

This template allows the creation of external links to FIL-Luge pages that use brackets in the URL.

{{FIL-Luge link
| url1 = 
| bracket1 = 
| url2 = 
| bracket2 = 
| url3 = 
| bracket3 = 
| url4 = 
| bracket4 = 
| url5 = 
| bracket5 = 
| url6 = 
| bracket6 = 
| url7 = 
| bracket7 = 
| url8 = 
| title = 
| fil-lugelink = 
| cite = 


Parameter Explanation
url1 The first part of the URL, including
bracket1 The part of the URL included within the first brackets
url2, url3, url4, url5, url6, url7, url8 All the remaining parts of the URL that are not included within brackets
bracket2, bracket3, bracket4, bracket5, bracket6, bracket7 All the remaining parts of the URL that are included within brackets
title The title of the page. Leave blank if using as part of a citation template.
fil-lugelink A wikilink to the FIL article is included by default. Put "no" or "n" to not include the link
cite Put "y" or "yes" if this template is being used in a citation template.


URL Code Example[tt_news]=10825&tx_ttnews[backPid]=45&cHash=4707727a33 {{FIL-Luge link | url1= | bracket1 = tt_news | url2= =10825&tx_ttnews | bracket2= backPid | url3= =45&cHash=4707727a33 | title = Hüfner: „Scrutinize ideal racing line and sled configuration” }} Hüfner: „Scrutinize ideal racing line and sled configuration” at the Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course[pS]=1038697200&tx_ttnews[pL]=2678399&tx_ttnews[arc]=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=922&tx_ttnews[backPid]=157&cHash=6220f56aa9 {{FIL-Luge link | url1 = | bracket1 = pS | url2= =1038697200&tx_ttnews |bracket2= pL |url3= =2678399&tx_ttnews | bracket4= arc | url5= =1&tx_ttnews| bracket6= tt_news | url7 = =922&tx_ttnews| bracket7 = backPid | url8= =157&cHash=6220f56aa9 | title = 3rd Red Bull World Cup on natural track in Unterammergau postponed }} 3rd Red Bull World Cup on natural track in Unterammergau postponed at the Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course[tt_news]=10829&tx_ttnews[backPid]=45&cHash=da4ee4e6fe {{FIL-Luge link | url1= | bracket1= tt_news | url2= =10829&tx_ttnews| bracket2= backPid | url3= =45&cHash=da4ee4e6fe | title = Organizers of 2009/2010 natural track luge events met in Umhausen | fil-lugelink = no }} Organizers of 2009/2010 natural track luge events met in Umhausen[pS]=1258070068&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=10793&tx_ttnews[backPid]=157&cHash=be0fd6e492 {{FIL-Luge link | url1 = | bracket1= pS | url2= =1258070068&tx_ttnews| bracket2= tt_news | url3= =10793&tx_ttnews | bracket3= backPid | url4= =157&cHash=be0fd6e492 | title = 45,000 kilometers through Canada | fil-lugelink = n }} 45,000 kilometers through Canada
As part of a citation template[tt_news]=10829&tx_ttnews[backPid]=45&cHash=da4ee4e6fe {{cite web | url = {{FIL-Luge link | url1= | bracket1= tt_news | url2= =10829&tx_ttnews| bracket2= backPid | url3= =45&cHash=da4ee4e6fe| fil-lugelink = no | cite = yes }} | title = Organizers of 2009/2010 natural track luge events met in Umhausen | date = 10 November 2009 | accessdate = 13 November 2009 | publisher = [[Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course ]] }} "Organizers of 2009/2010 natural track luge events met in Umhausen". Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course . 10 November 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2009.[pS]=1258070068&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=10793&tx_ttnews[backPid]=157&cHash=be0fd6e492 {{cite news | url = {{FIL-Luge link | url1 = | bracket1= pS | url2= =1258070068&tx_ttnews| bracket2= tt_news | url3= =10793&tx_ttnews | bracket3= backPid | url4= =157&cHash=be0fd6e492 | fil-lugelink = n | cite = y }} | title = 45,000 kilometers through Canada | date = 22 October 2009 | accessdate = 13 November 2009 | publisher = [[Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course ]] }} "45,000 kilometers through Canada". Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course . 22 October 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2009.

See also
