My Dad LT.(JG) George M. Addison, Jr.; Executive Officer, passed away in 2004 and was my hero. This is the story of his best friend who went with him to the Pacific in 1945 when his ship the USS LSM(R)-198 was deployed.


Bill was a Chesapeake Retriever dog given to Daddy by my mother for a birthday present. Bill was billeted at Little Creek, VA and went through Amphib Training with my Dad and at Charleston, SC with us while waiting for the ship to be commissioned. When he signed on Bill became part of the crew. When General Quarters sounded he was first to go below!

One of the humorous events with Bill is as follows: The ship had a layover in Pearl Harbor on the way to Okinawa, and the crew had liberty. Bill was taken off the ship, walked, played with, took a swim and according to my Dad "chased some females". He was put back onboard and told to "stay". Well Bill decided to go AWOL, slipped down the gangplank and took off for a night on the town. Word got out fast that a crewmember was on unauthorized leave and the SP's were alerted. Really! After a short time, Bill was found and actually put in the Marine Brig until, quite crestfallen; my Dad saved him. He had slipped off once before while the ship was being fueled in San Diego and held the ship up for 15 minutes.

Another time he was running round the deck and fell off quite unnoticed on the way to the Philippines. The sailor on lookout spotted him frantically dogpaddling 100 ft astern. A following sister ship, the USS LSM(R)-199, was notified by radio and picked him up.

His battle station was outside the Radio Shack and he stayed there faithfully when not chasing birds.

He participated in the Okinawa campaign, the invasion of Kerma Retto and he was also at Agumi Shima, Le Shima and Ih Shima. My father had a metal plate engraved and attached to Bill's collar for each island where he came under fire.

After a trip to the Philippines the war ended for the LSM(R) 198 and for Bill and the rest of the crew. He rerturned to the US a Navy combat veteran.

P.S. I know this story because my father kept a little log of Bill's adventures which I still have, also I have the collar.

Jana Teehan February 2010

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