This template provides text-only shortcuts to articles about national rugby league teams. The templates takes only one parameter {{Rlnt|nation}}
. Replace nation
with either the ISO 3 letter code for the country, the full name of the country or a miscellaneous abbreviation. For women's national teams prefix the same code with w. For wheelchair national teams prefix the same code with wh.
Men's teams | Women's teams | Wheelchair teams | Country | ||||||
ISO 3 letter | full name | Miscellaneous | ISO 3 letter | full name | Miscellaneous | ISO 3 letter | full name | Miscellaneous | |
ASM | American Samoa | American Samoa | |||||||
ARG | Argentina | Argentina | |||||||
AUS | Australia | wAUS | wAustralia | whAUS | whAustrlaia | Australia | |||
AUT | Austria | Austria | |||||||
BEL | Belgium | Belgium | |||||||
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |||||||
BRA | Brazil | wBRA | wBrazil | Brazil | |||||
BGR | Bulgaria | Bulgaria | |||||||
CAN | Canada | wCAN | wCanada | Canada | |||||
CAT | Catalonia | ||||||||
CHL | Chile | CHI | Chile | ||||||
COL | Colombia | Colombia | |||||||
COK | Cook Islands | wCOK | wCook Islands | Cook Islands | |||||
CZE | Czech Republic | Czech Republic | |||||||
DEN | Denmark | DNK | Denmark | ||||||
ECU | Ecuador | Ecuador | |||||||
SLV | El Salvador | El Salvador | |||||||
ENG | England | wENG | wEngland | whENG | whEngland | England | |||
EST | Estonia | Estonia | |||||||
Exiles | Exiles | ||||||||
FJI | Fiji | FIJ | wFJI | wFiji | wFIJ | Fiji | |||
FRA | France | wFRA | wFrance | whFRA | whFrance | France | |||
GEO | Georgia | Georgia | |||||||
DEU | Germany | GER | Germany | ||||||
GHA | Ghana | Ghana | |||||||
GBR | Great Britain | GB | wGBR | wGreat Britain | wGB | Great Britain | |||
GRC | Greece | GRE | wGRC | wGreece | wGRE | Greece | |||
HKG | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | |||||||
HUN | Hungary | Hungary | |||||||
IRL | Ireland | wIRL | wIreland | whIRL | whIreland | Ireland | |||
ITA | Italy | wITA | wItaly | Italy | |||||
JAM | Jamaica | Jamaica | |||||||
JPN | Japan | Japan | |||||||
KEN | Kenya | wKEN | wKenya | Kenya | |||||
LVA | Latvia | LAT | Latvia | ||||||
LBN | Lebanon | LIB | wLBN | wLebanon | wLIB | Lebanon | |||
MLT | Malta | Malta | |||||||
MEX | Mexico | Mexico | |||||||
MDA | Moldova | Moldova | |||||||
MAR | Morocco | Morocco | |||||||
NLD | Netherlands | NED | Netherlands | ||||||
NCL | New Caledonia | New Caledonia | |||||||
NZL | New Zealand | NZ | wNZL | wNew Zealand | wNZ | whNZL | whNew Zealand | whNZ | New Zealand |
NGA | Nigeria | wNGA | wNigeria | Nigeria | |||||
NFK | Norfolk Island | Norfolk Island | |||||||
NOR | Norway | Norway | |||||||
Other | Other Nationalities | ||||||||
PNG | Papua New Guinea | wPNG | wPapua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea | |||||
PER | Peru | Peru | |||||||
PHL | Philippines | Philippines | |||||||
POL | Poland | Poland | |||||||
PRT | Portugal | Portugal | |||||||
RUS | Russia | Russia | |||||||
WSM | Samoa | SAM | wWSM | wSamoa | wSAM | Samoa | |||
SCO | Scotland | whSCO | whScotland | Scotland | |||||
SRB | Serbia | wSRB | wSerbia | Serbia | |||||
SOL | Solomon Islands | SLB | Solomon Islands | ||||||
RSA | South Africa | SA | South Africa | ||||||
ESP | Spain | Spain | |||||||
SWE | Sweden | Sweden | |||||||
THA | Thailand | Thailand | |||||||
TKA | Tokelau | Tokelau | |||||||
TON | Tonga | wTON | wTonga | Tonga | |||||
TUR | Turkey | wTUR | wTurkey | Turkey | |||||
UKR | Ukraine | Ukraine | |||||||
ARE | United Arab Emirates | UAE | United Arab Emirates | ||||||
USA | United States | US | wUSA | wUnited States | wUS | whUSA | whUnited States | whUS | United States |
URY | Uruguay | URU | Uruguay | ||||||
VUT | Vanuatu | VAN | Vanuatu | ||||||
WAL | Wales | wWAL | wWales | whWAL | whWales | Wales | |||
West Indies | WI | West Indies |
produces Australia{{rlnt|South Africa}}
produces South Africa{{rlnt|NZ}}
produces New Zealand{{rlnt|wPNG}}
produces Papua New Guinea{{rlnt|whSCO}}
produces Scotland
See also
For templates including flags see {{rl}}, {{rl-rt}} and {{rlicon}}
For a list of national teams see Category:National rugby league teams