The reaosn why MaraDNS handles wildcard the way Mara does is because of how I set up the data structures; as it turns out, the 1.2 release has revised the data structures to be able to be fully-RFC-compliant in this regard. However, in light of this article, I don't think I will make this change.

I get the sense, from reading the wildcards part of RFC1034, that Paul was just codifying in an RFC the consequence of how an early DNS server stored its records in memory. Samboy 09:20, 9 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

As of MaraDNS 1.2.02, MaraDNS now has the ability to optionally handle wildcards in a more RFC-compliant manner. I've changed this page to reflect this fact. Samboy 18:17, 5 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Query Examples


I've been doing a lot of reading on DNS stuff lately, and maybe I'm just confused, but could someone verify the example queries in the first table? I expected this query to return host1.example, not host3 :

Queried Domain Queried RR Type Results
host3.example. MX the answer will be a "host3.example. IN MX ..."

It seems as if .kr and .st no longer have a wildcard in their zone... Mdavids (talk) 20:20, 5 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

DNS records as (verified by virtue of RFC's) references for wikipedia article


Some disruptors keep deleting shared material from the talkpage of the domain hijackking article, despite the material having cited the DNS, and keep saying its unverified or unsourced. (talk) 06:14, 18 March 2019 (UTC)Reply