editWhile I have authored a few original articles, I tend to make minor changes or enhancements to a handful of others. Most of my time is spent in research for my book projects, specifically focusing on U.S. Naval history.
Authored Articles
- Rear Admiral Samuel Perez, Jr.
- Rear Admiral Victor G. Guillory
- Rear Admiral Eleanor V. Valentin
- Vice Admiral Thomas Tingey Craven
Routinely Edited Articles
The historical aspects of these articles are fairly benign and lacking significant details. I am hesitant to add much to them (especially the CG-49) as my sources for the facts stem from interviews I conducted with former sailors of the three cruisers. My sources for the Vincennes sloop are from original news articles I have acquired about the ship over the years. I can verify these facts, but they do not meet the sub-standard verifiability requirements of Wikipedia.