

Use this template to format the cells in the results table.

  • The parameter |winner= decides the background color of the cell. Possible values are |winner=null (to indicate that no match is possible, as in when both the column and the row refer to the same team), |winner=home (for matches won by the home team), |winner=away (for matches won by the visitor team), |winner=draw (for drawn matches),|winner=tie (for tied matches) and |winner=aban (for abandoned matches). Mandatory parameter.
  • The parameter |margin= takes the margin of winning. Mandatory for |winner=home and |winner=away winner. Ignored for the others.
  • The parameter |match= takes the sequence number of the match and makes either the margin (if |winner=home or |winner=away) or the result (if |winner=draw, |winner=tie or |winner=aban) an internal link that links to the match details. Optional parameter.
  • The |team= parameter lists the name of the winning team.


No match possible

style="background:#C0C0C0; text-align: center" | || {{Cricket result|winner=null}}

Home team wins

style="background:#CCCCFF; text-align: center" | 12 runs || {{Cricket result|winner=home|match=12|margin=12 runs}}

Away team wins

style="background:#FFCCCC; text-align: center" | Australia
12 runs || {{Cricket result|winner=away|margin=12 runs|team=Australia}}

Drawn match

style="background:#F0E68C; text-align: center" | Match drawn || {{Cricket result|winner=draw|match=20}}

Tied match

style="background:#DDFFDD; text-align: center" | Match tied || {{Cricket result|winner=tie}}

Abandoned match

style="background:#FFDEAD; text-align: center" | Match abandoned ||{{Cricket result|winne =aban}}

No formatting

style="text-align: center" | || {{Cricket result}}