
Latest comment: 18 years ago by Riana dzasta

Please read: Wikipedia is not a dictionary. This 'article' is lifted from the Oxford Dictionary of Biology. I suggest someone with a good, working knowledge of the subject takes a look at this page. riana 03:46, 4 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

I think something that needs to be included in this article would be the importance of an animal being a triploblastic organism compared to being a diploblastic organism. I don't know much about this topic, but I'm fairly positive that a triploblastic organism becomes a lot larger and more complex at the mature form. it would be helpful to state the differences that occur with the mature form of the organisms that go through triploblasty compared to diploblasty. Also I feel as if it would be helpful to discuss the evolution of triploblastic organisms considering most primitive organisms are diploblastic. There was obviously a switch over as organisms became more evolutionarily advanced and it would be helpful to know how this progression from diploblasty to triploblasty occurred. It would also be useful to mention which organisms it might have occurred in first. Parth 6:01, 2 February 2013