Template:Comprehensive table of platelet aggregation disorders and agonists

Platelet aggregation function by disorders and agonists   edit
ADP Epinephrine Collagen Ristocetin
P2Y receptor defect[1] (including Clopidogrel) Decreased Normal Normal Normal
Adrenergic receptor defect[1] Normal Decreased Normal Normal
Collagen receptor defect[1] Normal Normal Decreased or absent Normal
Normal Normal Normal Decreased or absent
Decreased Decreased Decreased Normal or decreased
Storage pool deficiency[2] Absent second wave Partial
Aspirin or aspirin-like disorder Absent second wave Absent Normal
  1. ^ a b c d e Borhany, Munira; Pahore, Zaen; ul Qadr, Zeeshan; Rehan, Muhammad; Naz, Arshi; Khan, Asif; Ansari, Saqib; Farzana, Tasneem; Nadeem, Muhammad; Raza, Syed Amir; Shamsi, Tahir (2010). "Bleeding disorders in the tribe: result of consanguineous in breeding". Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 5 (1). doi:10.1186/1750-1172-5-23. ISSN 1750-1172. PMID 20822539.
  2. ^ a b "Why Perform Platelet Aggregation?". Helena Biosciences. 2015