Welcome to my page. As a member of the Wikipedia community, I will mainly work on correcting serious errors in documents or repairing disruptive editing, Also, I will update the existing documents by citing useful sources or referring to Wikipedia in other languages. If I repeat vandalism or destructive editing of Wikipedia documents. it is very likely that my account has been hacked by someone else.

The things I do at Wikipedia


As a Wikipedia user, I will focus on constructive and future-oriented editing. As I said earlier, if I continue to make disruptive edits, it is highly likely that my Wikipedia account has been hacked by someone.



I usually speak Korean, but I can speak English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Serbian, Irish, Franch freely.

Hobbies and interests


I am interested in translating books or documents written in Spanish into Korean. Also, I like animation, and my favorite animation is SpongeBob SquarePants. And these days, I'm looking forward to the sequel to the SpongeBob SquarePants series.

Advice on editing Wikipedia


Editing or revising documents on Wikipedia can prevent editing disputes if they provide reliable and clear sources. If subjective editing is enforced without a source or clear reason, serious disputes may arise or may be returned by other Wikipedia users. In addition, if these actions are repeated for a long time, they can be recognized as a serious level of vandalism!

Response to vandalism


I will deal with vandalism according to Wikipedia's policy. In particular, serious vandalism can be returned to its previous state before editing. I will also keep an eye on users who use Wikipedia accounts for malicious purposes or constantly edit non-constructively.

My personal thoughts


First of all, I am an account for vandalism purposes, so I am very negative about the account for promotion purposes. They think they deserve sanctions because they create destructive acts or disturbances in the Wikipedia community.

Second, as a member of Wikipedia, of course, you can exercise your right to edit, but if the editing is not constructive and malicious, I think you should be responsible for your actions.

Third, I think it is very reasonable to make the strongest sanctions when creating or using an account for the purpose of advocating or promoting a particular person or organization.

Finally, I think Wikipedia users who commit document damage should be permanently blocked immediately. If they are not permanently blocked, they will eventually disrupt and destroy the Wikipedia community.