Jesus cartoon

Political cartoon by Art Young, first published in The Masses in 1917.

added: I can find no reference to this Art young Work in Ted Watts' index to The Masses. Nor did I see it going thru all pages of all 1917 issues of The Masses. It does appear in Art Young's papers at Tamiment Library, and I believe also in an issue of his political humor publication "Good Morning", published later. mhg of the Riazanov Library]

This appears to have wandered in when it should be on the talk page...Septentrionalis PMAnderson

Cliché ?


« an American Bohemia or gipsy-minded Latin Quarter » ?? : well, it might be more accurate to talk about the Montmartre Spirit (Latin Quarter sounds very 1968 !!). Les Temps nouveaux, a French anarchist and socialist periodical was indeed in the 5th Arrondissement, but most of the cartoonists & activists lived in Montmartre at that time. Moreover, The Masses looks like L'Assiette au Beurre, which is definitly not a Latin Quarter spirit periodical. Yours Truly, -- Spiessens 12:07, 29 December 2015 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Spiessens (talkcontribs)