Missing ID

No parameters
  • {{Sherdog}}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
  • {{Sherdog/sandbox}}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
empty ID (unnamed parameter)
  • {{Sherdog | }}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
  • {{Sherdog/sandbox | }}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
empty ID (named parameter)
  • {{Sherdog |id= }}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.
  • {{Sherdog/sandbox |id= }}{{Sherdog}} template missing ID and not present in Wikidata.

ID only

ID only (unnamed parameter, no spaces)
ID only (unnamed parameter, with spaces)
ID only (named parameter)

ID and empty Name

ID and empty Name (unnamed parameters, no spaces)
ID and empty Name (unnamed parameters, with spaces)
ID and empty Name (named parameters)

ID and Name

ID and Name (unnamed parameters, no spaces)
ID and Name (unnamed parameters, with spaces)
ID and Name (named parameters)