Talk:Washburn N4

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Weeb Dingle in topic basic cleanup

There are absolutely no references on this page.

ZeGlobox (talk) 11:43, 5 April 2008 (UTC) Unfortunately, there's not much reliable press articles (most of them including a lot of errors). All the information on this page have been collected through the years by a lot of research.Reply

Most information regarding Davies production comes from direct emails with Stephen Davies (can't reference that). Or (for the Bill Lawrence pickups on Nuno's guitar) from live pictures of Nuno's, or examination of a guitar sold by Nuno. We also had direct contacts with Schaller for information about the Washburn/Schaller tremolo.

The old/new padauk controversy is a fact : any user who tried both versions noticed a big difference in tone. I did remove some unprooved theories people added to this.

I just added one reference about the 'controversy about some N4s made in asia while being sold as USA produced models'

basic cleanup


Don't say "the only exception" then offer two exceptions...

I fixed descriptions of various woods as proper nouns.

Until and swamp ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) has a reference to back the exclusive use of that genus to make N-series guitars, I've generalized it.

Please stop saying "Nuno" every twenty words...

The final "current editions" bit refers to the 2009 catalogue, so kinda EIGHT YEARS out of date.
Weeb Dingle (talk) 06:45, 7 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

FWIW, I've updated available models to reflect present reality.
Weeb Dingle (talk) 17:45, 10 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Yo, fanboys: If attribution is going to be attempted, then PLEASE learn how to actually make a Reference!! I mean, it's poor form to claim stuff like From a recent testimony by Terry Atkins, but it's a downright embarrassing cheat to send the reader to a footnote only to have the "fact" attributed to a quote from "R. Weikum" with no attempt whatever to give THAT a source.

And, again, please avoid referring to Bettencourt as "Nuno" unless you're his auntie, and avoid using Nuno Bettencourt after the first time—his surname, with no link to his article, serves just fine.
Weeb Dingle (talk) 17:24, 10 June 2017 (UTC)Reply