- This template returns the RGB hexadecimal code for the colour of each bus route on the Palm Bus (indicated by parameter).
- You can use as a parameter the number/code/name of any Palm Bus route (e.g.: 1, 4, 7, 12, 21, 22).
Line n°
Hex Code
Colour name
Rendered colour
1 |
#ffbe02 |
Bouton d'Or |
2 |
#006cb8 |
Azur |
3 |
#9c983a |
Olive |
4 |
#a0006e |
Parme |
5 |
#f68f4b |
Orange |
6 |
#77c695 |
Menthe |
7 |
#ff82b4 |
Rose |
8 |
#d282be |
Lilas |
9 |
#cec92a |
Acacia |
10 |
#dc9609 |
Ocre |
11 |
#5a230a |
Marron |
12 |
#00643c |
Sapin |
13 |
#82c8e6 |
Pervenche |
14 |
#62259d |
Iris |
15 |
#a50034 |
Framboise |
18 |
#00a092 |
Turquoise |
A |
#ed1b2a |
Coquelicot |
B |
#3c91dc |
Cobalt |
505 |
#96be05 |
Bambou |
528 |
#f59c83 |
Saumon |