

This template serves as a citation to Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE).


  • Format:
    {{Cite Pauly|Volume|Column Start|Column End|Article title in source|Article author|Wikisource link|comment}}
  • Example:
  • The year of publication is generated by the template: RE / year. The volume must be given in the form of the volume in Roman numerals, the half-volume Arabic numerals (e.g., I,2); the supplemental volumes in the form Suppl. Number Roman numeral (e.g., Suppl. III) and the A volumes ("Second Series") as II A,1 etc. (see also the list of volumes on Wikisource).
  • The Wikisource link parameter refers to the Pauly's Realencyclopadie of Classical Studies in Wikisource, in German, where public domain articles are transcribed. If the cited article exists there, the name of the page on Wikisource must be specified under this parameter (e.g., RE:Akte 4). The template provides the link. Only the article author and its link to Wikipedia must be inserted manually.
  • To break down the author abbreviations, the most complete list of authors on Wikisource can be used in addition to the author register of Pauly.