This infobox is intended for use with "hub" or "set index" articles. These are articles that give an overview of the characters that have used a particular alias or codename, but where each of those characters have their own articles which use {{Infobox comics character}}. Examples of this are Ant-Man and Kid Flash.

Articles which cover multiple characters and only some of those characters have their own articles should use {{Infobox comics character}}, leaving out all information save the alter ego for the character(s) with a stand-alone article. Examples of these are Doctor Fate and Atom (comics).

If the infobox is going to be used on a hub article that covers characters and self-titled comics, such as Robin (character) or Flash (comics), should use {{Infobox comics set and title}}.


{{Infobox comics set index
|code_name  = 
|image      = <!-- filename format only -->
|imagesize  =
|caption    = 
|alt        = 
|publisher  = 
|debut      = 
|debutmo    = 
|debutyr    = 
|debutyr#   = 
|creators   = 
|characters = 
|seealso    = 
|cat        = 
|subcat     = 
|hero       = 
|villain    = 
|sortkey    = {{PAGENAME}}
First appearance{{{debut}}} ({{{debutmo}}} [[{{{debutyr}}} in comics|{{{debutyr}}}]])
Created by{{{creators}}}
See also{{{seealso}}}

Parameter notes


Common elements

  • Most of the parameters are designed only to show in the infobox if something is entered. They can be left in the template and empty if the item does not pertain to the article or if the information is not known at the time the template is added.
  • The code_name field is an exception. If left empty the infobox will not generate a title. If the title for the infobox is the same as the title of the article, code_name can either be deleted or commented out. The later is preferable since the name of the article, or the preferred name of the infobox may change.
  • For multiple items in one field, separate each with <br />.
    Example: creators=Stan Lee<br />Jack Kirby
  • Placing images in the infobox uses three fields:
    • image which is just the filname of the image. The template will add the markup to show the image.
      Example: image= example.jpg
    • imagesize which is the width the image will display at. The template will only accept a number here. If left empty or if a string (such as "225px") is entered, the image will default to 250px wide.
      • If you find the image to be too tall, reduce the size below 250px.
      • The parameter is capped at maximum width of 250. Entering values grater than this will result in the default setting being used.
      • The image will also cap at 450 in height.
  • The caption will appear below the image. Keep it short, but indicate the original source published source of the image and the artist(s).
    Example: A comic book issue cover would be captioned as "Wolverine vol 2, #17. Art by John Byrne."
  • To keep in line with Wikipedia:Alternative text for images, alt needs to be updated with the "text alternative" of the image. This is not the same as the caption. It should also be kept short, but needs to be descriptive of the image.
  • For debut, provide the first appearance of the character concept.
    • debutmo and debutyr can be used in conjunction with debut. When this is done:
      • debut is only the title, volume number, and issue number
      • debutmo is the month, season or week specified in the issue's cover date. This field is optional so it can be left out if no "month" is part of the cover date.
      • debutyr is the four digit year noted in the cover date. This will automatically link the year to the appropriate "Year in comics" list article. If this field is not present, only the information in debut will show up in the infobox.

Specific elements

  • For creators, as with debut, list only the creators responsible for the initial character concept.
  • characters should list the relevant characters in publication order. Convention is that the current character(s) using the code_name should be bolded. This is not a guideline or part of an existing Manual of style, just how the template is currently being applied.
  • seealso is a catch all for relevant team articles and/or expanded character lists.



This infobox has been designed to automatically place articles its added to into appropriate categories under Category:Comics characters. To do this the following parameters are used.

  • cat is used for cases where the primary category is a specific type of character. Due to the limitations of the template, the entry for this parameter cannot be capitalized.
    • For ease of use "superhero" and "supervillain" should be shortened to just "super".
  • subcat is used to specify a particular subcategory of Category:Comics characters. This can be a publisher, imprint, or nation of original publication. Please review the noted category for which subcategories exist.
    This will interact with cat and the template has been set up to limit options to currently existing categories.
  • altcat is used for cases where "character" or a character type is not the ending of the appropriate category.
    • Note: subcat and altcat are mutually exclusive. If both are left empty, the article will be placed into Category:Comics characters by default.
  • hero and villain are logical functions that work with "cat= super". Each will add the article to the publisher specific "superhero" and "supervillain" categories.
  • sortkey is the title by which the article will be sorted in the categories placed by the template. This sorting will default to {{PAGENAME}} and will override {{DEFAULTSORT}} listings in the article. Due to markup limitations, this parameter will not recognize a leading space.
  • Additional categories similar to the one set by either subcat or altcat can be added with addcharcat#. Replace "#" with a number (currently the template is set up for 6 additional categories) and list the full category title. Please list the categories in publication order.

If debutyr is present, the article will also be added to the appropriate "'Year' comics characters debuts" category. This category will list after the "Comics characters" categories.

  • Additional debut categories can be added using debutyr# . Replace "#" with a number (currently the template is set up for 6 additional categories) and enter the appropriate year. Please keep the following in mind:
    • A year should only be added once and the years should be in chronological order.
    • Only add a year for a character that first appeared using a particular the name featured in the article. Do not add it for character that first adopt the name after they first appear.
      Example: For Ant-Man a debut category can be added for "Eric O'Grady", a character that was created and initially used as "Ant-Man", but one is not added for "Scott Lang", a character which did not first appear as "Ant-Man".
    • debutyr1 can be used to allow for an initial category if a non-standard debut is needed.

"Alternate versions" articles

{{Infobox comics set index
|code_name  = Required
|AV         = y
|image      = <!-- filename format only -->
|imagesize  = <!-- default 250 -->
|caption    = 
|alt        = 
|publisher  = 
|debut      = 
|debutmo    = 
|debutyr    = 
|creators   = 
|characters = 
|seealso    = 
|sortkey    = 
Alternate versions of {{{code_name}}}
First appearance{{{debut}}} ({{{debutmo}}} [[{{{debutyr}}} in comics|{{{debutyr}}}]])
Created by{{{creators}}}
See also{{{seealso}}}

This variation is designed specifically for "Alternate versions of <Foo>" articles.

Parameter changes

  • AV tells the template that the infobox has been placed on an "Alternate versions" article. Most of the parameters will function normally.
  • code_name is required with this version since the infobox title will show as "Alternate versions of 'code-name'". "the" can be added for characters like "the Punisher" or "the Thing".
  • Leaving image enpty will result in the "request for image" place holder not being shown. This version of the template assumes that no image is needed.

Categorization changes


This version will only place the article into Category:Alternative versions of comics characters, so only the sortkey parameter is available. debutyr will not add a category for these articles.

  • sortkey is optional since sorting will default to code_name. If "the" has been included under code_name, sortkey must be used to correctly sort the article.
    Example: "code_name=the Punisher" would default sort under "t". Adding "sortkey=Punisher" would move the article to "P".