Talk:The Silver Chalice



The following text was moved from the article for npoving... KJ

I'm not certain what the purpose of this page is entirely, so I will adapt it to my own purpose which is to offer a review of this masterpiece of modern literature that I have just now finished reading.

This is truly one of the most inspiring works I have ever read. Numerous times throughout the reading I became convinced that this book was in my hands at this time for a specific purpose. I was thrilled to discover early on that my very favorite of the Apostles, Luke, was a central character in the story. I don't know anything as of now about the author, Mr. Costain, though I intend to make a study of this. It is my sense that he was a man not only gifted by God, but one to whom God himself has revealed certain aspects of this remarkable story.

Respectfully submitted, David B. Jaques