Archive 1

Final Wars Zilla and Fire Breath?

It states under the Powers and Abilties section of the page that the Zilla in Final Wars has fire breath because of the acids in his stomach and such. And further-more, that the director of Final Wars said so...Um, I think that needs a citation because I have yet to hear from any offical source that Final Wars Zilla has any form of breath weapon. --SuperSaiyan4Godzilla 12:20, 15 July 2008.

Unnecessary use of Japanese Terms

This article contains too many Japanese terms that have English equivants. There is no need to use terms like Kaiju (monster) or Showa (dating system). Such terms merely make reading the article cumbersome for the non-otaku readers. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:52, 14 February 2008 (UTC)


Some one has been eliminating all the data off this page. I am asking nicely to stop it because they just made the article a stub and their edits did not seem practical in any fashion. I restored the page to where it was before the IP edited them. --Link25 07:38, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

just thought i would point this out but im kinda not really familiar with wika so sorry if this is nt the place to do it but im pretty sure the godzilla in the 98 movie actually does have a breath weapon that he used first against some humvees chasing hisand again against one of the attack helicopters that were also chasing him.

No, that was just the regular wind breath igniting a few cars--FigmentJedi 5 July 2005 22:59 (UTC)

Actually the monster seen in the 1998 films breath igniting cars is not true.Godzillas breath did release an atomic blast near the beginnig of the film, it seems, however, that after being shot by the u-boats his strength was drained dramaticly, thus disabling his fire braething ability.( 04:47, 11 November 2005 (UTC))

If so, then why didn't he use it on Godzilla during "Final Wars"? Unless you mean to suggest that Zilla was abysmally stupid to the point where it actually believed that it stood a better chance against Godzilla in tooth and claw combat, versus staying far away from him.

Maybe because Japanese CGI is horrible? (Just kidding, meant no offense)Gorgo7h3 01:32, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

Mabey because , okay, he did'nt have a fire blast, but his offspring did, and a powerfull one too!--PopiethePopester 15:00, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

Zilla is normally used in India and Middle-east asia as the "district".somebody makes a seperate article?

If there's no entry for Zilla=district, then it makes no sense to even mention it. It's certainly not relevant to Zilla=monster. --Eric TF Bat 11:41, 25 September 2005 (UTC)

If the article grows significantly (which i'm unconvinced it needs to) then section headings may be of use; at the moment, however, at a paragraph a piece they're more distracting than helpful. If someone can provide a few paragraphs summarizing analyses of Zilla (especially in contrast with Godzilla), please do, for that will definitely warrant a heading.&mdashCrazilla 06:08, 30 December 2005 (UTC)

I believe that the first Zilla had a breath weapon, and before he layed that batch of eggs, he layed an egg that hatched and then he layed that whole batch of eggs, and when zilla was killed by the sub(I think) that was the first zilla, then the first hatched zilla grew up to take the place of zilla, and that zilla didnt have a breath weapon, and when he found out the others were dead, it was because of brotherly/sisterly love, not motherly love. seems logical,, doesnt it? - Hyuuga-sama 20:33, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Hyuuga-sama


As mentioned at the start of the article, rather than a reanimated or mutated dinosaur this incarnation of Godzilla is a mutation of some modern lizard. Should it really be listed among the Fictional dinosaurs? --Crazilla 08:30, 2 December 2005 (UTC) looks more like 1 then godzilla.

i say it should be taken off that list. it may look like 1, but it isn't. and about "godzilla". godzilla is jsut barney the purple dinosaur mutated...-- 00:04, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

lol. wrong. he is a mutated godzillasaurus. You should see the films again.--Hyuuga-sama 06:40, 14 April 2007 (UTC)hyuuga-sama

No he isn't regardless of what the Toho Gojiras are, the one on the Godzilla (98) is a mutated iguana.Strumf (talk) 18:28, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

uhh, godzilla 98 isn't a godzilla movie, it's jurassic park meets independence day.


I found an article that could be cited where it says that zilla has taken the god out of godzilla. maybe someone could verify this?

I request citation for this sentence from the article: "The Final Wars Zilla lacked or did not use a breath weapon, and was described as being an irradiated desert lizard on a website listing Kaiju and their abilities." WHAT website? Without citation, the second statement should be removed. Crockalley 20:28, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

Speed Insufficient

The myth that GINO's speed compensates for his hemophilia-like weakness should not be left to run amok on this page - despite the length of his footfalls, GINO was unable to catch a New York taxicab, and he was in a desparate rage while pursuing it, too! Godzilla could easily catch the same cab, despite the fact that his strides do not look like he is running, probably due to his greater size. For this reason, I am removing the "speed" comment.

And to all the wiseguys who like to point out that he "outran" the Apache helicopters, watch the movie again and take note of how long it takes the helicopters to travel around a city block. If you were an Apache pilot, you wouldn't travel much faster than 60 kmph in an enclosed area like Manhattan either.

  • No kidding, but the fact remains that the apaches were moving faster than the cab was when they were engaging Zilla. It's an inconsisency(one of many) within the movie, deal with it.
And please keep the soapbox out of the article. Don't hate the Kaiju, hate the Movie. Zilla's taken enough flak over the faults of the movie as opposed to it's own. - SAMAS
    • What do you mean, "They were moving faster?" How can you tell? It's been some time since I've seen this bomb of a movie, but if memory serves, you should be able to take note of when the nearest side of a building occupies a certain position on the Apache's HUD and time how long it takes for the far side of the building to occupy that same spot on the HUD. Then grab a map of Manhattan and if you can't verify that street and determine it's length, at least you can figure out the average block length in Manhattan and do a 'lil ol' fashioned Distance / Time = Speed. Once I get my hands on a copy of the movie, I WILL do this, but until then, I'm still pretty confident that GINO couldn't be much faster than 90 kmph, tops. If you think I'm wrong, beat me to it and post your findings.
And as it's been said before, GINO is not a kaiju. He's a frail and pathetic Hollywood abomination. It sickens me that people even mention him in the same breath as Godzilla. I could care less about the movie, but the neglect of canon that goes into the usual comparisons of the two monsters is beyond frustrating. If GINO can clamber on a skyscraper without collapsing it, he obviously can't weigh that much - and if Godzilla can hurtle Kumonga over the horizon, as he did in Final Wars, then the kinetic force from Godzilla's fist would literally splatter GINO and send his tomato pulp of a corpse flying many miles away. As pathetic as GINO's Final Wars appearance may have been, it may shock some people to know that the canon was altered in GINO's favor by a vast margin, and he still couldn't win.
  • Yeah, the fact that GINO's body didn't jacknife around Godzilla's tail and rip in half was generous of Kitamura.

and this, my freinds, is a classic example of biased mud. please ignore this obviosly deranged mans pathetic rants.

Quote from the helicopter chase scene "Were doing 80 knotts and he's pulling away." Also, when chasing the cab, Zilla probably couldnt run as fast due to injurys from the subs Actually, I just watched it, Zilla was not able to keep up with the cab, but over take it. Anyone know the top speed of a Ney York cab?

      • That's funny, call me deranged when you spell like a Down's Syndrome sufferer would talk. The fact that the chopper pilot said they were doing 80 knots means what, exactly? Right, that the chopper pilot said that they were going 80 knots. NOT that the pilots actually went 80 knots - that information can only be verified from observing the properties of the helicopter in motion. And how long, exactly, did it take Zilla to catch up to the cab? Only with a desparate last-minute dive did he catch them. I didn't see any wounds on him from any sub attacks, which is fitting with how every other military ordnance never managed to hit him either. Conjecture, anecdotes and ad hominem attacks will lose you the battle EVERY time - especially if you make a fool of yourself while trying to puff up your chest and play academic in front of everyone.

Hey, it's just a movie people! No need to call people deranged. And Down's Syndrome is a pretty classless insult. Anyways, I agree with the second last paragraph. Maybe Zilla was slower facing the cab because he got hit by a torpedo not much earlier, and had taken many bullets from American forces (The lack of wounds is pure Hollywood continuity flaws). And personally, I think that the whole iguana thing was cool, and 'irradiated desert lizard' isn't an improvement at all to Zilla's canon. I think he is a more believable* creature than Godzilla

  • (Only in origin, no offense to the Big Green Giant meant at all, he's still awesome.)


Absolute nonsense. If lizards growing huge and swimming vast distances to slink around in major cities is so beleiveable, why hasn't it happened yet? Lizards DIE when subjected to nuclear fallout. Premutated dinosaurs, however, may not. And the circumstances surrounding Godzilla's origins are vague enough to permit that. Furthermore, attributing lack of wounds to "continuity errors" is the weakest kind of argument possible. Canon is canon. FIN.

Canon is canon.... you are ... something, friend. The fact he takes damage the way he does makes him more believable. The movie is classic sci-fi, but than deals with it fairly realistically(for a movie anyway). This Godzilla(the 98 american) has to eat, reproduce, ect. He was just handled more believably than japanese Godzilla. That isn't a diss, its just the way it is.

Bull-fucking-shit. A monster that can be killed from six or eight missiles isn't strong enough to withstand the rigors of moving it's own massive body around. That Godzilla can walk around and shrug off artillery like you might shrug off gentle rain may not be "realistic", per se, but it's consistent with the kind of strength a monster that size would need to have in order to merely stand on two legs, which is more than can be said for GINO.

    • Purely for reference: 80 knots (nautical miles/hour, here for air speed) = 92 mph/148 kmph. While this is no indication whether Zilla can maintain the speed for any given length of time, and is presumed that this is on a flat/optimal run condition (fearing for its life probably allowed it to perform at an optimum level), it does provide at least a guideline as to what the creature can do if only for a short time. It seems to be in agreement that Zilla is far lighter than Gojira/Godzilla and has a relatively longer stride (footfall-to-footfall) and pace, so the movie figure of "80+ knots" at least can be considered in that light.
    • As per the AH-64_Apache wiki-page, here are the performance specs:
    • Never exceed speed: 197 knots (227 mph, 365 kmph)
    • Maximum speed: 158 knots (182 mph, 293 kmph)
    • Cruise speed: 143 knots (165 mph, 265 kmph)
    • From the above data, we can infer the movie's Apaches doing "80 knots" was a little above half the average cruising speed of the machine, and was most likely maintained for safety within the confines of the city. 11:44, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

Going back to the injuries part. The torpedo explosion may not have caused any surface damage, heck they may of not even hit it, but when an explosion goes off underwater it's shockwave can cause internal damage to near-by living creatures meaning Zilla may have had internal injuries that slowed it down. As for the missles killing it thing, that's massured in durablity not strength, Zilla's skin may simply not be a thick as Godzilla's but Zilla must be pretty strong in order to dig through the earth like it did. Also about the skyscraper not collasping under him thing, King Kong was capable of doing the same thing and he's considered one of the strongest monsters. Skyscrapers are disigned to withstand massive winds, earthquakes, and other such stuff so Zilla may not of been light, the building just might have been strong. As for Zilla's speed, lots of animals can only run at their top speed for short periods of time and doing so takes up alot of energy. Zilla may not of been injured it may have simply been too tired after its fight with the subs and digging from the ocean to its nest to run at top speed. Also weight isn't really an issue as Rhinos and Elephants are fairly fast despite being the worlds largest land animals. As for the mutation thing, it may have just happened to be at just the right distance to be effected but not killed by the fallout. This does however bring up the question of why there was only one Zilla. This can also be explained using some knowhow about adaptation. Only one out every say 100 mutations surive to become permanent. There may of been other mutations created by the fallout by this type was the only one that had enough positive traits, such as not needing a mate to reproduce, to out weigh the negative traits, such as needing a great deal more food to surive. Superx 17:23, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

  • "King Kong was capable of doing the same thing and he's considered one of the strongest monsters" Says who? King Kong is also drastically smaller than either Zilla or Godzilla. It's not that unrealistic that he clamber up the ESB, but Zilla... sheesh. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:30, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

I think that Zilla is probably more capable tham most people give him credit for. Zilla may not have his predecessor's durability or sheer strength, but he's faster,smarter, more agile, and in my opinion, more feral. I think that Toho should give the West another crack at him. Peter Jackson did great on remaking King Kong, I bet he could clean up Zilla's name like no ones bussines.--Fearnoevil 02:56, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

what's jackson gonna do? give godzilla big blue eyes and a girlfriend? it's difficult to define zilla's abilities when the writers couldn't keep his abilities straight themselves

Godzilla vs. Zilla pic?

I can't find a picture to post showing them fight.And even if i did i don't know how to post pictures.maybe someone should add a good picture of the fight in final wars between them to this artical.


I think this page should be merged with the page Godzilla seeing as they are both ultimately the same entity.


  • Oppose

This version of Godzilla has been distiguished as a seperate entity than the orginal Godzilla. There is enough information on this creature to warrent his own pag and adding this will only clutter the Godzilla page. (Animedude 07:58, 22 March 2007 (UTC))

  • Oppose

I was thinking a totally different strategy. I think that the original Godzilla created by Toho should have his name changed back to what it was before, "Gojira." That will leave the name "Zilla" (Which I dispise with all my heart) to "Godzilla." That way, Gojira can become what it once was, Gojira and the totally American name left to the totally American creation, "Godzilla." If anyone can follow my meanings, and agrees, please speak out. I also welcome those who oppose my thinking and reasonings too. Here at Wikipedia, to have a NPOV on a subject also requires one to have a very open mind. (Which I have to admit is quite challenged by this.) スミス ナサニアル 02:53, 3 May 2007 (UTC)

I don't think that would work. No matter what name he was known by originally; "Godzilla" is the name most peopel all over the world associate with the Toho kaiju. Even more recently Japanese movie posters have had "Godzilla", in english, on their movie posters, below the usuall katakana'd "Gojira". Toho has made it clear they wish this creature be called "Zilla", not "Godzilla". Godzilla should stay where it is. It would cause too much confusion for the most popular name to redirect to a very rleetivly known creature by the name, and to have a reletivly unknown name redirect to the most popular creature. Most popular creature = most popular name. (Animedude 00:40, 31 May 2007 (UTC))
Your joking right?...Godzilla from the American movie and animated series reached far more people than the Japanese ones. No one knows this Godzilla by Zilla, if Toho changes its mind we'll change this page again and give it another name when in the movie the monster is 99% of the times called Godzilla. I would support this change Godzilla to the American one and Gojira to the Japanese ones (regardless of what Toho says).Strumf (talk) 18:36, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Oppose

However, this article should be retitled. Although the people at Toho were IMHO rightfully outraged at the movie, they don't own this version of the character. The depiction in Final Wars is their rebuttal to the movie, but it isn't the same monster that appears in the American movie, though they intended it to be. So I don't believe it is encyclopedic to title the article Zilla. It shows a bias that is not representative of Wikipedia. The article should be retitled and restructured.WorldsCollide 00:18, 25 May 2007 (UTC)

Actually the name "Godzilla" does and always has belonged to Toho. Tristar seeked permission to use the name and certian elements of the character for their own movie. Therefore, if Toho wishes for this creature to be called 'Zilla' in lew of "Godzilla", it is withint their right to say so. Toho makes it clear that they think the creature who appeared in the 1998 film "Godzilla" is NOT the original Godzilla and needs to be treated as a seperate creature. I see nothing wrong with the article as it is.(Animedude 00:40, 31 May 2007 (UTC))
I understood exactly what was within Toho's right when I made the post. I do not, however, have to agree with them. But that wasn't the point of my post anyways, it was to oppose the article being merged, since I think it's quite clear they aren't the same monster.WorldsCollide 06:19, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
What Toho thinks is of no concern, this is not a Toho page but a wikipedia article, Godzilla on the American movie is Godzilla and not Zilla.Strumf (talk) 18:46, 30 May 2008 (UTC)


Hello? Am I hearing you correctly? Godzilla is not Zilla. Granted, they are somewhat similar, but are not the same monster. End of Story! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:28, 30 April 2008 (UTC)


Im not sure if anyone noticed but when Zilla is in Final Wars his face seems different not really for sure if its look is different but it seems like it.

Obviously. One "Zilla" appeared in a movie made by Tristar and the other was a slap in the face to the "Zilla" that appeared in the Tristar movie. WorldsCollide 04:42, 25 May 2007 (UTC)
No, the Tristar Zilla was a slap in the face to the original Godzilla, the Final Wars Zilla was just the original creators comment on the poor treatment of THIER property. (Animedude 00:42, 31 May 2007 (UTC))
Their property? well If I lend my car and the guy doesn't treat it well I'll blame no one else but me for lending it.Strumf (talk) 18:53, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
No, there was no Zilla on the Tristar movie, there was only a Godzilla.Strumf (talk) 18:48, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
Oh, I would so love to debate you on this topic, but here isn't the place.WorldsCollide 06:21, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Let me put my two cents in here: if Toho's going to overreact to America's "poor treatment" (awww, poor babies!) of their "property", perhaps we should have a few words to say about their disgusting treatment of our property (King Kong in a suit)?? Scorpionman 01:45, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

I'm not saying that what they did wasn't petty, but since Godzilla is their property, they have a right to comment. The Feris Bueller Godzilla movie isn't a bad movie, in my opinion, but it isn't a "Godzilla" movie in the least. Also, there was really nothing wrong with "King King vs Godzilla". The same kinda suitmation was used for Kong in the 1970's American remake of King Kong. What's your point?(Animedude 22:03, 29 June 2007 (UTC))

It's not a Godzilla movie? you clearly have never seen Godzilla:Returns (1954) cause the American movie is quite like that one, including the fact that both got owned by the army, miraculously came to life just to die again.Strumf (talk) 19:02, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

The king kong remake was slammed by critics and was directed by John guillerman (british) and directed by dino de laurentiis(itilian) go ask any king kong fan and you"ll see they hate this movie just a much as you hate "zilla"'s movie. not to mention out of all tohos suits king kong was obviously one of the worst suits they had. he looks nothing like a gorilla or the original king kong.--Chaotic-Strike 18:22, 12 July 2007 (UTC)

Don't say it too loud, apparently the Gojira fans are in love with cosplaying.Strumf (talk) 19:02, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

Why do people hate the 1998 "Godzilla" movie?

It is a good movie. Before anyone accuses me of being a traitor to the name of Godzilla, let me make myself clear. Godzilla 1998 is not a "Godzilla" movie, and the monster in it is not Godzilla, but that does not make it a bad movie. From what I gather, people only hate the 1998 Godzilla movie because the monster in it was not Godzilla, even though it was refered to as such. Next time you watch the movie, block out the name "Godzilla" and change it to "Zilla". See if that helps. If it doesn't, here's a somewhat in universe explaination. The Japanese cook called the monser that sunk the ship "Gojira". If you were a Japanese sailor whose ship was sunk by a giant reptile, who else could've done it? It was raining, so he probably couldn't have seen it well enough to know it wasn't the actual Godzilla. The french spy recorded him calling Zilla "Gojira", and the repoter-guy (a-la Steve Martin from the American version of Godzilla 1954), calles it Godzilla. Thus, it was just one big case of mistaken identity. Case closed. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:46, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

That was just stupid.
Why do you need to assume that this movie must follow as a sequel to every cheesy man-in-suit movie that came before it? This was a stand-alone movie, it didn't reference any other "godzilla sightings" The Man said Gojira, Since that is supposed to be made from the Japanese for gorilla and whale it could just mean that the man made up some name for it. Why are you wasting time trying to explain the universe as it exists in your mind based on a ten year old movie? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:31, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
And you are so antagonistic because? That's just how I interpret it. If you didn't like the movie, you didn't like it, but that gives you no right to criticize my opinion. (talk) —Preceding undated comment added 19:37, 16 June 2009 (UTC).
While I agree with you that the previous comment was needlessly antagonistic, the commentor has every right to disagree with and criticize your opinion. Unless the Constitution was revised recently, taking shots at someone else's opinion is to be expected in a public forum. Sure he's a jerk, but you should grow a thicker skin! (talk) 19:52, 20 July 2009 (UTC)


Why do people keep erasing what I put about the orignal script? Other monsters have "lost project" parts of their articals so why do you guys keep erasing it? Superx 03:56, 12 June 2007 (UTC)


Anyone think we should give Zilla jr. a seperate page? he is a different entity, and he does have enough backround story.

Yes they should be merged 22:30, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Zilla was killed in Final Wars

As already established in a certain users talk page, unless there is proof from Toho itself, Zilla was officially killed in Godzilla Final Wars. Anything hinting otherwise is just fan speculation. 16:22, 29 June 2007 (UTC)

Final Wars takes place in an alternate continuity. Zilla could reappear whenever Toho wants really. Just look at Ghidrah. It's(she's,he's,they) died four times--Fearnoevil 02:33, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

You're right there. Besides, seeing as how he already died in the 1998 film, and seems to have been resurrected for this film, they could resurrect him for another one. They've resurrected Rodan, Godzilla, Ghidora, Mothra, virtually all of them have reappeared after an almost certain death. Scorpionman 21:22, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
actually guys, I heard that if Cloverfeild does good, Toho will consider letting Zilla get another movie (likly as Godzilla in USA though, not Zilla.) Sony did already write up a sequal before Toho rejected that idea. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:09, 4 December 2007 (UTC)

Kinda hard to survive a full-on blast of Godzilla's atomic breath. Besides, the Zilla from Final Wars may not have been the same Zilla as the one in the 1998 film. It could have been an offspring, or a completely different lizard altogether. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:38, 30 April 2008 (UTC)


I don't get how that song is ironic. - Go to my profile to see the sites I go to. 02:14, 11 July 2007 (UTC)Hyuuga-sama

The song makes many refrences to America in a not-so-possitive light, calling it's culture a "culture of fear" and so forth. It is ironic because Zilla is an American made monster. Atleast, thats what I figure. I'm not the one who posted that. If you feel it is too vauge, by all means delete it. Also, on an unreleated note, it's ironic that Sum 41 is a CANADIAN band. (Animedude 08:17, 12 July 2007 (UTC))
I believe the phrase in that verse of song "super size my tragety" super size meaning a giant monster and tragety meaning tohos disapointment with it and "born in the land of the free" is an obvious reference to the fact that its and american made monster (halflife4life 11:34 18 July 2007)
Toho's use of this disgusting song shows through their anti-American sentiments. They've always been sore at us for the atomic bombs, always, of course, ignoring the fact that they were the ones that provoked us in the first place. What a bunch of boobs! 21:33, 23 July 2007 (UTC)
Your facts and opinion are obviously a little skewed and incorrect. I would love to tell you how wrong you are, however, this is not the place. Keep that kind of talk to you own personal blog and off wikipedia.(Animedude 03:30, 24 July 2007 (UTC))
Don't dis Japan! We're lucky we even GET Godzilla, Anime, Manga, and other Japanese things. I am American, but I do beleive America is starting to go downhill. ( (talk) 16:19, 20 January 2008 (UTC))
I agree. Yes, the USA nuked Japan in World War 2. Yes, the Japanese provoked the USA with Pearl Harbour. But THIS is not the article to be debating whose fault it was. If you want to be doing that, go to the WW2 article! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:35, 30 April 2008 (UTC)


Why does "American Godzilla" redirect to this page, but "GINO" doesn't? Scorpionman 21:13, 18 August 2007 (UTC)

Apperently Gino is also a male italian name. However that article mentions its uses to refer to Zilla and has a link. (Animedude 07:06, 21 August 2007 (UTC))

stop with the GINO crap

Toho has given him the name of Zilla. So that is what he should be called in this artical from here on out. I already fixed all of the refereance(except for the part in the begining of this artical) and changed it to Zilla. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:14, 3 September 2007 (UTC)


Where's Zilla's profile mugshot? Scorpionman 20:43, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

No idea. Every other monster has a picture. Why should Zilla be any different? Toa of Gravity September 27, 2007 —Preceding signed but undated comment was added at 23:01, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

Looks like someone removed it over Wikipedia's free image nazi regime. Find a free image and post it. Shouldnt be too hard. (Animedude 09:07, 30 September 2007 (UTC))

Marine Iguana

I removed the reference to Zilla being amutated Marine Iguana. The reptile seen guarding the nest Zilla hatched from is clearly a Green Iguana. (talk) 19:25, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

Final Wars Removed

Who removed the Final Wars entry? Zilla's featured in it, so it deserves an entry in this article. (talk) 19:35, 16 June 2009 (UTC)


Whoops, I moved this page to "Anti-Godzilla" because it was stated in the article, but now it seems like it was written by a vandal, so this should be moved back to Zilla again, of course. Funkynusayri (talk) 12:41, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

HEAT in the series

What idiot wrote that section? There are countless mentions of "HEAT" without any mention on what the hell it is. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:26, 19 October 2008 (UTC)


I read the official guide of the movie, and it said zilla was 23 stories high, which is about 84 meters. (talk) 02:21, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Archive 1