if 4 Life is your Current Maximum). You do not have to pay for and heal to maximum lives.

The City Gates You may buy as many of the listed items as you wish as long as you can afford them and they are still in the Purchase deck. (Note: See Allocating Objects and Followers).

SPELLS Preservation The Preservation spell may be used to save a follower from being killed.

Finger of Death Causes an automatic win in Combat or Psychic Combat. Armour-type saves do not work against this. Once cast, this card is removed from the game. It cannot be saved by the Wizard's special spell-recovery/cycling ability.

Healing You cannot cast this spell AFTER you have 0 lives so you must use it while you still have 1 life. Ie: Cannot be at 1 life, lose 1 for some reason and then end up at 4 life (if 4 is your Current Life Maximum), it would be (4-1=) 3 instead.

Destroy Magic Affects Magic Weapons as well. You have to be on the same space as the opponent who owns the targetted weapon. Can be used on a magic weapon on a board space if you are on the same space and have "encountered" the weapon (ie: followed all previous events first). The weapon is placed into the discard pile. You may only cast this immediately before you roll to move or when a fight is about to take place (after the fighter's identities are known), before objects are commited to the battle.

Temporal Warp The aging effects of this spell cause you to lose 1 Current Life Maximum at the beginning of each of your extra turns for a total of 2 Current Life Maximum lost. Current Life Maximum is the number you keep on your die in the Life box. This does not cause you to lose any of your current Life counters unless you now have more than your maximum.

Displacement Can be cast AFTER rolling for movement if you wish.

Barrier You may also cast this spell AFTER another player's roll for movement, before he moves.

Fireball and Lightning Bolt You may choose to add the bonus to either your Strength OR your Craft total.

ADVENTURE CARDS Astral Conjunction This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Book of Spells For every point your Craft is higher than your Strength score (not counting objects, followers etc.), you draw an extra spell card beyond your maximum. You then discard the same number of spells WITHOUT casting them. If your Craft is not higher than your Strength than you follow the card as normal. (Ex: A starting Wizard has a Craft 4, Strength 2 and draws this event. He would draw spell cards so that he had 5 total. (3 max + 2 CraftmorethanStrength = 5). Then he would discard 2.)

Jester If other characters are in the Tavern when you land there, the Jester may be transfered to one of them (instead of just discarding it) if the player with the Jester chooses to.

Electrical Storm Each follower carrying a metal object must roll a die. 1 - They die and any objects they were carrying are ruined (discard them). 2 - They die and drop their objects. 3-6 - They are safe.

Chinese Dragon As per the 2nd edition rules, the Wise Chinese Dragon has Craft 6 as well and will attack your WEAKEST attribute.

Cursed By Hag As per the 2nd edition rules, the Hag kills all followers you have at that time (discard them) rather than just ditching them on the space.

Blizzard The Skaven may roll ONE die as for normal movement - a roll of 6 allows him to use his special movement while any other roll means he is affected by the blizzard for that turn. He may not combine this with other special movement (like extra rolls).

Healer Remember you can only heal to your Current Life Maximum (the number on the die in your Life box).

Doomsword A) As per 2nd edition rules, the Doomsword only drains the life out of monsters -- you gain nothing when fighting spirits. B) When attacking monsters, you may only take the life if you forego the experience. C) When attacking another player, you only gain the life if you decide to take a life instead of taking an object or gold. The life must actually be lost, not saved by an object, etc. You choose what you want to take before the other player rolls for life saves (from armour, etc.).

Crystal Ball You may only play it before you roll to move or at the end of another player's turn.

Bandit & HighwayMan The gold you give him is left on his space and is counted as a #5 adventure card (that does not count toward the maximum cards on the space).

Doppleganger A) The Doppleganger is an exact match for the characters Strength, including Strength gained by magical objects. It does not include Strength from spells or followers. The Doppleganger gets the same weapon bonuses as you since it duplicates those weapons as well. B) You may not add any Strength gained from followers in combat (they don’t know who to help!) C) The Doppleganger can copy your physical form but it doesn't have spell-casting ability. Therefore you may cast spells to aid you in combat. These spells are not mirrored by the Doppleganger. D) If you lose a life to the Doppleganger Adventure card, he becomes you! (or rather you become him as you get to play as a Doppleganger, you lucky bastard you!) You cannot voluntarily choose to lose the fight, but you do not have to do anything to help it. You have to become a Doppleganger if you lose a life to him.

A Doppleganger Copying a Character Card You lose any former special abilities you possessed. The Character Card being copied is transfered to the Doppleganger player. Reset your Current Life Maximum die to 4 (if 4 is the cards' starting Life) and heal to full life. Remove all Xp counters from the card. If you have just been defeated by the Adventure card Doppleganger itself, reset your Craft counters to their starting numbers, this is your new starting Craft (from now on your Craft does not change from further Doppleganging of Character Cards or monsters). You are now a Doppleganger of the character rather than the character itself. As a Doppleganger you may not have spells (discard any you may have now) and never gain Xp. (Note: If you draw the Demigod adventure card you do not gain any spells but may choose to die voluntarily.) You can use the new Character's special abilities as your own but still cannot cast spells. As a copy of a Character Card you may use objects and carry items as normal (including a genie's or wands' spell because it is carried on you IN the item). You inherit all of the old Character's objects, followers and get to steal all of his gold to add it to your own.

Playing a Doppleganger You may not choose to start as a Doppleganger at the game start. It must be a real event. A Doppleganger never loses its' ability to Dopplegang even after it changes to another Character or monster. You may not Dopplegang (copy) a spirit. Only after beating a monster (not before like on the Adventure card), you may change into that monster permanently, changing your Starting and current Strength to its' Strength and losing all former abilities. You reset your Life total to your new maximum which is equal to your new Strength without bonuses (this is unique to the Doppleganger). You do not gain the use of any Special Abilities of that monster. You may not carry or use objects in a monster form, but any followers you have would still be able to carry objects if they normally could. Followers are made to worship and/or fear you or are replaced by more Dopplegangers (This is just an explanation of why a follower would stay with a bear/wolf, etc. It has no effect on the game). If in a battle you successfuly force another player to lose a life, you may become him! If you choose to become him, he must choose another character to play at the start of his next turn just as if he had died, however his character card is transfered to the Doppleganger player as per "A Doppleganger Copying a Character Card" above. You may only cease playing a Doppleganger if you lose your last life (or die in the Wizard's Tower). You then choose another Character to play as normal.

Sorceror He will sell you a number of spells up to the maximum your character can learn. However the 2nd spell costs 2 gold. The third spell costs 3 gold and so on.

Wand The spell is inside of the wand, so if you lose the wand, the spell goes with it as well. This and the Genie are the only two ways of the Doppleganger using spells.

Golden Statue A) As per the 2nd edition rules, if you have the Golden Statue in your possession and are attacked by another player and lose, that player MUST take the Golden Statue instead of a life, other object or gold (gotta have it!). B) May only be carried by the character himself (ie: in their personal limit of 4 objects). If carried by any follower they abscond with it, running off to the discard pile. The mule counts in this case as the mule-team driver takes it.

Holy Grail As per 2nd edition rules, while the grail is in your possession you do not lose lives in the desert.

Magic Amulet As per the 2nd edition rules, while you are wearing the amulet, you may not cast spells. Spell casting followers are not affected and may cast their spells as needed. Likewise, if it is being carried by a follower, you are not affected/protected by the Magic Amulet.

Magical Vortex The Genie is unaffected by the vortex, being a creature of magic -- his spell is not removed.

Mercenary As per the 2nd edition, you need to spend 1 gold to hire on the Mercenary as a follower.

Sphynx You get one die per two craft, ROUNDED DOWN.

Winged Boots The boots cannot be used in conjunction with the horse (i.e. no winged horseshoes). Note: YOU MAY ONLY USE ONE SPECIAL MOVEMENT. You may not combine them. Once you have used one, you cannot use another that turn.

Potion of Strength This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Market The price list is on the City Gates space. If you draw an axe or other non-listed item, the price you pay is 1 gold.

Pretty Swank, hey? ICQ me at 127262460 if you would like to discuss it.  :) Connor'84

That is a LOT of information there Connor. :) But I don't think this is the right place for it. If you really want to make it available to the world, post it on a personal web site and create a link to it from the main article (you were right in not adding it to the main article).
If you wanted to add it to a wiki somewhere think about including it to wikibooks?? Mathmo 05:51, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
BTW, the Third Edition is dramatically different from the First and Second Editions. If you saw the two boards side by side, you'd see what I mean. The gameplay is also very different. Personally, I prefer the Second Edition over the Third--I feel the rules are better and the game is more complex (perhaps this is why GW "dumbed down" the rules?). Also I liked the fact that there were more add-ins available for the Second Edition. When my friends and I played with all the expansions, it'd take up the entire dining room table! :)
Thanks for your comments. If you have any contrasting info to that in the article, please edit to correct. —Frecklefoot 14:30 7 Jul 2003 (UTC)



The legacy section mentions a possible re-released in April 2003. Did that happen? Pete 13:47, 6 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I don't know, I didn't have a chance to investigate at the time. I know that it was just a limited re-release and knew that when they sold out, that was it. They seemed to hate the whole Talisman idea, and just wanted to re-release it to appease fans who kept asking for it. It seemed to me that the guys at GW are more hard-core RPG-ers and hate the idea of an RPG that can be played in around an hour or so, preferring games that take days to play instead (at least that is the feeling I got). But, yeah, I don't know if it happened. If it did, they've probably sold out by now. You can check with local game shops, though, and see if it happened and if they have any left. If you are actually looking for it, they go up for auction often on eBay. The second edition tends to fetch a hefty price. —Frecklefoot 13:23, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Polish version


Should I add a section about the Polish edition of Talisman (2nd edition only)? It was quite unusual, as it was the only foreign edition to use new art for all cards (no GW art), and it had a Polish-only expansion (Cave) made by the Polish publisher (Sfera). I know of some fan-made attemts at translating the Cave into English.

After they lost the license (Games Workshop didn't want to license it anymore - it seems that they truly hate this game), Sfera plagiarized the game as The Magic Sword, with some differences here and there, but basically the same gameplay. They released changed versions of all original expansions, as well as Cave, and another new expansion - The Wraith Crypt. Ausir

If you want to add that, sure. You could add a new "Polish version" (or similar) section. It seems pertinent, or at least interesting. —Frecklefoot 15:32, 16 Feb 2004 (UTC)
"The Magic Sword" (Magiczny Miecz) was also released in Russia (in Russian language). The website had a very detailed description of the different translation packages. 20:24, 15 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Finnish (& Swedish?) version


It would also seem that the Finnish version of the game is somewhat unconventional and I'd expect the Swedish version also having at least some minor tweaks to 1st & 2nd editions. As far as I can tell, the Finnish version I have is a combination of 2nd edition and the first expansion kit. There are 30 magic cards and at least some characters cards are from the expansion kit. I won't make the edit yet, if there are people who know more about these editions. Anybody have the swedish version? 10:59, 15 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'd say the Finnish version is closest to the German version, and the Swedish version looks a lot like the basic (English 2nd ed.) one. You can check some pictures at, as I have not seen any of these versions live. 20:41, 15 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Expert Rule Book


The Talisman Bible according to Elliott, has duly been released to the waiting world. This immense work was collated over a 3 year period, during which time Elliott lost a fiancee (she went into the Woods and never returned), moved house, got engaged to someone else, and had a baby boy (9 months old now).

So, have a wander over to Jon's website to receive this priceless gift to the world of Talisman - the Expert Rule Book!

Elliott 22:47, 8 September 2006 (UTC) ElliottReply

We normally don't allow links of this type (links to fan sites are discouraged), but I don't see any ads on your site, so it doesn't look commercial. I'll allow it for now unless someone complains. — Frecklefoot | Talk 15:15, 8 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Many thanks

Elliott 19:36, 8 September 2006 (UTC) ElliottReply

"Loosely connected to Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy setting"


Never had heard of this game before, however I'd be interested if there could be a section made about it's connection to Warhammer Fantasy as a precursor to it?? Mathmo 05:55, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Talisman was made when RPG companies were trying to appeal to a wider audience. It's a board game with several elements of the Warhammer universe (such as orcs and other fantasy staples), but not directly related to it in terms of rules or gameplay. It is very loosely tied to the Warhammer universe and I don't think it preceeded it or directly inspired it. — Frecklefoot | Talk 15:45, 29 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
I added a reference to Warhammer for the Third Edition, since it was clearly influenced somewhat by it. But, like I said earlier, I doubt Talisman inspired it. Warhammer is a hardcore RPG, while Talisman is a light RPG (really a board game with RPG elements). HTH — Frecklefoot | Talk 15:15, 8 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Redirect discussion


Percy Snoodle turned all the articles on the expansions into redirects to this main article. While he did update this article with summaries of the articles, a great deal of information was lost. For example, compare the summary of the Timescape in this article, and the original contents of the Timescape article. I propose that we undo the redirects and keep the information on expansions as separate articles. Otherwise, the article becomes bloated (as it is now). This will become more of an issue as a 4th edition is about to be released. — Frecklefoot | Talk 15:10, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

What's been lost? So far as I can see, it's just the list of game components, the list of characters and the back-of-box blurb, none of which seem particularly encyclopaedic. There's perhaps an argument for having a single article on Talisman expansions, if the main article gets bloated, but one article per expansion is excessive. --McGeddon 15:15, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
I agree with User:McGeddon. there is no good reason for larger number of separate articels on such topics. DES (talk) 06:18, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Well, I kind of like all the extra information (such as additional characters and such), but since I seem to be the only dissenting voice, I'll go with the majority rule here. Anyone else want to chime in here? — Frecklefoot | Talk 13:49, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

If you want to delete the associated template, please vote here. So far, I'm the only one who's voted, and I voted to keep it (but only if the associated articles were kept). — Frecklefoot | Talk 17:45, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Online browser game of 3rd edition


Can be added to the external links section or are there rules against linking to fan sites? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rjg21 (talkcontribs)

It's not prohibited, but it's discouraged. Primarily because popular topics could have hundreds of fan sites. It's also discouraged to avoid spam (a site that mentions the item in question once, but has dozens of ads). Looking at your site, I'd give it a "no" vote. It doesn't have any ads, but it doesn't look very active or useful. The "online" version of the game looks like it's still "under construction", so linking to it wouldn't be much of a service to a reader of the article. Sorry! — Frecklefoot | Talk 13:22, 22 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Fourth Edition

The Fourth Edition came out Friday, October 5th, at least in Chicago, Illinois. While browsing a Gamer's Paradise in Lincoln Park, the game hit the shelves. Anyone want to update? Also, it's awesome —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:42, 6 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
I discovered the Fourth Edition at my local comic ship today (October 15th, 2007) in Round Rock, Texas. I'm presuming it's being shipped through comic distributors now, so should have decent availability. --Tenzai 23:05, 15 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Unbalanced play in early editions?


I seem to recall from playing this many years ago (second edition, I think) that the game play could be highly unbalanced depending on which characters were selected. Two or three of the characters were much more powerful than others (I seem to recall particular issues with the Prophetess? Priestess? something like that? and one or two others). No mention of this in the article, and it's been too many years since I played for me to be 100% clear about it, but I seem to recall reading that others had similar issues. cmadler (talk) 14:21, 30 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

I recall that too (we banned the Prophetess--too powerful). But you'll have to find a verifiable reference that makes this point. Otherwise, it's OR, banned here on Wikipedia. — Frεcklεfσσt | Talk 15:25, 30 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

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