Talk:Timeline of golf history (1353–1850)

Latest comment: 10 months ago by Catfish Jim and the soapdish in topic Sir Robert Maule

A painting dated "15th to early 16th century" in the Shanghai Museum depicts Chinese ladies playing what looks exactly like our modern game of golf. There is even a caddy in the painting and the clubs are very close to present day clubs. This raises the possibility of Europe "borrowing" the sport from the Chinese.)-- 05:13, 4 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Golf was banned in Albany, NY in 1659


I have been looking for a credible source for this without much success. , published by an archivist and curator of a museum in the area indicates that it was Kolven, not Golf that was banned, which is consistent with the Dutch settlement of the area. Does anyone have any further information? Thanks. WhaleyTim (talk) 09:27, 14 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

Golf and Politics Cross Paths, Once Again


Seeing we have the 1457 edict banning golf in Scotland, it seems only right that we include the next instance when golf and politics collide again: PGA v. Martin. (talk) 23:59, 2 April 2018 (UTC)Xaverius IlluminatusReply

Sir Robert Maule


The entry for 1527, stating that Sir Robert Maule was the first "commoner" to have been recorded as playing golf is a bit dodgy. For one, he was hardly a "commoner" and the entry from the Registrum de Panmure that this is taken from does say he enjoyed golf but does not give 1527 as the date in which he was playing golf (warning, it's in early modern Scots language):

Of Robert Maule we derive some picturesque notices from the family MS. :-

He left tuo sonnes, as I heaw said, of the quhilkis the eldest wos callit Robert, quha wos then ane yonge man of saxten zeiris of age, and did succeid to his father, and wos the tent of our hows. He mariit to his vyf Isobelle Merser, daughter to Laurence Merser of Montlower; hir mother wos Wardlawe of Torrie: scho had thre sisters by hir self of quhome the eldest wos mariit on Gilbert Gray of Benderren, brother to the lord Graym quha bear to him thre sonnes, the eldest Patrik, efter lord Graym the second Robert Gray of Drummelie, and James of Buttergask. The second ves lady Caslogy in Fyf. The thridm lady Renkelour Sibbald, quhilkes tua howsses ar bothe discendit of the tua sisters. The lady Panmore wos ane maist verteus lady, for in hir tyme Robert gat ane tak of the heale teyndis of the paroece of Panbryd of Dauid Beton, cardinale, and abot then of Abirbrothe. He gat ane letter of Balzeirie of the baronie of Barrie fra the abot callit Foster. He conquisit fra James Carnegy the landis of Carnegy, lykuays he payit the towchers of the lard of Panlathys tua dochtirs, quha wer ayres, and gat thay landis. He wos withe the Earle of Lennox at the battel of Lynlythgow, for the quhilk he tuk remission. He wos efter wardis hwrt at the bwrne of Barrie be the lard of Balfour in Angus callit Ogilwy, and the lard of Fintrie, quha takin ane poynd owt of Panlathy and passine throwe Barry weil accompanyeit, he on adventur did meit them, beine thear at his pastyme, and opponinge him self o them, vos ewil wondit. The mater heirefter wos agreit, and the annuel that wos auchtand to the lard of Balfour, furthe of the landis of Panlathyn wos quat be Balfour. The lard of Fintrie geawe him infeftment of the milne of the mains of Stradichty, redemabil vpon the hwnder merkes for his part. The cardinal then beine ane gryt courteour, and head of the kirk of Scotland, fauoret the lardis of Balfour and Fintrie, for the lard of Fintreis vyf wos then Beton, quhilk wos the caws the mater wos so sone composit. This wos the zeir of God 1527 or thear about... The yeir of God 1548, he wos takine be Englismen, and his eldest sone Thomas owt Panmore be the conuoy of certaine Scotishmen then fauorers of England. In the takine he vos schot with ane coulwerine in the chaftesm and evil hurt. Theay wor led away withe diligence to the forthe at Bruchty. Thomas his eldest sone wos relewit be Patrick lord Grayes moyen, quha the did assist England, bot Robert vos send away in ane shipe to London quhar he wes emprisonet in the Towr thearof ane zeir. He wes relewit without ransone for the Marquess of Albef com to England owt of France and gat syndry prisoners relewit, withe quhome Robert come home. He wos ane man of comlie behauior, of hie stature, sanguine in colloure bothe of hyd and haire, colerique of nature, and subiect to suddane anger, ane natural man, expert in the lawes of the countray, of gud langage, expert in countine of genealogies. Durine the lord Grayes wardine quhilk, wes for the space of sewine zeires he occupiit the sherefshipe. Dwrine his first wyues tyme, he did caws build the hows of Panmore, as it is at this day; he wos wery temperat of his mouthe, bot gewin to leicerie, ane abil man on fwt, and ane gud horsman, lyket weil to be honorable in apparel, and weil horset, mikil honorit withe his nychboures, and in gud estimatione. He had gryt delyght in haukine and hountine. He tuk pleswr in playine at the fut bale, and for that caws th mwr of Bathil wos appointed, and dwrine his dayes it wos not castine, bot only reserwit for that game; lykwayes he exerciset the gowf, and oftymes past to Barry lynkes, quhan the wadfie vos for drink. If he tint, he newir vald entir in ane browster hows, bot cawsit ane of his serwandis to gange and pay for al. He wos withe the Lord Gray at the brige of St. Jhonstone, and vos ane of the first that did entir in the towne, quhar he vos teane be the lord Ruthen, bot wos schortlie delywerit. He lewit lytil ower tua zeires efter his vyf Isabelle Arbuthnots deceas, and vos seiklie thearefter, and become very penitent of his former lyf, and embraced the Reformed religione. He had withe him at syndry tymes the ministers that then wor cheifest in the countray, to wit Paule Meffane and Jhon Brabner. This Jhone was ane vehement man, inculcatine the lawe, and peane thearof; bot Paule Meffane wos ane mair myld mane, preachine the Ewangel of grace and remissione of sinnes in the blud of Christ. His yongest sone begottine on the first vyf, callid Robert, ane godly persone gewine to redine of the scripture, did nychtlie valk besyd his father, instructine him in the cheif points of religione, for he wos ane man that had beine brought vpe rudlie vithout letters, sa that he could nather reid nor vreit. At lenthe efter he had beine diseasit the space of tua zeires, withe ane fluxm he rederit his spirit to God, the thrid day of Maij, the zeir of God ane thowsand, fywe hunder and threscor zeires, the threscor and thre zeir of his age, tuentie zeires and thrie day efter his first vyues deathe Isabelle Merser, quha deceassit the last day of Aprile, the zeir of God ane thowsand fywe hundrethe and fourtie zeires, and wes buriit besyde hir in the queir of Panbryd befor the hie alter at the northe pale.

Catfish Jim and the soapdish 16:54, 25 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

The key sentence: "lykwayes he exerciset the gowf, and oftymes past to Barry lynkes, quhan the wadfie vos for drink" states that he played at Barry Links. Note, the current golf course is not "close to" Barry Links, it is on Barry Links... so he was probably playing at the current site. Catfish Jim and the soapdish 17:00, 25 November 2023 (UTC)Reply