Standard template for row in Members of Provincial Parliament table in Ontario Election/Candidate/Riding articles.


Use to create row for individual results following {{OntMPP}} template to create headings; complete with {{OntMPP End}} template to close the series.  Optionally use {{OntMPP NoData}} if periods of data are missing.

{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 
  | ToYr         = 
  | Assembly#    = 
  | OntParty     = 
  | OntPartyLink = 
  | RepName      = 
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP NoData}}
{{OntMPP Row  }}
{{OntMPP End}}


  FromYr     [required] #### starting year of sitting (or by−election year);
ToYr #### ending year of sitting (or By-Election year), omit in row for present sitting to display "FromYrPresent";
Assembly# ## indicating which sitting of the assembly (e.g. 39 links to 39th Parliament of Ontario), automatically handles mapping to proper numeric suffix (i.e. 40  40th, 41  41st, 42  42nd, 43  43rd, 44  44th, etc.);
OntParty Name of party (where both {Template:Canadian politics/party colours/OntParty} and {Ontario OntParty Party} (or redirects) exist);
OntPartyLink May be used to override the default article ("Ontario OntParty Party") wikilinked to OntParty (above) — Use OntPartyLink=none to suppress wikilink creation;
RepName Firstname(s) Lastname of elected Representative (See also RepLink below);
RepLink Link to Representative's wiki article, if it exists, (if omitted then automatically links to [[RepName]], if it exists), (assigning a non−existent value, such as "*Nothing*" or "NoRepLink", can force the template not to create a link in situations where an unrelated article exists for RepName and there is no wiki article which could be specified here);
#ByElections # defined/non-zero only if SUBSEQUENT rows identify mid-term By-Elections (Set #ByElections = 1 if the following row defines the only by−election to have occurred (in this riding) during the assembly's sitting.  Note: If more that one by−election occurs during a sitting then set this flag only on the first general election row and specify the total number of by−elections to occur during the sitting (i.e. If the riding had a general election followed by three by−elections, the first row for the general election should specify #ByElections = 3 and all subsequent rows of by−election data should omit this parameter and Assembly#));
PartyTerms# # of SUBSEQUENT rows that this party holds the seat (i.e. If the party is elected in this riding three times in a row, the FIRST time they are elected should specify PartyTerms# = 3 and the subsequent 2 rows should omit OntParty and PartyTerms# parameters);
RepTerms# # of SUBSEQUENT rows that this representative was elected to the seat (i.e. if the representative holds the seat in this riding for 4 elections (or 3 elections plus 1 By-Election) in a row, the FIRST time they are elected should specify RepTerms# = 4 and all subsequent rows (election or By-Election) should omit the RepName and RepTerms# parameters (as well as the OntParty and PartyTerms# unless they changed affiliation).


Note how the …Terms# parameters replace the duplicate of information and span multiple rows in the table:
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2007
  | ToYr         = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 39
  | OntParty     = Liberal
  | RepName      = Joe Dickson
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2011
  | ToYr         = 
  | Assembly#    = 40
  | OntParty     = Liberal
  | RepName      = Joe Dickson
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP End}}
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2007
  | ToYr         = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 39
  | OntParty     = Liberal
  | RepName      = Joe Dickson
  | PartyTerms#  = 2
  | RepTerms#    = 2
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 40
{{OntMPP End}}


Assembly Years Member Party
39th  2007–2011     Joe Dickson Liberal
40th  2011–present     Joe Dickson Liberal
Assembly Years Member Party
39th  2007–2011     Joe Dickson Liberal
40th  2011–present

Set the #ByElections to provide multiple results for a single sitting of the Legislature:
{{OntMPP|Parry Sound–Muskoka}}
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 1999
  | ToYr         = 2001
  | Assembly#    = 37
  | OntParty     = Progressive Conservative
  | RepName      = Ernie Eves
  | RepLink      = Ernest Eves
  | #ByElections = 1
  | PartyTerms#  = 5
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP Row     <!--  This is the by−election -->
  | FromYr       = 2001
  | ToYr         = 2003
  | Assembly#    =  <!--  Leave Assembly# blank -->
  | OntParty     = 
  | RepName      = Norm Miller
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 4
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2003
  | ToYr         = 2007
  | Assembly#    = 38
  | OntParty     = 
  | RepName      = 
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2007
  | ToYr         = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 39
  | OntParty     = 
  | RepName      = 
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2011
  | ToYr         = 
  | Assembly#    = 40
  | OntParty     = 
  | RepName      = 
  | RepLink      = 
  | #ByElections = 
  | PartyTerms#  = 
  | RepTerms#    = 
{{OntMPP End}}
{{OntMPP|Parry Sound–Muskoka}}
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 1999
  | ToYr         = 2001
  | Assembly#    = 37
  | OntParty     = Progressive Conservative
  | RepName      = Ernie Eves
  | RepLink      = Ernest Eves
  | #ByElections = 1
  | PartyTerms#  = 5
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2001
  | ToYr         = 2003
  | RepName      = Norm Miller
  | RepTerms#    = 4
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2003
  | ToYr         = 2007
  | Assembly#    = 38
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2007
  | ToYr         = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 39
{{OntMPP Row
  | FromYr       = 2011
  | Assembly#    = 40
{{OntMPP End}}


Parry Sound–Muskoka
Assembly Years Member Party
37th  1999–2001     Ernie Eves Progressive Conservative
 2001–2003 Norm Miller
38th  2003–2007
39th  2007–2011
40th  2011–present
Parry Sound–Muskoka
Assembly Years Member Party
37th  1999–2001     Ernie Eves Progressive Conservative
 2001–2003 Norm Miller
38th  2003–2007
39th  2007–2011
40th  2011–present

NOTE:  Changing the browser Zoom level may alter the wrapping of text in these side-by-side tables.

Where data is unavailable for one or more sittings, or where a title row is needed to identify change in electoral district name, use the {{OntMPP NoData}} template to insert a short greyed row into the table:
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 1926
 | ToYr         = 1929
 | Assembly#    = 17
 | OntParty     = Liberal
 | RepName      = John Bragg
 | RepLink      = *NoWikiPage* <!-- This John Bragg
    has no wiki page but other John Bragg's do.
| PartyTerms# = 4 | RepTerms# = 3 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1929 | ToYr = 1934 | Assembly# = 18 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1934 | ToYr = 1937 | Assembly# = 19 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1937 | ToYr = 1943 | Assembly# = 20 | RepName = Cecil Mercer | RepLink = Cecil George Mercer }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1943 | ToYr = 1945 | Assembly# = 21 | OntParty = Progressive Conservative | RepName = Percival Vivian | RepLink = Percy Vivian | PartyTerms# = 9 | RepTerms# = 2 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1945 | ToYr = 1948 | Assembly# = 22 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1948 | ToYr = 1951 | Assembly# = 23 | RepName = John Foote | RepLink = John Weir Foote | RepTerms# = 3 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1951 | ToYr = 1955 | Assembly# = 24 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1955 | ToYr = 1959 | Assembly# = 25 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1959 | ToYr = 1963 | Assembly# = 26 | RepName = Hugh Carruthers | RepTerms# = 4 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1963 | ToYr = 1967 | Assembly# = 27 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1967 | ToYr = 1971 | Assembly# = 28 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1971 | ToYr = 1975 | Assembly# = 29 }} {{OntMPP NoData}} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 1999 | ToYr = 2003 | Assembly# = 37 | OntParty = Progressive Conservative | RepName = John O'Toole | PartyTerms# = 4 | RepTerms# = 4 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 2003 | ToYr = 2007 | Assembly# = 38 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 2007 | ToYr = 2011 | Assembly# = 39 }} {{OntMPP Row | FromYr = 2011 | Assembly# = 40 }} {{OntMPP End}}
{{OntMPP NoData|Nepean}}
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 1987
 | ToYr         = 1990
 | Assembly#    = 34
 | OntParty     = Liberal
 | RepName      = Hans Daigeler
 | PartyTerms#  = 2
 | RepTerms#    = 2
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 1990
 | ToYr         = 1995
 | Assembly#    = 35
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 1995
 | ToYr         = 1999
 | Assembly#    = 36
 | OntParty     = Progressive Conservative
 | RepName      = John Baird
 | RepLink      = John Baird (Canadian politician)
 | PartyTerms#  =   <!-- Don't specify multiple terms in office
 | RepTerms#    = if using title/separator row within that range.  -->
{{OntMPP NoData|Nepean—Carleton}}
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 1999
 | ToYr         = 2003
 | Assembly#    = 37
 | OntParty     = Progressive Conservative
 | RepName      = John Baird
 | RepLink      = John Baird (Canadian politician)
 | PartyTerms#  = 5
 | RepTerms#    = 2
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 2003
 | ToYr         = 2005
 | Assembly#    = 38
 | #ByElections = 1
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 2005
 | ToYr         = 2007
 | RepName      = Lisa MacLeod
 | RepTerms#    = 3
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 2007
 | ToYr         = 2011
 | Assembly#    = 39
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 2011
 | ToYr         = 2014
 | Assembly#    = 40
{{OntMPP Row
 | FromYr       = 2014
 | ToYr         = 
 | Assembly#    = 41
 | OntParty     =  
 | RepName      =  
 {{OntMPP End}}


Assembly Years Member Party
17th  1926–1929     John Bragg Liberal
18th  1929–1934
19th  1934–1937
20th  1937–1943 Cecil Mercer
21st  1943–1945     Percival Vivian Progressive Conservative
22nd  1945–1948
23rd  1948–1951 John Foote
24th  1951–1955
25th  1955–1959
26th  1959–1963 Hugh Carruthers
27th  1963–1967
28th  1967–1971
29th  1971–1975
37th  1999–2003     John O'Toole Progressive Conservative
38th  2003–2007
39th  2007–2011
40th  2011–present
Assembly Years Member Party
34th  1987–1990     Hans Daigeler Liberal
35th  1990–1995
36th  1995–1999     John Baird Progressive Conservative
37th  1999–2003     John Baird Progressive Conservative
38th  2003–2005
 2005–2007 Lisa MacLeod
39th  2007–2011
40th  2011–2014
41st  2014–present