What happened to this girl later in life? Rlevse 17:00, 12 June 2006 (UTC)Reply
- Went to Germany, heiled Hitler, met some Hitler's Youth, went to UK, met some girl guides. Scholarship opportunity in USA destroyed by japanese DoW. Arrested for FUBARing a covertop, then released. Went to Taiwan. Forgotten until movie, then forgotten again. -- Миборовский 22:44, 12 June 2006 (UTC)Reply
- Very interesting. See answer on your page too. Dates of birth/death? Just how was her scholarship destroyed? Rlevse 12:27, 14 July 2006 (UTC)Reply
- Read Chinese? If not put it through Babelfish... Sorry, too lazy to translate all of that. :p
- 杨惠敏在献旗后的遭遇罕为人知。这位献旗英雄在献旗后出尽锋头,租界工部局为了怕因此发生变故,所以在四行孤军退入租界后不到1个月之内就派船将杨惠敏送到当时为后方的宁波。杨惠敏到达宁波之后即乘火车到玉山,并在难民群中步行到南昌,加入当地童军“沪光队”的战地服务工作。在南京沦陷之后,杨惠敏作为全国知名的英雄,被召往战时首都汉口。
- 在汉口杨惠敏受到英雄式的欢迎,并且获蒋夫人接见。显然年轻的杨惠敏被冲昏了头,其个人短于处世的毛躁个性开始发酵。在汉口期间的宣传活动如讲演,游行等均由国民党中央党部宣传部安排。某日宣传部副部长董显光致函杨惠敏,要他隔日某时到汉口某轮渡,虽然是堂堂中央党部宣传部副部长的亲笔函,但杨惠敏以路远时间太早为词不愿赴会,甚至没有回函,直接爽约。次日董显光亲访杨惠敏询问昨日上午为何不到时,才透露当天是蒋委员长本人在轮渡等候杨惠敏。虽然董显光只礼貌性地提醒杨惠敏以后“要守时”,但这件事自然大毁杨惠敏的形象。
- 不久杨惠敏获派为中国到纽约出席“世界青年道德大会”的青年代表,在大会结束之后杨惠敏在美国侨界也得到英雄式的欢迎。在美国风光了半个月之后,财政部又电汇给杨惠敏500美元供其继续旅行,宣传国威。杨惠敏于是到欧洲,在英国所受礼遇一般,而且都来自侨界。但是在德国则受到希特勒青年团的热烈欢迎,并获希特勒接见。在30年后杨惠敏在回忆录中仍以极为热情的笔调描述这位德国元首的接见,并引为毕生光荣。
- 在杨惠敏返国之后,被多位要员接见,包括社会部副部长黄伯度、军统局副局长戴笠及教育部部长陈立夫。财政部部长孔祥熙并安排杨惠敏在直接税局挂一名义,每月坐领干薪500元。不久之后杨惠敏又获蒋夫人召见,蒋夫人勉励杨慧敏要好好读书,并让陈立夫部长直接安排。于是杨惠敏被安排到当时为大后方第一学府的中央大学旁听。因为国民政府尊重大学教育自主,所以即使是教育部部长本人安排,也只能安排个旁听生。杨惠敏自言因“太好动”,受不了这个第一学府,所以又转到中央艺术专校就读。但海外侨领幷没有忘记献旗英雄,一位美国侨领直接帮杨惠敏办好哥伦比亚大学的入学手续与奖学金,杨惠敏得到赴美留学的机会,自然欣喜,但苦于短少赴美盘缠。为了凑钱,杨惠敏居然直接找上财政部部长孔庸之先生本人!
- 孔祥熙其实与四行孤军关系甚深,孤军营有一次进行“一元运动”,全营官兵连续四个月从月薪中捐出1元,共凑成2000元汇回军政部作为捐献,庸之先生得到消息后,直接从自己帐户汇了10000元给孤军。这是战时财政非制度化下的特殊情况。在杨惠敏登门告穷时,孔庸之先生直接批了一张3000美元的支票给杨惠敏,但是限于纽约兑现。杨惠敏马上启程前往香港,出发现杨惠敏又晋见蒋夫人辞行,蒋夫人阅人太多,对杨惠敏的性格缺陷非常清楚,所以婉转地要他“凡事应三思而行”。杨惠敏到香港之后适逢太平洋战争爆发,在杜月笙一位门生的安排下,杨惠敏顺利逃回曲江。
- 在曲江,一位赈济委员会的分会主任陈志皋与杨敏商量,让他返回香港“接运”一批要员的眷属。这是相当诡异的差使,这种接运工作,怎么让一名毫无经验的女孩子负责呢?不过杨惠敏做的很起劲,在回忆录中杨惠敏自称他将东吴大学教授吴经熊全家与国府主席林森的亲属40余人从香港“接运”到内地,但没有写明他如办妥这份差使。显然这后面有鬼。杨惠敏在“救援”过程中与一位军统局香港站通讯员赵乐天结伴,这位通讯员之所以与杨惠敏结伴,是因为他“跑单帮”,虽然杨惠敏在回忆中宣称“他跑他的单帮”,但也呈认为赵乐天“托运两批西药到内地”。简而言之,赵乐天利用其军统人员之职权,在香港到曲江这条黄金线路上作走私生意。当时的西药走私,是一本万利的。为了维持走私通路,赵乐天必需打通这条道路上三山五岳的好汉,包括日本香港总督府九龙派出所,中共东江纵队,第七战区驻军与沿途各路地主武装。军统系统本身在抗战中期即负有缉私职责,而军统组织却在负起缉私责任之后以相当速度腐化。这使戴笠极为懊恼幷尽可能地“严打”。赵乐天就是利用职权走私的一个例子。杨惠敏与这条走私线的真实关系已经难以考察,但可以想象这个思维单纯而个性毛躁浅薄的女孩,自然是遭人利用的。
- 杨惠敏最后一次“任务”是抢救蝴蝶。蝴蝶可能不觉得这个女孩子有什么能耐,所以谢绝杨惠敏的好意,自己带着家当与另一批逃往内地的民众结伴。但是这批民众在逃亡路上却被好汉拦劫,细软尽失。而这批好汉却通了杨惠敏的大名!蝴蝶辗转抵达重庆之后,自然向其情夫戴笠将军哭诉,于是杨惠敏与赵乐天马上被逮捕入狱,全案进行澈底清查。不过,戴副局长对这个小案件甚感棘手,因为他总不能将国家级的英雄正法,而私行宽纵则会使情人不满。所以戴将军干脆将这个案子拖着不办,一直到抗战胜利。
- 抗战胜利之后,军统局将这个案子转给地方法院审判。在被关押四年之后,杨惠敏获判无罪,赵乐天获判罪刑已相抵而同时出狱,杨惠敏将地院裁判全文刊于其回忆录中。笔者愈看愈感觉这是一种宽纵,因为法院简直为赵杨二人找理由。笔者认为这应该也出自戴副局长授意,这也许因为考虑到抗战胜利后的与论问题所做的从轻处理。所以法院明文判决赵乐天以军人身份无故离职,又宣称赵乐天的经商(实为走私)在逃亡时段进行,所以不构成利用职权图利……。而杨惠敏在走私中的地位也没有被列入裁判范围,法院只宣称杨惠敏被羁押是因为有泄露军事机密之嫌,但是事实上没有泄密,所以无罪开。至于谁走露了蝴蝶一行逃亡路线的消息,就不涵在法院的裁判范围中了。
- 杨惠敏在1946年1月4日宣判无罪出狱,两个月之后,戴局长在南京坠机殉职。
- 在杨惠敏的回忆录中对蝴蝶充满愤恨,但是对蒋夫人崇敬有加,对戴将军也没什么抱怨。这也为杨案的轻判提供线索。不过,依笔者观察,杨惠敏无心为恶,只是因为暴得虚名,而以单纯的智能与毛躁的态度应付最光怪陆离的复杂环境,因而遭到不测之祸。这是非常可惜之处。杨惠敏获释以后继续受到高层照顾,到台湾后被安排担任体育教员,并有美满的婚姻,而且曾经再获蒋夫人召见。杨惠敏在台湾只作少量的公开露面,不再是英雄级的明星。1967年杨惠敏出版回忆录《八百壮士与我》。八年之后,中央电影公司开拍“八百壮士”,大量采用杨惠敏的回忆。该片为台湾在70年代所拍摄最入流的战争片,开拍时,中影请到当时仍健在的原第三战区司令长官顾祝同上将剪彩。
- -- Миборовский 18:44, 14 July 2006 (UTC)Reply
- Babelfish came up with this, thanks, what's the source?:
□Hui Min knows after □the flag bitter experience rarely □person. □the □flag hero after □the flag □□□, the foreign settlement municipal council □had feared therefore □lives □therefore, therefore orphaned □draws back into the foreign settlement after four lines □not to send the ship to 1 □month □□to favor sensitively delivers □□□the rear Ningbo. After □Hui Minte □Ningbo namely □arrives Yushan while the fire, and walks Nanchang in □the people group, joins □the child □"□the light □" □clothing □work. □falls after Nanjing, □Hui Min is □the entire □well-known hero, is summoned toward □□the capital □mouth. □favors in □the mouth sensitively receives the hero -like □to welcome, and □□madame meets □. □however year □□favored □was sensitively fainted □, its □person short Yu?shih rash □natural □beginning □yeast. In □mouth time □proclaims □lives □like □develops, the parade and so on proclaims □an arrangement by □the people Central Party Committee party committee. Some date proclaims □vice- □Dong?kuang to send a letter □favors sensitively, wants him some □some □to cross every other day to □the mouth, □however is the solemn central party committee proclaims □a vice- □□□letter, but □Hui Mini lu?? □too early □□is not willing to go to □, even □has writes in reply, direct is crisp □. Why not next day did Dong?kuang □□□Hui Min? the □yesterday morning □arrive □, only then disclosed □the day was □committee □□myself in □crosses waits for □favors sensitively. □however after Dong?kuang only □appearance reminder □Hui Min "must defend □", but □matter nature big □□Hui Min image. Soon □Hui Min? sends □center □to □□the attendance "the world youth morals big □" the youth representative, after big □□ties □Hui Min in is beautiful □□also obtains the hero -like □to welcome. In beautiful □□light half □month, □the politics department □□□□favors sensitive 500 US dollars for its □□travel, proclaims □□the prestige. □favors sensitively thereupon to □the continent, □receives in England □meets general, moreover all □from □. But □□receives the Hitler youth in Germany □□is fierce □welcomes, and □Hitler meets □. □Hui Min in returned to □□center still after 30 years □□the description □Germany □state heads meets by extremely □□the sentiment □, and directed □□the third contact □. After □Hui Minfan □, is wanted by the multi- positions □to meet □, including society □a vice- □□uncle, □□bureau vice- bureau □Dai Li and Ministry of Education □□sets up the husband. □politics department □Kong Xiangxi and arrangement □Hui Min hangs in the direct □bureau □, each month of seat □干薪 500 Yuan. After soon □Madame Hui Minyu □□summons □, □madame to make an effort □□慧敏 must well □□, and □□sets up the husband department □direct arrangement. Thereupon □favors is sensitively arranged to □□□the big rear area first □government office central committee big □audit. Because □□the civil administration 府尊 significant □education is independent, therefore even if is Ministry of Education □myself arranges, also only can arrange □the audit to live. □Hui Min admits because "too is good □", cannots bear □□the first □government office, therefore □to central □□□school □. But the overseas □□□□have forget □□the flag hero, an American □□□direct □□Hui Min? good elder brother □compared to □big □enters □the hand □and □□the gold, □Hui Min obtains goes to America remains □machine □, the nature is joyful, but painstakingly to deficiently goes to America □□. □□, □has favored sensitively unexpectedly directly looks for □politics department □hole commonplace gentleman! Kong Xiangxi its □with four lines of orphaned □□departments really deep, orphaned □□has a time of □line "a Yuan □□", in the entire □officers and soldiers □□four □months □monthly salaries contributes 1 Yuan, altogether □becomes 2,000 Yuan □to return to □the politics department to do □contributes □, after commonplace gentleman obtains the news, the direct □own □□□10,000 Yuan □have been orphaned □. □is □□□under the political non- institution special sentiment □. □considers in □Hui Minteng □□, hole commonplace gentleman directly approved □3,000 US dollars checks □□to favor sensitively, but was restricted in □□□□. □on Hui Min? □the regulation goes to Hong Kong, leaves □□□Madame Hui Minyu □□□□the line, □madame □person too many, □□Hui Min disposition flaw extremely clear, therefore is graceful □wants him "everything □to think things over carefully before acting". □Hui Minte the Hong Kong just happens to meet the Pacific Ocean □□to explode afterwards □, in Du Yuehsheng under a □fresh arrangement, □Hui Min? the advantage runs away Qujiang. In Qujiang, a □□committee □□minute □director □the will high bank with □sensitively discussed that, □he returns to Hong Kong "to meet □" one batch to want □眷 □. □is □□different sending, □seed grafting □work, how □a 毫 □□□girl □□? □□Hui Min does not do gets up very much □, in returns to □□center □Professor Hui Mintzu □his □□□□□□bear entire family with □government office president 林森 □□40 person of □Hong Kong "meets □" to □, but □has □is bright his like □proper □share to send. □however □behind is fishy. □Hui Min □in the regulation passes □□□□the day □partner in "the rescue" with a □□bureau Hong Kong station, □the position passes □□therefore with □Hui Min? the partner, is because □he "runs □□", □however □Hui Min in returns □center proclaims □"him to run he □□", but also assumes □□□□the day "to hold □□west the batch □to □". □says it, □□the day uses its □□person □□□, does the smuggling business in Hong Kong to the Qujiang □□□gold □road on. □□the west □smuggling, is the prize investment. □held smuggles the circuit, □□the day essential makes a connection □□on the path the high mountains to be good □, □supervises the government office nine □local police stations including the Japanese Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party Qi Jiang □□, seventh □□□□and along the way each group landlord military □. □□is □itself namely □has privately □in the anti- □intermediate stage □□, but □□□□□after □□private □no matter what by □speed putrefication. □causes Dai Lichi □to be regretful □□□possibly "□hits". □□the day is a use □□smuggling □example. □Hui Min with □□smuggling □really □□was □□inspected, but was allowed to imagine □□thinks □□□but □the natural rash □thin girl, naturally suffers the person use. □favors sensitive last "no matter what □" is □rescues the butterfly. The butterfly possibly □□□girl does not have any ability, therefore □□□Hui Min good intention, own □□family □runs away with another batch toward □the place people □□partner. But □group of people □in become a fugitive on the road □to be good □□plunder, □□□loses. But □the batch good □□has passed □Hui Min given name! After the butterfly □□arrives □is heavy □, the nature to its sentiment husband Dai Li? □cries □, thereupon □Hui Min □on is arrested into with □□the day □, entire document □line of thorough check. □, Dai Fuchu the □□□□small case really does not feel thornily, because □he □cannot □□the family □hero execute, but the private line □□□□causes the sweetheart not □. Therefore Dai?? the simply □□□case tows □, continuously arrives the anti- □victory. After anti- □victory, □□the bureau □□□case □□local court □sentences. After □detains four years, □Hui Min? sentences □the crime, □□the day □conviction punishment has balanced but with □□, □Hui Min? courtyard referee full text publication Yu Ch'ihui □□center. □looked feels □□is one kind □□, because □the court □straight □□□two people look for the reason. □□□□□□also stems from Dai Fuchu □to incite, □also □because □tests □after the anti- □victory with □□□the principle which □□□does. Therefore the court definite orders sentences □□□the day □therefore to leave by □the person status □, also proclaims □□□the day □business (□□smuggling) to become a fugitive □Duan?hsing, therefore does not constitute the use □□□advantage... ... . But □Hui Min also □has in the smuggling status is included referee Fan □, the court only proclaims □□favors sensitively □is detained is because □has disliking of the revelation □matter secret, but the matter □on □has divulges a secret, therefore □crime □. As for □walked reveals a butterfly line to become a fugitive Lu? news, did not contain in court referee Fan?zhong. □Hui Min in January 4, 1946 judged □the crime leaves □, after □□the month, Dai Chu? □machine dies for in Nanjing □. Returns to □□center □the butterfly in □Hui Min to be sufficient □□hates, but □□madame respects has Canada, □Dai?? also □any complaint. □also □□the document □sentences provides □the rope. □, according to □□does not observe, □Hui Min? the heart □□, only is because of □storm □, but by □□the intelligence and rash □□pay the duplicate □□boundary which the most light is strange □leaves, thus does not encounter □□. □is extremely is a pity □. □Hui Min? □later □□will receive Gao?chao □, □is arranged after □to be appointed the sports to teach □, and will have the American □marriage, moreover Madame Zeng?tsai □□summoned □. □Hui Min □only does in few male □makes an appearance, no longer is the heroic □star. In 1967 □Hui Min published □□"800 □Gentlemen And I". After eight years, the central □shade company □racket "800 □gentlemen", massively use □Hui Min to return □. □piece □□pats in the 70's □入流 □□the piece, □pats □, center the shade □to original third □□commander which □□still is in good health □the official □wishes same □cuts the ribbon.
Rlevse 18:59, 14 July 2006 (UTC)Reply
- A text file with lots of articles. Somehow I didn't copy down the URL where I found this article online. Sorry. -- Миборовский 19:26, 14 July 2006 (UTC)Reply