

Hello I'm an Algerian citizen from the town of Tenes. I know little about the history of my native town "tenes" I want to know the relation between my Town "Tenes" and the mythical personality of TENES the son of Cycnos,keeping in mind that my town is located in orthern Africa in the west of the capital Algiers. Some historiens ascribe the name of this town to its old Phonecian name "KARTHENES" wich means the city of THENES, while others say something completely different:they claim that the Romans conquered northern Africa icluding my town and defeatd the VANDALS who terrorised the civilians and the folks there. The people of the area got happy and decided to reward the Roman army so they gave the saquadron chief's name which was Tenes to their city Carthenes and thus Carthenes became Tenes.