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<name>Fjords and channels of Chile</name>
<Style id="Channel">
<Style id="Route">
<name>Ladrillero Channel</name>
<name>Picton Channel</name>
<name>Smyth Channel</name>
<description>A route from the Strait of Magellan to North.</description>
<name>Fallos Channel</name>
<description>Fallos Channel</description>
<name>Strait of Magellan</name>
<description>A route from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic and back:Punta Dúngenes - Primera Angostura - Segunda Angostura, Paso Nuevo -Paso Inglés - Paso Tortuoso - Paso Largo - Paso del Mar - Cabo Pilar.</description>
<name>Beagle Channel</name>
<description>Beagle Channel</description>
<Style id="Channel">
<Style id="Route">
<name>Routen through the fjords and channels of Chile</name>
<name>Route from Gulf of Corcovado to Chacao Channel</name>
<description>Two routes</description>
<name>Route from Golf of Corcovado to Smyth Channel</name>
<description>Route through the Messier Channel</description>
<name>Route Beagle Channel to the Strait of Magellan</name>
<description>Magdalena Channel, Canal Cockburn, Paso Brecknock or Canal Occasion, Canal Ballenero, Canal O'Brien, Paso Timbales, northwest arm of the Beagle Channel and the Beagle Channel (and back)</description>
<name>Route Puerto Natales to Puerto Edén</name>
<description>A route from Puerto Natales to Puerto Edén</description>
<name><![CDATA[Nelson Strait]]></name>
<coordinates>-74.870655,-51.587120 ,0</coordinates>
Source: Wikipedia article <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Strait_(Chile)">Nelson Strait</a>]]></description>
<name><![CDATA[Strait of Magellan]]></name>
Source: Wikipedia article <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_of_Magellan">Strait of Magellan</a>]]></description>
<name><![CDATA[Beagle Channel]]></name>
Source: Wikipedia article <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beagle_Channel">Strait of Magellan</a>]]></description>