My professional interest is Emergency Management. I work as an Emergency Management researcher and plan developer. I have about 15 years experience as volunteer and paid emergency manager as well as field first responder. I have been awarded the Emergency Services Medal, Long Service Medal and have had citations for my work from the Premier of NSW and local governments. I am a member of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services SA Division. I have post and pre graduate qualifications from the Commonwealth Attorney General's EMA, Australian Institute of Emergency Management Mount Macedon Victora

Other Interests As my nic-name, 1 arm digger, would suggest, I have an interest in disability, veterans affairs as well as the military. As a soldier, I joined in the early 80's but I went nowhere and did not much at all. However, I called myself digger, because of my admiration of those Australian soldiers who showed tenacity and guts.

Other fields. Social Science Intelligence gathering, criminal and military. Psychology History, Australian, American, British, local Archaeology Anthropology Literature, poetry Biology Statistics General interest in all Sciences.