revenue indicator: Arrow indicates positive or negative change from last year's revenue. If you're unsure, leave it out. Compare total revenue, not just revenue from continuing operations.
revenue value: the abbreviated annual revenue of a business organization (e.g., $123,456 billion)
currency type: the abbreviated type currency local to a business organization (e.g., Wal-Mart is an American company so USD is used)
revenue date: a revenue value's latest fiscal year
Prefix a revenue indicator, {{increase}}. {{steady}} or {{decrease}}, to revenue value. This indicates the change in revenue compared to the previous fiscal year. If there is no information available for the previous fiscal year do not use an indicator.
Suffix currency type and revenue date to revenue value.
Example: {{increase}} $123,456 billion [[United States dollar|USD]] ([[2004]])
Yahoo! Finance (see "Total Revenue" on "Income Statement" page)
Please do not use Hoover's revenue data. Hoover's only displays operating revenue.
Please verify revenue figures found on external sites, like Yahoo! Finance, with a business organization's annual report. Most businesses provide annual reports as downloadable PDF files in the "investor relations" section of their website. Financial figures are usually found in the last half of an annual report.