International Union of Students

The International Union of Students (IUS) was a worldwide nonpartisan association of university student organizations.[1][2][3]

International Union of Students
SuccessorInternational Council of Students
Formation1946 to around 2002
PurposeAssociation of World's Students' Organizations
Region served
155 Students' Organizations from 112 Countries
Official language
English, French, Spanish
Secretary General
Frage Sherif
Liz Carlyle
Advisory Council Chief
Akhil Ennamsetty
Key people
Ingo Jaeger, Maria Lucia, Syed Mustaffa Ali
Main organ
Executive Secretariat
AffiliationsUNESCO, ECOSOC
RemarksIdeologically influenced by Left-Wing, Communist, Socialist and Marxist views. [citation needed]
Formerly called
International Students' Council

The IUS was the umbrella organization for 155 such students' organizations across 112 countries and territories representing approximately 25 million students. This was recognised by the United Nations granting the IUS a consultative status in UNESCO. The primary aim of the IUS was to defend the rights and interests of students to promote improvement in their welfare and standard of education and to prepare them for their tasks as democratic citizens. [2][4] It collapsed in the 2000s due to an unreliable membership system and a lack of grassroots engagement.[5]

Aim and work areas


The aims of the IUS were spelled out in the 1946 preamble to the organization's Constitution:[6]

The purpose of the International Union of Students, which is founded upon the representative student organizations of different countries, shall be to defend the rights and interests of students to promote improvement in their welfare and standard of education and to prepare them for their tasks as democratic citizens.

According to the IUS's entry in the UNESCO Non-Governmental Organization list, the priority work areas of the IUS were: "Exchange of information, defence of students' status, peace, environment, development, human rights".[2]



The IUS worked through:[2][4]

  • Issuing Student Statements
  • Circular News Letters and Calls for Action to members
  • Celebration of the International Students' Day on November 17
  • Organizing Student Conferences

Logo symbolism


The logo and flag of the IUS is a burning torch and an open book set against the red and blue outline of a stylized globe. It symbolizes youth's persistent quest for knowledge.[7]


Stamp of the 25th anniversary of IUS in USSR

Early history 1946–1956


The International Union of Students was founded in Prague on August 27, 1946.[1] Student organizations from 62 countries participated in its founding envisioning a more inclusive successor to the short lived 1941-1944 International Council of Students (also known as the International Students' Council) which was set up on the initiative of the British National Union of Students to maintain open lines of communication with student organizations in allied countries during World War II.[8]

From its earliest inception, the IUS was marked by a fundamental schism:

"The spirit of [post-war] co-operation and the desire to prevent a resurgence of fascism in Europe brought together otherwise divergent groups. The main divisions, evident even at the founding congress, were between the Communist student organizations, which gained control of the executive bodies of the IUS from the beginning, and the student unions from western Europe, many of which were primarily interested in preserving the idea of a non-political international agency which would provide concrete services to the students of various countries"[9]

In response to the increasingly partisan Communist course of the IUS and the broad powers of its secretariat and executive committee to initiate new policy programmes on behalf of the members, several non-Communist members withdrew their membership in the following years. Following which the IUS also referred itself as Independent Federation of Left-Wing and Alternative Student Unions.[10]

Consequently, 21 such break-away national students organizations met in Stockholm in 1950 to form the International Student Conference (ISC) as a nonpartisan rival organization to the pro-Communist IUS.[11][12] Notable among these founders was the United States National Student Association (USNSA or NSA)[12] though "Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians and Dutch wielded the greatest influence [in the ISC]".[13]

At the time of the formation of the ISC, the dominant view in later analyses is that the IUS had become Communist controlled to such a degree that it is often referred to as a Soviet Union Communist front organization with the IUS and ISC aligned along the Cold War fronts toward the Soviet Union and the United States of America respectively.[14][15][16][17]

A dissenting view that the IUS was strongly influenced by socialism and communism but not de facto controlled by Soviet Communist interests, has also been expressed, however, by Trotskyist Lawrence Brammer:[18]

"It is significant that several former IUS officers later became outspoken liberals in Czechoslovakia and in the French and Italian Communist Parties. The outward pro-Soviet orientation of the IUS often obscured real differences within the organization"[19]

IUS activities in this period included Student Games held by the IUS Sports Council. The first such games were held in Paris in 1946 and were subsequently integrated into the World Youth Festivals (also known as World Festival of Youth and Students) which the IUS co-sponsored with the equally Communist oriented World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY).[20]

Such festivals brought up to 30,000 youth and students together for a social, cultural and sporting event[21] (see World Federation of Democratic Youth).

IUS from 1956–1969


From 1956 onwards, the IUS and ISC competed to attract student unions non-aligned in the Cold War sense. Focus was on Latin America, Asia and Africa and recruitment of member unions from here resulted in a broader political base for the IUS.[21][22]

Activities in this period included among others regional student seminars, donation of duplication machines and cameras to help affiliates, the establishment of student Health Centres in India,[23] international student conferences as well as the publication in German, Russian and Czech of the World Student News journal of the IUS, the Democratic Education journal of the IUS, and topical pamphlets concerning education. More spectacularly, the IUS continued to co-sponsor World Youth Festivals with the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY).[21]

It was well known from the outset that the IUS was funded by Soviet and Czech government contributions:[24]

"The cost of international meetings, large-scale publications, and the other activities in which they engage, are beyond the financial resources of university students"[25]

However, the IUS's inability to win leadership in left-wing student movements in Europe despite its many activities caused the Soviet Union to re-evaluate its support.[26]

The major challenge for the IUS in this period turned out to be its preoccupation with an ideological agenda rather than a focus on actual student concerns and affairs.[17][26] As a consequence of this stance, the organization became detached from its student base and was circumvented by grassroots movements in, e.g. the planning of international anti-war demonstrations in relation to the Vietnam War. The major achievements of the IUS in this period were therefore firstly helping create national student unions in developing countries and secondly aiding student union members with information and idea exchange.[27]

The dissolution of the IUS's rival organization the International Student Conference (ISC) owing to lack of funds became a reality in 1969.[28] The demise of the ISC were hastened by the 1967 revelation that the CIA had indirectly funded the ISC and recruited student representatives from the United States National Student Association (USNSA) to actively oppose Communism in the IUS. This undermined both the financial and student political support of the ISC leaving, once again, the IUS as the only worldwide student organization.[29]

IUS from 1970–present


This period in IUS history is marked by the chairmanship of the same chairman from 1977 to 1986[30] under whom a flurry of international IUS activity took place in 1979.[31][32][33][34][35][36][37]

The most significant event of the period for the IUS, however, was the turmoil the organization encountered after the 1989 - 1991 fall of Communism (see also World Federation of Democratic Youth) during which the IUS lost most of its funding.[38] Additionally, in August 1991, the Czechoslovak Minister of the Interior decided to expel the IUS and other Communist front organizations from Czechoslovakia.[39][40] The reasons given for the expulsion were close ties with the old Communist regime and abuse of tax privileges granted during the old Communist regime.[38][41][42]

Despite the hardships caused by the changing power dynamics of the 1990s,[43] the organization elected a new leadership at its 1992 Cyprus Congress[42] and initiated structural changes of its Constitution to renew itself and evolve beyond its Communist past:

"At the 16th Congress of the International Union of Students (IUS), which took place in January 1992 in Larnaca, Cyprus, the organisation underwent major changes, including the development of a new constitution. These initiatives were adopted to establish the basis for a more democratic, representative, and independent international student organisation"[44]

The new leadership and its successors continued to make press appearances in, e.g., relation to International Students' Day celebration in Dublin in 1994[45] and the 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education.[46]

In August 2003, the International Union of Students marked a comeback by calling for a worldwide day of protest against the inclusion of Higher Education in the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services.[38][47]

The IUS is still, however, struggling with its expulsion from its Prague headquarters as of October 2006:

"Most cold war institutions shriveled in the 1990s, along with their superpower backing. The big communist front outfits that fought propaganda wars, awash with cash and stuffed with spies, have fizzled away in a mixture of apathy and swindles. This week's court-enforced auction of a hulking concrete pile in the heart of Prague belonging to one of them, the International Union of Students, was halted amid squabbles among its dozens of creditors"[48]



The IUS had the following members:[49]

Country Member Membership
  Afghanistan Union of Afghan Youth Consultative
  Algeria Union Nationale des Étudiants Algériens Full
  Argentina Argentine University Federation Full
  Bahrain National Union of Bahrain Students Full
  Bangladesh Students Unity of Bangladesh Shared
Bangladesh Chatra Federation Shared
Bangladesh Students' Union Shared
Bangladesh Chatra League Shared
Bangladesh Chathro Somite Shared
Bangladesh Student League Shared
National Student League Frozen
  Barbados Guild of Undergraduates Full
  Belgium Flemish Union of Students Associate
  Benin Fédération Nationale des Étudiants du Bénin Full
  Bolivia Confederacion Universitaria Boliviana Full
  Botswana Botswana Student Council Frozen
  Brazil National Union of Students Full
União Brasileira dos Estudantes Secundaristas [pt] Consultative
  Bulgaria National Student Coordinating Center of Bulgaria Full
  Burkina Faso Alliance Démocratique des Étudiants Pour le Développement du Burkina Full
  Burma All Burma Federation of Student Unions Full
  Burundi Jeunesse Révolutionnaire Rwagasore (Commission Estudiantine) Frozen
  Cambodia Youth Association of Cambodia Frozen
  Cameroon Union Nationale des Étudiants Socialistes du Kamerun Full
  Canada Canadian Federation of Students Full
  Cape Verde Juventude Africana Amilcar Cabral-Cabo Verde Frozen
  Chad Union Générale des Étudiants et Stagiaires du Tchad Full
  Chile Consejo Nacional de Federaciones de Estudiantes Chilenos Frozen
  Commonwealth of Independent States Student Council of Associations and Unions of Higher Educational Institutions of the CIS Consultative
  Colombia Union Nacional de Estudiantes Colombianos Frozen
  Comoros Union Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Étudiants des Comores Consultative
  Congo, Rep. Union Nationale des Étudiants Congolais Full
  Congo, Dem. Rep. Étudiants Congolais Progressistes Consultative
  Costa Rica Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Costa Rica [es] Shared
Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Shared
  Cuba Federación Estudiantil Universitaria [es] Full
  Cyprus Pancyprian Federation of Students and Young Scientists Full
Turkish-Cypriot Student Association Consultative
  Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Central Students' Council of the Socialist Youth Union Full
  Dominican Republic Federación de Estudiantes Dominicanos Full
  Ecuador Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios del Ecuador Frozen
Federación de Estudiantes Politécnicos del Ecuador Shared
  Egypt General Union of Students of the Arab Republic of Egypt Frozen
Union of Democratic Egyptian Youth (Student Section) Shared
  El Salvador General de Estudiantes Universitarios Salvadoreños Full
  Eritrea National Union of Eritrean Youth Full
  Fiji University of the South Pacific Students Association Full
  France Union Nationale des Étudiants de France Shared
Union Nationale des Étudiants de France - Indépendante et Démocratique [fr] Shared
  Gambia National Union of Gambian Students Full
  Germany Freier Zusammenschluss von StudentInnenschaften [de] Full
  Ghana National Union of Ghana Students Full
  Guatemala Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios Full
  Guinea Bissau African Youth Amílcar Cabral Frozen
  Guyana Student Council of the Progressive Youth Organization Frozen
  Haiti Fédération Nationale des Étudiants Haïtiens Full
  Honduras Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios de Honduras Frozen
  India All India Students Federation Shared
Students' Federation of India Shared
All-India Students Bloc Shared
Radical Students Forum (RSF) Shared
Chatra Janata Dal Shared
  Iran Organization of Democratic Youth and Students of Iran Frozen
  Iraq General Union of Students in Iraqi Republic Shared
National Union of Iraqi Students Frozen
  Jamaica Jamaica Union of Tertiary Students Full
  Japan All-Japan Federation of Student Unions Full
  Jordan National Union of Jordan Students Frozen
  Kenya Student Organization of Nairobi University Frozen
  Kiribati Kiribati Students' Association Consultative
  North Korea Korean Students Committee Full
  Kurdistan Kurdish Students Society in Europe Full
  Kuwait National Union of Kuwait Students Frozen
  Laos Lao People's Revolutionary Youth Union Consultative
  Lebanon Union Nationale des Étudiants de l'Université Libanaise Frozen
  Lesotho Students' Representative Council Full
  Liberia Liberia National Students Union Full
  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya General Union of Great Jamahiriya Students Full
  Madagascar Comité Démocratique des Jeunes et des Étudiants de Madagascar Full
Organisation de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire du Parti d'Avantgarde de la Révolution Malgache-Arema Consultative
  Malawi Malawi Students Union of Lesoma Full
  Malta Young Students' Movement[50] Consultative
  Mauritius Mauritius Union of Student Councils Consultative
Council of Students & Youth Movements Consultative
  Mexico Coordinadora Nacional de Estudiantes Mexicanos Full
Federación de Estudiantes de Guadalajara [de] Consultative
  Mongolia Union of Mongolian Students Full
  Morocco Union Nationale des Étudiants du Maroc [fr] Frozen
Union Générale des Étudiants du Maroc Consultative
  Mozambique Associaçao dos Estudantes Universitarios de Moçambique Full
Mozambican Youth Organisation Frozen
  Namibia Namibian National Student Organization Full
    Nepal Nepal National Federation of Students Shared
All Nepal National Free Student Union Shared
Nepal Progressive Student Union Frozen
  Netherlands Dutch Student Union Full
  Nicaragua Unión Nacional de Estudiantes de Nicaragua Full
  Niger Union des Scolaires Nigériens Full
  Nigeria National Association of Nigerian Students Full
  Oman National Union of Oman Students Full
  Pakistan Democratic Students Federation Frozen
Jeay Sindh Taraqui Pasand Student Federation Consultative
Sindhi Shagird Tehreek Consultative
Baloch Students Organization Consultative
  Palestine General Union of Palestine Students Full
  Panama Federación de Estudiantes de Panamá Full
  Papua New Guinea National Union of Students Full
  Paraguay Unión Estudiantil de Paraguay Full
  Peru Federación de Estudiantes del Perú Full
  Philippines National Union of Students of the Philippines Full
  Poland Polish Students' Association Full
  Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Pro-Independence University Federation Full
  Quebec Mouvement des Étudiants et Étudiantes du Québec Full
  Romania National Union of Independent Students Full
  Rwanda Association Générale des Étudiants de l'Université Nationale du Ruanda Full
  Saint Lucia Student Bureau (National Youth Council) Full
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Student Council Full
  Samoa University of South Pacific-Alafuna Campus Students Association Full
  Sao Tome and Principe Jeunesse du Mouvement de Libération de Sao Tomé et Principe Full
  Saudi Arabia National Union of Students of Saudi Arabia Consultative
  Senegal Union Démocratique des Étudiants de Dakar Full
  Seychelles Seychelles People's Progressive Front (Youth League) Frozen
  Sierra Leone National Union of Sierra Leone Students Full
  South Africa South African Students Congress Full
Congress of South African Students Consultative
  Somalia National Union of Somali Students Full
  Spain Estudiantes Progresistas Full
Unión de Estudiantes Consultative
Coordinadora d'Estudiants d'Ensenyament Mitjà de Catalunya Consultative
  Sri Lanka Sri Lanka National Union of Students Shared
United National Party (Youth League) Shared
  Sudan Democratic Front of Sudanese Students Full
  Suriname Surinaamse Studenten Unie Frozen
   Switzerland VSS-UNES-USU Full
  Syria National Union of Syrian Students Full
  Tanzania National Union of Tanzanian Students Frozen
Dar Es Salaam University Student Union Consultative
  Togo Mouvement National des Étudiants et Stagiaires du Togo Full
  Trinidad and Tobago Guild of Undergraduates Full
  Tunisia Union Générale des Étudiants de Tunisie [fr] Shared
Union Générale Tunisienne des Étudiants [fr] Frozen
  Uganda Makerere Students Guild Shared
Uganda National Students Association Shared
  Uruguay Asociación Social y Cultural de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Pública (Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios del Uruguay [es]) Full
  United States United States Student Association Full
  Vanuatu Vanuatu National Union of Students Consultative
  Venezuela Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios de Venezuela Consultative
Federación de Centros Universitarios Consultative
  Vietnam Union Nationale des Étudiants du Vietnam Full
  Western Sahara Sahrawi Youth Union (Sección Estudiantil) Full
  Yemen Supreme Student Committee Shared
Central Council of Yemeni Students Shared
  Zambia University of Zambia Student Union Full
  Zimbabwe Zimbabwe National Students Union Full

See also



  1. ^ a b "The IUS Constitution - Preamble". International Union of Students. 2002-07-18. Archived from the original on 2007-06-07. Retrieved 2007-05-03.
  2. ^ a b c d "UNESCO List of Non-Governmental Organizations". UNESCO. Archived from the original on 2002-08-26. Retrieved 2007-05-03.
  3. ^ "Collection International Union of Students". International Institute of Social History. 2005-08-12. Retrieved 2007-05-03.
  4. ^ a b "IUS Website". International Union of Students. 2002-11-18. Archived from the original on 2007-04-30. Retrieved 2007-05-03.
  5. ^ "Global Student Government". Global Student Government. 2022. Archived from the original on March 19, 2022. Retrieved February 27, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  6. ^ "About Us". 22 October 2013. Archived from the original on 22 October 2013.
  7. ^ Rzhevsky, Valery (1988): 'International Day of Students Marked Today'; Prague, November 17; The Russian Information Agency ITAR-TASS
  8. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 161-162
  9. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 161
  10. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 162-164
  11. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 163
  12. ^ a b Kehr, Marguerite (1958): 'The International Program of the USNSA'; The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 29, No. 6. (June, 1958), p. 317
  13. ^ Pinner, Frank A. : 'Student Trade-Unionism in France, Belgium and Holland: Anticipatory Socialization and Role-Seeking'; Sociology of Education, Vol. 37, No. 3. (Spring, 1964), p. 182
  14. ^ Masani, M. R. (1951): 'The Communist Party in India'; Pacific Affairs, Vol. 24, No. 1. (March, 1951), p. 26
  15. ^ Kroef, Justus M. Van Der (1955): 'Higher Education in Indonesia'; The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 26, No. 7. (October, 1955), p. 370
  16. ^ Morris, Bernard S. (1956): 'Communist International Front Organizations: Their Nature and Function'; World Politics, Vol. 9, No. 1. (October, 1956), p. 78
  17. ^ a b Lyonette, Kevin (1966): 'Student Organisations in Latin America'; International Affairs" (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 42, No. 4. (October, 1966), p. 660
  18. ^ Brammer, Lawrence M. (1967): 'The Student Rebel in the University: A World-wide View'; The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 38, No. 5. (May 1967), pp. 259
  19. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 162
  20. ^ Riordan, James (1974): 'Soviet Sport and Soviet Foreign Policy'; Soviet Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3. (July, 1974), p. 328
  21. ^ a b c Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 171-172
  22. ^ Ibingira, Grace (1965): 'Political Movements and Their Role in Promoting Unity in East Africa'; Transition, No. 20. (1965), p. 42
  23. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 164
  24. ^ Rudner, Martin (1996): 'East European Aid to Asian Developing Countries: The Legacy of the Communist Era'; Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1. (February, 1996), p. 23
  25. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 167
  26. ^ a b Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 173
  27. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 171
  28. ^ Altbach, Philip G. (1970): 'The International Student Movement'; Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 174
  29. ^ McDonald, Robert (1967): 'NSA/CIA: The Kiddies and Their Playmates'; Transition, No. 31 (June - Jul, 1967), pp. 14-19
  30. ^ United Press International (1990): 'Former Communist Party boss goes on trial in Prague'; June 25, 1990, SECTION: International
  31. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979a): 'Indochina. IUS delegation in Cambodia'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts; November 7, 1979, Part 3 The Far East; A. International Affairs; 2. The USSR and East-ern Europe; FE/6265/A2/3
  32. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979b): 'Indochina; IUS delegation in Vietnam'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, October 5, 1979, Part 3 The Far East; A. International Affairs; 2. The USSR and East-ern Europe; FE/6237/A2/2
  33. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979c): 'IUS delegation leaves for Indochina'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, September 26, 1979, Part 2 Eastern Europe; A. International Affairs; 3. The Far East; EE/6229/A3/1
  34. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979d): 'Afghan Youth Organization delegation in Prague'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, September 18, 1979, Part 2 Eastern Europe; A. International Affairs; 3. The Far East; EE/6222/A3/3
  35. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979e): 'Panamanian student leader in Czechoslovakia'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, September 6, 1979, Part 2 Eastern Europe; A. International Affairs; 1. General and Western Affairs; EE/6212/A1/4
  36. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979f): 'Latin American student official in Czechoslovakia'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, August 29, 1979, PART 2 EASTERN EUROPE; A. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS; 1. GENERAL AND WESTERN AFFAIRS; EE/6205/A1/5
  37. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1979g): 'International students' forum in Helsinki'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, August 21, 1979, PART 2 EASTERN EUROPE; A. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS; 1. GENERAL AND WESTERN AFFAIRS; EE/6199/A1/3
  38. ^ a b c Fine, Philip (2003): 'International Union of Students Marks Its Comeback With Call For Worldwide Day of Protest'; The Times Higher Education Supplement, TSL Education Limited, August 8, 2003, No.1601; Pg.2
  39. ^ The British Broadcasting Corporation (1992): 'International organisations protest expulsion from Czechoslovakia'; BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, January 15, 1992, Part 2 Eastern Europe; A. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS; 1. GENERAL AND WESTERN AFFAIRS; EE/1278/A1/ 1
  41. ^ The Russian Information Agency ITAR-TASS (1990): 'CZECHO-SLOVAKIA DECIDES TO EXPEL IOJ AND IUS FROM COUNTRY'; TASS, November 22, 1990
  42. ^ a b CTK National News Wire (1992): 'INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS ANNOUNCES NEW LEADERSHIP'; CTK National News Wire, April 23, 1992, NEWS
  43. ^ Fine, Philip (2003): 'International Union Of Students Marks Its Comeback With Call For Worldwide Day of Protest'; The Times Higher Education Supplement, TSL Education Limited, August 8, 2003, No.1601; Pg.2
  44. ^ International Union of Students (2000): Report of the Executive Secretariat to The Council and 17th Congress of The International Union of Students. For the Period from February 1992 to March 2000; dated March 19, 2000, p. 2
  45. ^ The Irish Times (1994): "Students' Day marked by Dublin march"; The Irish Times, November 18, 1994, CITY EDITION, HOME NEWS; Pg. 4
  46. ^ FT Asia Intelligence Wire (1998): 'Free access to education demanded'; The Hindu
  47. ^ Jobbins, David (2003): 'Qatar's Iraq Gesture Challenges Us Grip'; The Times Higher Education Supplement, TSL Education Limited, June 27, 2003, No.1595; Pg.11
  48. ^ The Economist Newspapers Ltd. (2006): 'Let each stand in his place: Cold war survivors'; The Economist October 28, 2006, U.S. Edition, SECTION: INTERNATIONAL, Dateline: Prague
  49. ^ "List of IUS Member Organizations". IUS. Archived from the original on 22 July 2016.
  50. ^ "Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici: Back in my student days, 1984 was indeed the year in which I started being active in the voluntary and political spheres". Max Ellul. Archived from the original on 2022-11-05.

Further reading

  • Cornell, Richard (1965): Youth And Communism: An Historical Analysis of International Communist Youth Movements; Walker & Co.: New York
  • Clews, John (1952): Students Unite: The International Union of Students and Its Work; foreword by S. Spender, Congress for Cultural Freedom; British Society for Cultural Freedom: Paris (ASIN: B0000CIEJO)
  • Maanen, Gert Van (1966): The International Student Movement. History and Background; International Documentation and Information Centre: The Hague