Template talk:Canadian politics



I think a re-design is a good idea, reorganize the sections, etc. Spinboy 06:13, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Paste of previous talk


Hey Spinboy, there is a problem with the template you create in that it creates a huge gap in the text in the articles in which it is placed. See Prime Minister of Canada for example. I am unsure what the problem is and I tried to fix it but was unsuccessful :S

Also, I wonder if you would object if I redesigned it? I think it would make more sense if it was broken down by branch of government and also, I don't think the Deputy PM warrants being on there as that position has no seniority over other ministers. -- Jord 06:09, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Maybe we can discuss this on the talk page for the template, I don't mind a re-design, but let me know what you have in mind, maybe we can do this collaboratively. I based it on the New Zealand politics template. Spinboy 06:11, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

(above pasted from Jord and Spinboy's talk pages)

I am thinking of maybe something based roughly on the PoliticsUK template, eg.



Governor General

Prime Minister


House of Commons





Supreme Court

Federal Court


(name TBD - i.e. non-partisan/arms length)

Elections Canada

Information Commissioner

Privacy Commissioner

Ethics Commission

Auditor General

Thoughts? -- Jord 06:16, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Maybe also a provinces section with links to Lieutenant-Goveneror, Premier, Legislative Assembly? - Jord 06:20, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I think you also need in there - Leader of the Opposition, aned perhaps even Deptuty PM. I'd remove the Federal Court and maybe instead link to either the Canadian court system and/or the List of Canadian courts of appeal. (Especially since the Federal Court is relatively minor in Canada). Also, like the UK template, link to the Constitution of Canada. I don't think we need elections Canada and all those boring commissioners. Spinboy 06:22, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Yeah I forgot leader of the oppostion... one sec, I'll paste in a proposed change here and we can tweak it until we find what we want. - Jord 06:24, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I am impressed with Template:PoliticsRofI Spinboy 06:31, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Proposed new template


Politics of Canada



Governor General

Prime Minister




Speaker of the Senate
Government Leader in the Senate
Opposition Leader in the Senate

House of Commons

Speaker of the House
Government House Leader
Leader of the Official Opposition

Supreme Court

Lower Courts of Appeal


Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Provinces and territories

Problems here: lack of generic provincial articles relating to Canada, so perhaps that should be dropped. Not sure if I like the look... maybe we need to put borders in? - Jord 06:39, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Drop province stuff for now, not necessary.
I really don't think the Deputy PM should be there, it is just any other cabinet position, right now the Deputy PM is fifth in the order of presedence [1] due to McLellan's having less experience than 3 other ministers. The only official duty of the DPM is to answer questions when the PM is not in the House and chair cabinet.. the DPM is not analogous to a Vice President. - Jord
I think I agree. Further, it all looks way too bulky. I like the sleak design of the Irish one. Spinboy 06:54, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Yeah, the Irish one is pretty slick but, OTOH, we do cover a lot of good stuff here. I think we've got a winner. Agreed? - Jord 06:55, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I added the charter too, now a winner!! ;) -- Jord
Absolutely perfect. Just make sure to keep a copy of the old one so you know which pages to remove the template from. Spinboy 06:58, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Old template

Governor General
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Speaker of the House
Leader of the Opposition
Constitution of Canada
Political parties
Supreme Court
Provinces and territories of Canada

I've removed the template from old pages and added it to new ones... I think I got 'em all. Nice workin with ya Spinboy! - Jord 07:05, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Supreme Court


I've noticed a conflict there between a picture and the template, it may need to be cleaned up. Spinboy 07:06, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

title of Loyal Opposition leaders


I changed the title for the Loyal Opposition leaders of the Senate and the HoC to read "Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition" as this is the more accurate title.

They are styled as such to show that while they are opposed to the government of the day, they remain loyal to Canada as a whole through the Sovereign of the Crown. gbambino