Talk:White power skinhead/Archive 1

Archive 1

Rename article?

Shouldn't the article be called Nazi Skinhead ? --Loading 4 July 2005 20:25 (UTC)

I'm not sure. Sam Spade 16:52, 6 November 2005 (UTC)
They do tend to be perceived as a group, not as a discrete number of individuals. Besides, there is no Nazi Skinhead style movement, separate and distinct from Skinhead itself; although recent developments suggest Nazi Skinheads are now prepared to permit entry to people who clearly are not skinheads at all for the sake of getting members.
Nuttyskin 06:02, 1 June 2006 (UTC)

Thats bullshit. Skins relate best to skins. Ya, I know Slayer got into AC(LOL) so did a few other long hairs. I also know AC, CHS fuck even EHS Joe Rowan tried to make a case for these kids. It just never caught on and rightly so. You just need to get it, I mentioned it else where. Skins nazi or not there never has been a big push to recruit. Ya, ya sometimes they support larger better structured and organized nationalist groups with their recruiting efforts or at their rallies/marches. To most skins that shit was just a blast - fun as hell. An ability to go face to face with the enemy - woohoo! The attitude was, "If it aint white waste it. If it aint white it aint right). Everyone but skins needed to piss the hell off. They were/are brothers ready to die for each other. The movement of white powerskinheads as a whole never really actively or intentionally recruited.

I get it, I get it - a lot of skins dont wear a 'uniform' anylonger. "Skinhead Forever, Skinhead For Life". It is true but in one fashion or another they commanded that respect(to have such a right). It might be difficult to understand - I aint the most articulate either. I am not saying skins did not have non-skin friends. But when it came down to the crews of white power skinheads in the USA non-skins were not really welcomed or tolerated.

idiots, fools and bigots

I removed the "They are idiots, fools and bigots." part since it is irrelevant and not neutral. --Anzuhan 14:56, 6 November 2005 (UTC)

good edit, you'll make a fine wikipedian. Sam Spade 16:52, 6 November 2005 (UTC)

Skinheads are different to Neo-Nazis

"In Germany these groups are often called "Kameradschaften", and are frequently associated with far right political parties like the NPD."

From the Verfassungsschutz report of 2004 it states that Kameradeschaften are groups of Neo-Nazis in Germany, NOT skinheads, and also that although skinheads do attend NPD rallies, the two groups like to keep their distance from one another - the skinheads disliking the organisation of the NPD and as the NPD are trying to give out a more intellectual image they mostly only want the skinheads present at their rallies to help make up numbers. Maybe someone could clear this up?- unsigned

Look at the picture of the public protest on the page of the NPD . Most of them are Skinheads.

the link is: [1]—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 15:50, 22 March 2007 (UTC).

  • First off, that link doesn't go to any photos when I click on it. Secondly, even if the photos worked, it doesn't answer the other person's question. Apparently you didn't read that person's comment closeley enough. Here it is again: "From the Verfassungsschutz report of 2004 it states that Kameradeschaften are groups of Neo-Nazis in Germany, NOT skinheads, and also that although skinheads do attend NPD rallies, the two groups like to keep their distance from one another - the skinheads disliking the organisation of the NPD and as the NPD are trying to give out a more intellectual image they mostly only want the skinheads present at their rallies to help make up numbers." It doesn't really matter now anyway, because the sentence about Kameradschaften was deleted from the Nazi skinhead article long ago.Spylab 19:27, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Skinheads are nazis. As I mentioned somewhere else in my rants for the most part in the USA skins did not relate well to most other national groups with the same message. In many instances these larger groups were not much for skins. You do not have to be a skinhead to be a nazi but you do have to be a skinhead to be a "white power or nazi skin'. Skins are a gang you were with, in and 100% supportive of that gang or you were not. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:12, 5 April 2010 (UTC)

Inaccurate & uncited claims that keep being re-added

An anonymous IP user keeps entering innacurate and uncited claims to a sentence, and I will keep deleting them because they don't belong in an encyclopedic article. The sentence is as follows, and I will explain what is wrong about the bolded part:

The movement continued to grow in the 1990s, and it may still be expanding in the 2000s, partly due to revenue invested in promoting the music, style, and culture to young white nationalist males and the changing demographics of most predominantly white countries.

What? Music has never been about money to skinheads. "Music is for you and me not the fucking industry". George B did bring tremendous exposure to the skinhead movement in the 90's. He said he felt like a rockstar or hitler. George if your reading this suck a cock. George did a lot. Music is about motivation, expression and our struggles. It was fast, hard and aggressive - one hell of a beat to kick out someones teeth to. It was an influential tool and it was damn good music made by damn good and talented people. The music contained the beliefs. We know what motivates us to action is belief. Anyway I am ranting. Many skinhead labels were done from basements or studios in the ghetto(LOL SCOTT STEPFORD - go bro go). Ya, there was a niche market yes the music people who worked in this niche had absolute penatration. But fuck man it was never about money, no one ever made money - lol. George might have lined his pockets with a few dollars. But regardless he was quite possibly one of the only players in the USA to do so. There was an appeal to some metal head kids or non-conformists. But to be brutally honest the music was for skins, by skins without profit, without a professional business message(not to recruit). It was their story, beliefs, passion and struggle. ( I am going to rant a lot through out here).

First,adding that phrase to the sentence doesn't make grammatical sense in English. Second, neo-Nazis don't only try to recruit people who are already white nationalists; they try to recruit any white people they think can be convinced that their movement's views are correct. Third, they don't only target males for recruitment. There has been significant recruitment attempts aimed at females. Fourth, there is no proof that the movement may be expanding due to "the changing demographics of most predominantly white countries." In some cases, neo-Nazis are successful in recruiting in areas where there is no significant demographic change. In fact, there is no reference proving that the Nazi skinhead scene is expanding, or that the movement grew in the 1990s, so perhaps the whole sentence should be deleted. Spylab 00:23, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

You contradicted yourself, you are always the first to stress that skinheads and Nazis are not the same thing. However when it is convenient for you, your stance seems to change.-unsigned

This is about skinheads, bro. Not white nationalists. Ya, man in TN nazi skinheads pal'd around with Tom Rob and others. But honestly nazi skinheads were the soldiers, gangsters and pawns. There was always tension with ACS, Strikeforce, EHS, CHS - what the hell ever with non-skins. Very few liked the Klan. Bro they were out their on the streets, "my arms tell the story of the things which I believe. Pictures of power and glory fill up and down my sleeve." Fuck the Klan and man others we are the ones on the streets not wearing sheets was and is the general attitude. In the early 90s and to date skins desire to hang out with and be with skins - I suggest this is true for all nazi or not. There was no such thing as a mission or propositional statement. Although strong leaders emerged within the 'gangs' there was no national structured leadership. All that said no one really recruited. Nazi skins believed in their own minds they brought the battle to others. The made themselves visible without fear regardless of consequence. There was never a heavy push to recruit anyone.. Without fear or shame they fought in the streets although not structured in a means to accomplish their unwritten objectives there were unwritten objectives all skins shared - this was their bond and the appeal. So, in short the skins did not find you - you found them. If no one joined your crew of 5-10 or 20-40 so what, they were not wanted or needed - fuck them.

  • Please explain how and where I contradicted myself. Also, please sign up for a Wikpedia account and sign all of your comments. Spylab 20:45, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

  • The comment regarding 'Black Skinheads' taking part in racist attacks against Asians also needs to be deleated. Neither link provided show any proof that black people took part in racist attacks on Asians this is nothing more than a myth that has come about in recent years to justify racisms of Skinheads during the 70s and 80s. Just becasue someone 'says' that it happpened (as the one link in Skinhead nation does) Does not mean that it is fact. This needs to be removed and people realy need to stop this revisionist history nonsense. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:51, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

Although they would have classified themselves as 'trads' or just gang banging skinheads there were a few, I can count them on my toes and feet who were black nazis. Research Chicago Mafia Skinheads/ SHOC. Fuck, I remember Lefty from DC - fuck who doesnt. Hell there was even lonnie lupa. An EHS fellow who grew up in churchville pa. Anyway, this handful of people deserve no mention in an entry titled, "White power skinhead". The only reason I say that because their unique perspective did not have any impact on this movement.

  • That sentence is backed up by two references, with quotes from people who had first-hand experience. That sentence is not meant to justify anything or promote a point of view; just report the facts.Spylab 18:08, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

Germany and Lonsdale

I added a sentence about Nazi skinheads in Germany wearing Lonsdale clothing, as it contains the NSDA initials. I have a source too (there's loads, take your pick from a google search), but I don't know how to add it in. The website is I hope you find this a useful addition to the article. jaspar.casey 18:52, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

One thing about all this is obvious. The Middle Class rich kids do not understand the first thing about poor white people. This can be said of all such debates. But all I'm here to add is the style and clothing section is a load of crap. Judging people on appearances is dangerous -In fact that may well be the SUBJECT of this debate in the first place. Being careless and making blanket statements about people is exactly the sort of ironic bullshit I have grown to expect from the Antifa. here I'll just say:

-All skinheads have a grade 0/bald haircut. -Most people these days wear T-shirts. -Most people these days wear jeans -also, shaving your head is not "mod-influenced". It's just shaving your head. and as for this:

many Nazi skinheads do not wear braces

-WTF?!! When was the last time you saw ANYBODY wearing braces?!! I mean, do You wear braces? If not, presumably you're a "White Power Skinhead". By this definition I expect Mahatma Ghandi is a white power skinhead too. Maybe the high boots and Lonsdale in Combination is a possible sign. otherwise this is typical Antifa idiocy. good point about black skinheads too.

-Masculine, 25 November

  • It looks like you missed the point that the description of their clothing and hairstyle is in contrast to mod-influenced 1960s-style traditional skinheads, not in contrast to the general public. As for your accusations about who wrote that section, you are way off. Most of that section was written by a neo-Nazi from Montreal, not an anti-fascist. Anyway, I have copy edited the section to take some of your points into account. However, you are incorrect about all skinheads cropping their hair to grade 0 length. Also, many traditional skinheads do wear braces; perhaps not every day, but at least when they go out at night to social gatherings.Spylab (talk) 16:54, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

Ok, well some points you make may change it a bit. That you're not comparing with the general public could have been made a lot clearer. But if that is the case about the Montreal guy, I stand corrected on that. The phenomenon of the rich not understanding poor males still stands. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:19, 14 January 2008 (UTC)

Revolutionary group

Passionate nazi skinheads desired to overthrow the government. The ballot or the bullet it would be the bullet every time. I am not sure what the text book definition of a revolutionary movement might be. But they view themselves as warriors with a message, outcasts in a crazy and fucked up society. They feel the entire system of government(Local, Global and national) needed over thrown tossed out and redesigned by any means necessary. There has been a dispute as to whether or not the Nazi skinheads are revolutionary. I think that it is quite obvious that they are because a revolutionary movement is one that wants to overthrow the establishment and the Nazi skins certainly seem to fit. They are arguably the most anti-establishment of all sub-cultures, have a reputation for violence and the most popular sites among nazi skins are ardently nazi sites with names like and -unsigned

  • Just because you have those opinions does not mean they are necessarily true. Wikipedia is about presenting accurate facts backed up by reliable sources. Also, not all neo-Nazi or white power websites or organizations have participants who are Nazi skinheads. This is not an article on neo-Nazism in general. Spylab 12:18, 5 April 2007 (UTC)
Spylab, you say that it is not necessarily true but you fail to provide any arguments regarding why (Nazi)skinheads are not. (Nazi)skinheads are in fact a denomination of Nazis. Either refute what he wrote or I will add it. If you erase it, that would be vandalism. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 20:26, 6 April 2007 (UTC).
  • You obviously do not understand the concept of onus of proof. It is your responsibility to back up your claim on Wikipedia with reliable sources. It is not my responsibility to disprove your claim. If I delete uncited opinions on Wikipedia that is not vandalism. I suggest you familiarize yourself with Wikipedia guidelines and not throw around accusations without merit. Spylab 22:34, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

You obviously do not understand nazi skinheads. What do you want? The skinhead bible, the skinhead rules? You know I almost read the book skinhead 101(how to be a skin, rules, guidelines and documented proofs to define the existence of skins.) Give me a god damn break. There is no such thing. There were gangs, bands or individuals who were more violent, more respected, more loved or feared. These people or gangs were looked to for advice and support. Although they frequently never self-identified as leaders within the community they were viewed as such. There were meetings, talks at bars, handwritten letters and discussions at jails. But there are no rulebooks or doctrine skins follow. They just did not, as a whole, write down or openly discuss much of this evidence you want.

Anyway your only way to get an honest and sincere look into nazi skinheads is to find one of these leaders or someone involved with them and listen. Although it might violate Wiki policy and may not be a science as it might only be a bias, misguided, misinformed or misrepresented opinon. You need to talk to them. Because what they tell you has not been documented, recorded or photographed dose not mean it is an opinion or untrue - give me a fucking break. I get it though bro, the absolute importance of evidence. So, possibly nazi skins are not a good wiki topic and this needs deleted.

Another problem is much of the shit about nazi skins on the net is from the media who had a story they needed to sell or generate interest in. Come on some part of you has to understand and accept much of this media picture was presented not to represent exact truth rather to sell a story - espc when considering skins.

I understand it perfectly. You merely need to look at the wikipedia page of revolutionary and you will see that a revolutionary is someone who supports abrupt,radical change. Nazi skinheads are deeply political and are anti-establishment to the point that just promoting their ideas is illegal in most white countries. The concept of bio-egalitarianism is so deeply ingrained in western countries that transforming them into Nazi, racist countries would be as abrupt and radical as any change that I can think of. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 14:01, 7 April 2007 (UTC).
  • That is your personal opinion, not documented fact. Wikipedia is for presenting accurate facts backed up by reliable sources. Spylab 14:03, 7 April 2007 (UTC)
Facts backed up by solid arguments. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 15:20, 7 April 2007 (UTC).
If the subculture conforms to the wikipedia definition of revolutionary, it should be attributed as such. For some reason it only seems that you do not want to acknowledge the fact that they are rebels and are endeavoring to inhibit this with trivial technicalities.-unsigned

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a publisher of original thought. The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is whether material is attributable to a reliable published source, not whether it is true. Wikipedia is not the place to publish your opinions, experiences, or arguments.

Also, please sign up for a Wikipedia account and sign all of your comments. Spylab 20:47, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

The information on the wikipedia page of revolutionary is comprised of material that meets the quality standards of wikipedia. If a certain subculture like Nazi skinhead fits into its definition, then it is appropriate for it to be added. You do not have a suffiecient basis to be obstinate so please stop.EuropeanLynx 16:44, 8 April 2007 (UTC)
  • A reliable source is needed to support the claim that Nazi skinheads are revolutionary. Until that reliable source is provided, it is merely personal opinion, not fact.Spylab 22:58, 8 April 2007 (UTC)
Also a page number is needed for the cite, not just a name of the book. Until it's properly cited, it will be removed. One Night In Hackney303 00:24, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

Please note that nowhere in the Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Fascism, Neo-fascism or related articles are the followers of those ideologies described as "revolutionary." Since the term doesn't apply in those articles, there doesn't seem to be any justification for including it in this one, especially without a specific reference. Spylab 02:26, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

Let me address that last paragraph again. Nazi skins in the USA were/are disgusted with the current social laws/guidelines or unwritten moral codes. They blame a corrupt, vile and confused system of bias and self-indulged government. Their belief is the forefathers knew their shit. They set up a great country. But through corruption Jews and others have infected and destroied that system. Nazi skins desire to overthrow, uproot, throw away that system and destroy those people. Then they desire to redesign the government and social structure by any means necessary

I ranted a lot in this article. I can be reached at: [email protected] Tony S Indianapolis, Indiana

Oi! Oi!

Black skinheads?

This is not proven by the references and is obviously one of the long list of endeavors by Spylab to impose his leftist and/or pro-ethnic agenda. One reference regarding this does not even work and the other which is from skinheadnation(a blatantly non-neutral source) there is not a single mention about negro skinheads. I suggest that he discontinues his childish vandalism edits. -unsigned

There you go. I would suggest you desist with your disruptive edits to remove the fact that the entire skinhead scene was heavily influenced by black culture, and your use of extremist sources to push your POV. One Night In Hackney303 20:44, 10 April 2007 (UTC)
I am not denying the fact that negroes and their style of music was appreciated and influenced many original skins but to say that the entire subculture was inflenced by them is non-factual. As early as 1970 there were skinheads that were involved in the national front and that is a party that wants to deport all Negoroes, Muslims, Hindus etc.., As I wrote before, skinheads began as a working-class subculture and then diverged into different views and identities. Skinheads who appreciate Ska and Reggae are nothing more but an offshoot like Nazi skinheads. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 20:04, 12 April 2007 (UTC).
  • Yes, I see that unfortunately the Trojan Records article link is down, but that interview confirmed that some black skinheads took part in Paki-bashing. If you are seriously suggesting that black skinheads have not existed since the beginning of the skinhead subculture, then you are sorely mistaken. This is a fact documented by several sources and photos. Here is the quote from Skinhead Nation, one of the most neutral sources on skinheads ever):

Paki-bashing was as much a cultural issue as it was a race one, if not more so. The first generation of Asian immigrants were different - they didn’t try to integrate, they kept themselves to themselves, some couldn’t even speak the language, and of course, they were easy targets because they didn’t fight back. It was a culture clash that led to them being singled out as easy targets, and it wasn’t just skinheads or even born and bred British white working class kids doing the bashing. Black kids were at it too as were the Greeks and other minorities who had done more to adapt to the British way of life. Even more to the point, some of the blacks involved in paki-bashing were fully fledged skinheads themselves.

Please note that Wikipedia is not a soapbox for you to whitewash history and spread a neo-Nazi agenda. Spylab 20:51, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

And just in case the Trojan Records interview page disappears again, here's the relevant excerpt:

  • Hello Monty,

The skinhead cult as we know it today is split down the middle, some of the skins are driven by racial prejudice whilst others are just in for the music and clothes. What can you remember about the early days of the skinheads and could you clarify the involvement of Black skinheads in populating the cult because we are constantly told by the far right that it was a white working class cult, something I don't agree with myself. Dale

  • Irie Dale ! To be honest, I don't remember every detail. But there were Skins causing racial problems, like what they called "Paki-bashing". They would go after the Pakistanis, because they considered them weak because they would not fight back. And of course you had those only in it for the fashion. There were definitely black Skinheads- "Caleb", the boss, for example.

Well that's that. Spylab 21:16, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

{{editprotected}} The reference in the sentence "However, some skinheads (including black skinheads) had engaged in Paki bashing (random violence against Pakistanis and other South Asian immigrants).[1][2]" is down but can be found at It is an important and relevant reference, as the above discussion topic shows. Spylab 21:24, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

This can be corrected once the protection is removed; I don't see any reason to hurry into it. CMummert · talk 03:05, 11 April 2007 (UTC)


White Power nor Neo-Nazi

Shouldn't this statement be merged? As far as I know White Power and Nazism are synonymous. -unsigned.

  • They aren't necessarily synonymous. It's possible to support white power but not support Nazism. Also, if you look at the list of groups in the neo-Nazism article, you will see groups from Japan, Taiwan and Iran. Most white power supporters wouldn't call Japanese and Taiwanese people white, and there is probably some disagreement among white power supporters whether Iranians are considered white people. Spylab 14:26, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

New title

I changed the title of this article to White power skinhead because the other title was too specific. Not all white power skinheads are Nazis, but most Nazi skinheads are white power (the only exceptions being non-whites who support Nazism).Spylab 21:19, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Reason for refimprove tag

I restored the refimprove tag because most of the sentences that are specifically about white power skinheads are not backed up any references. Most of the footnotes are for sentences about non-political or anti-racist skinheads, to show the contrast between them and the political racist skinheads. Spylab (talk) 17:21, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

Far Right?

How is calling Nazis far right NPOV? This implies that the more conservative you get, the more Nazi you get. That is ridiculous. It isn't like Nazi Germany was Laissez-faire capitalist or anything. They were fascists, had state-owned businesses, social programs, etc. They were totally authoritarian, generally not considered very right-wing. White power skinheads also hate Israel, definately alienating them from the right-wing. These two words are an extreme insult to conservatism.-unsigned by Mister Magotchi

Picture & Imperial Flag

I'm new to wikipedia so I'm inquiring if I would be out of order to ask that someone change the picture for this article or change it myself. The problem is the little 'tough guy' in the photo is seated before the Imperial German flag which pre-dates even the real nazis, let alone the little play nazis who are members of this movement today. In it's original context this flag was no more associated with racism (or fascism) than any other European national flag. Some of my ancestors fought for Germany under this flag and I own one myself. I hate to see it sullied by those who would usurp it for their trifling little purposes. Granted the flag has been utilized by some of these dolts in some contexts, but so has the American national flag. There are plenty of alternative pictures on sites like this one [2] which depict these sad fellows with various flags from Hitler's Reich or some of the funny little playtime flags they've created for themselves. One of these might be more appropriate.

What is the consensus? Shall we change it or not? Rheinland Pfalzer (talk) 19:38, 31 July 2008 (UTC)::Rheinland_Pfalzer

  • If there's a more appropriate image, feel free to add it, but it must compy with copyright law and it must be certain that the person is actually a white power skinhead.Spylab (talk) 01:40, 2 August 2008 (UTC)
I'd go so far as to say that the person must be willing to be identified as a white power skinhead. Unconventional (talk) 05:38, 5 August 2008 (UTC)
Is it possible to use a clip of a character in a film to illustrate this? Perhaps a character from American History X? Fitz05 (talk) 22:32, 12 August 2010 (UTC)


Do you think, should I take this film in the 'Portrayals in films and videogames' section, because it's a film about neo nazism and futball hooliganism. (Sorry for my Enlgish) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:45, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Some minor cleanup.

I've added the tag on the page for two reasons:

  • The use of "racist" in the lead. Sure, it's factually correct, but do we need it? We tend to avoid it, even when factually accurate, as it carries negative connotations. How about "White power skinheads are white nationalist offshoots of the skinhead culture who often engage in anti-semitic or white supremacist activities". Doesn't soften the severity of their activities, but it uses less loaded language.
  • First section: do we really need sixteen citations for one sentence? If it's a fact, you can cut it down to less than three. If it's an opinion, remove the opinion parts, and present it as a fact with way less citations.

Thanks, Sceptre (talk) 15:43, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

New Section dispute

@Niteshift36:, @SummerPhD:, @Materialscientist:, Can you guys please help the despite about the new section of this article. User:Spylab seems to ignore the edit summaries. The FBI, police, and other law enforcement agencies recognize the White power skindheads as a gang. The new section gives details about there criminal activities. The new section is well sourced and notable. Also the new section has been in TV documentaries, and I think its important to have the new section in the article. Many gang article on Wikipedia have their most notable crimes listed in article. So, I don't know why User:Spylab doesn't seem to like the new section. ----BlueRedPurpleGreen (talk) 4:01, 10 March 2015 (UTC)

White power skinheads are a subculture and/or political movement; they are not a gang. This article is about the worldwide white power skinhead subculture as a whole, not about a few individuals in the United States military.Spylab (talk) 00:49, 30 March 2015 (UTC)

Racist or white supremacist?

It seems odd, or at least etymologically incorrect to ascribe to this subculture the phrase "white supremacy". Realistically, these people are drawn from the lowest and most economically deprived classes of their own society, so they don't rule supreme over anybody, let alone other races. It would appear that the term racist is more applicable, as they are usually hostile to other races. Claíomh Solais (talk) 23:00, 31 May 2017 (UTC)

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Picture causes formatting issues

The "Skinhead 88" graffiti causes a large gap in the list of known groups, but I don't know how to fix this. Will whoever fixes this also explain the fix so that I learn how to make this type of edit later in the future? Thanks in advance! (I'm on Chrome on a 1080p monitor.) CubeBag (talk) 00:43, 16 November 2019 (UTC)