

Hello, I’m Aramaki Stoichkov(Ja:荒巻ストイチコフ). My first language is japanese. I can speak English, but don’t fluent English. I'll go little by little steadily.

日本語(Japanese) こんにちは。荒巻ストイチコフです。 私の母語は日本語ですが、英語も話せます。しかし、流暢ではありません。 まあ、ぼちぼちやっていきます。

User Box

This contributor to Wikipedia is female.
one too manyThis user currently has
one too many spouses.
 This user identifies as queer.
 This user identifies as pansexual. 
 This user is polyamorous.
 This user is aromantic.
  This user is into BDSM.
 This user is a switch.
 This user is interested in religion.
 This user is interested in religion as a sociological and psychological phenomenon.
 This user is interested in religion as an anthropological and historical phenomenon.
^_~This user loves hentai.
801This user loves yaoi.
FCB Visca el Barça!    
 This user is an FC Barcelona fan.
 This user supports Catalan independence.