UMMAS (Unity Ministers of the Mid-Atlantic States) is a voluntary association of Unity Ministers, Spiritual Leaders, and their spouses/partners in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama. UMMAS is a sub-region of Southeast Unity, one of the regional associations of churches affiliated with The Association of Unity Churches and Unity Worldwide Ministries.
- UMMAS sponsors a 4-day Annual Retreat for laypeople and ministers from the southeast and beyond, held in early fall at Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, North Carolina.
- UMMAS holds a 2-day Training & Networking session for board members and ministers from UMMAS churches, usually in mid-July.
- UMMAS holds quarterly meetings of member ministers & spouses/partners in ministry for networking, brainstorming, "heart-check" (personal support), fellowship, mentoring, networking, and planning our events.
- [1] UMMAS
- [2] Unity Worldwide Ministries
- [3] UMMAS Retreat
- [4] Kanuga Conference Center
- [5] Southeast Unity region
- [6] Unity Worldwide Ministries
- [7] Unity regional resources