
Latest comment: 10 years ago by Seva Das in topic Article full of errors

Article full of errors


Seva Das (talk) 16:37, 12 May 2014 (UTC)This article is full of errors and irrelevant information that is not part of the samkhya philosophy. Purusha is defintly not refered to in any way, in Samkhya philosophy, as creative force. I have studied Samkhya philosophy and related Hindu philosophies indepth for over 35 years, and in my opinion this page needs to be entirely re-written! Tanmatra is a very difficult topic, and this page, I'm afraid falls drastically short. I may attempt further edits, and or re-write in the future as time allows, but at this juncture I have very little time. If any other knowledgable readers can, in the mean time, make some edits and clarifications, I would certainly like to see that.Reply

My time is limited, but I have just returned to this page from looking at it this morning, it is now evening, but it is becoming more and more apparent how much utter nonsense and misinformation is here. This whole page should be pulled right away. Here is an example of garbage:

"The five tanmatras - akasa associated with ether or space, sabda associated with air, sparsha associated with tejas, ap and rasa associated with kshiti, generate the paramanus in which they partly exist as tanmatravayava or trasarenu which Vaiseshika anus Vijnanbhiksu in his Yoga-vartikka states are the Gunas,along with"

There is no tanmatra called akasha, akasha is the first and most subtle element or Mahabhuta commonly translated as space or ether. the tanmatra that evolves akasha is called shabda (sound), which is listed here as the tanmatra that evolves the mahabhuta air or vayu, sparsha is the tanmatra associated with the air element, the literal translation of sparsha is touch but here it does not mean the sense of touch, which in samkhya is one of the jnanendriyas, or knowledge attaining organs, but means tactility, the tanmatra associated with the agni (fire) element (sometimes called tejas) is called the rupa tanmatra, rupa means form, here it refers to visual form that is delineated through our perception of color. rasa tanmatra is associated with the water element called ap (sometimes called jala), rasa means taste, and finally the gandha tanmatra associated with the earth element called prithivi. Gandha means odor. And then the paragraph in question goes on to say "Vaiseshika anus Vijnanbhiksu in his Yoga-vartikka" what does this mean??? whats with the word anus is it some kind of type-O (error) or a joke of somekind??? Vaiseshika is one of the six orthodox hindu philosophies (sat-darshan) of which samkhya is one,along with vedanta, yoga, nyaya, and purva-mimamsa. Vijnanbhjikshu (who I am very familiar with) is a yogi-philosopher who wrote commentaries on samkhya and yoga texts, but what does his anus have to do with anything here???? There is much more nonsense on this page. Please wikipedia pull this page, I don't know much about wikipedia and I don't know how to do that. And at this time I am very very busy but please someone do something, because this page is utter nonsense. This page cannot be edited, it must be totally deleted and re-written. --Seva Das (talk) 16:37, 12 May 2014 (UTC)Seva DasReply