{{Odyssey|language|book|first line in range|last line in range}}

Link to the Odyssey on Perseus Project by book and line or range of lines. Adding the last line in range does not change the link URL, since the number of lines on one page is determined by Perseus.

The first parameter is language: gr or el for Greek, en for English.

Normally the template does not display the name of author and work. Put in shortref as the last parameter to display the name of work; put in ref to display both author and name of work.

{{Odyssey|en}} 1 default book = 1
{{Odyssey|en|2}} 2 whole book
{{Odyssey|en|2|3}} 2.3 line in book
{{Odyssey|en|2|3|4}} 2.3-4 book and line range set
{{Odyssey|en|2|3|4|shortref}} Odyssey 2.3-4
{{Odyssey|en|2|3|4|ref}} Homer, Odyssey 2.3-4