Talk:Two-factor models of personality

Latest comment: 1 year ago by ZadieTwinge in topic Psychobabble



The utility of this two factor model is not backed by any evidence, nor is the claim that it is widely used. There is no clear agreement on which two factors are the dominant ones which make up temperament, and the claim that any two factors are opposites of each other, whichever you may choose, is mere speculation. One must simply assume it to make the model work, which is the essence of pseudoscience. One may indeed conclude from this article that the two factor model is entirely useless and should be treated with derision. That is certainly my opinion.--ZadieTwinge (talk) 06:23, 19 October 2023 (UTC)Reply



An individual personality belonging to a category of persons who are lively, conversational fluent, and forthright, who enter wholeheartedly into games, outing and parties, with being diffident. To satisfy their own desires and ambitions, they may expend great amounts of energy and effort, etc. Can these assumptions be associate with bipolar manic disorder if so what way?

Some others?


Engaged Idealist (ENFJ) Stacks Image 15 Dynamic Thinker (ENTJ) Groundbreaking Thinker Groundbreaking Thinker (ENTP) Spontaneous Idealist Spontaneous Idealist (ENFP) Stacks Image 36 Laid-back Doer (ESFP) Stacks Image 43 Social Realist (ESFJ) Stacks Image 50 Determined Realist (ESTJ) Stacks Image 57 Energetic Doer (ESTP) Harmony-seeking Idealist Harmony-seeking Idealist (INFJ) Stacks Image 72 Dreamy Idealist (INFP) Stacks Image 79 Analytical Thinker (INTP) Stacks Image 86 Independent Thinker (INTJ) Stacks Image 93 Reliable Realist (ISTJ) Good-natured Realist Good-natured Realist (ISFJ) Stacks Image 107 Sensitive Doer (ISFP) Stacks Image 114 Individualistic Doer (ISTP) LINK--Hodgdon's secret garden (talk) 01:53, 25 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

NLP "Meta Programs"

See Methods of neuro-linguistic programming (+ Representational systems (NLP)); also the criticism at Neuro-linguistic programming.

  1. Towards - Away From. (Move towards positive or away-from negative.)
  2. Pessimist - Optimist. (Negative thinking versus positive thinking.)
  3. Sameness - Difference. (Sorting for sameness versus differences.)
  4. Reflective - Active. (Thinking about something versus taking action.)
  5. Internal — External. (Attention on self or other.)
  6. Details - Global. (Details versus the big picture.)
  7. Intuition - Sensing. (Exploring the patterned relationship between things at a conceptual level versus paying attention to sensory based information. Sensors tend to be more present #and past oriented while Intuitors tend to be more future oriented.)
  8. Necessity - Possibility. (Acting out of need versus out of what could be.)
  9. Procedures - Options. (Preferring clear steps and stages versus considering choices.)
  10. Match — Mismatch. (Agreeing with others versus thinking of the opposite.)
  11. In-time - Through Time - Between Time. (How you sort for time.)
  12. Past - Present - Future. (Focus on past, present or future.)
  13. People - Systems - Things. (Preference for working with people, systems or things.)
  14. Logic - Feeling. (Making decisions in objective manner versus subjective manner.)
  15. Visual - Auditory - Kinesthetic - Digital. (Representational system preference.)
  16. Convincer Filter: Once, Three Times, All the Time. (How you become convinced.)
  17. Foreground - Background. (Focus on foreground or background.)
  18. Black and white thinking (A or B) versus shades of grey thinking as in (A and B).
    --Hodgdon's secret garden (talk) 19:11, 25 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

"[...F]our traits:

  1. Getting Your Way (Indirect or Direct) - How you express your thoughts and opinions.
  2. Responding to Others (Reserved or Outgoing) - How you approach and respond to others.
  3. Pacing Activity (Urgent or Steady) - The speed at which you make decisions and take action.
  4. Dealing with Details (Unstructured or Precise) - How you structure time and organize tasks.

    "The INSIGHT Inventory integrates with other assessment profiles and expands on what you may have learned using DiSC, MBTI, and Big 5...." -- LINK

    Insight Online Report (pdf)--Hodgdon's secret garden (talk) 19:59, 25 October 2016 (UTC)Reply