Margaret Roosevelt (who died of typhoid fever) was the daughter of Teddy Roosevelt‘s cousin, not his mother. The notation under “notables” is incorrect.



is Gatifloxacillin[400mg] is a drug of choice for typhoid fever medicinal marijuana

Abigail Adams


I have read that Abigail Adams, wife of President John Adams, also died of typhoid fever.

Typhoid is a deadly disease that effects the lungs heart and stomach

I suggest reverting to 18:12, 19 November 2006 Irongargoyle, page currently has " a dog..." instead of " a disease..." Also, the dates of the sources are messed up.

Plague of Athens


I think it may be premature to conclude definitively that the Plague of Athens was typhoid fever, despite the recent results. The symptoms Thucydides describes include several which don't seem to be found in any other cases of typhoid fever; in particular, the loss of eyes and extremities, and the outbreak of visible pustules (as opposed to rashes). I admit, I'm no epidemiologist, but if the symptoms which Thucydides describes are in fact common to modern sufferers, shouldn't they be listed under the'pagal' section?

A few Q's and not enough A's


First, what age group is mostly affected by Typhoid fever? And in what cases is the vaccine used and not used? Thanks to anyone who helps me out!

First off I will admit I am not a doctor and this only what I have found through my own personal research. From what I have found Typhoid fever will infect almost all age groups, but it is more deadly among the young and elderly. Also those with chronic illnesses are less likely to survive an infection. I have not found information on which cases the vaccine is nessecary, but I will assume (once again based on my research) that those that are more prone to infection would be given a vaccine. Sources (CDC and CNN)

[For how long?


"According to the Centers for Disease Control approximately 5% of people who contract typhoid continue to carry the disease after they recover." for how long?

world wide endemic zone


That link and picture was wrong

E. Laval R.; C. Ferreccio R., Typhoid fever: rise, peak and fall of an infectious disease in Chile, Rev Chil Infect 2007, 24, (6): 435-440 [1]

Chile is not a endemic zone... please update the information my english is very bad

Kwop, Wikipedia en español