

Making this for the one which changed my life since 9/10/2021


purplegirl.exe /dev/null/mylove.png

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Why am i making this page?


I am writing this for a person which i have always loved and nothing will ever take me away from her. She has always been there for me and i have never met someone ese as good as her. Being with her means the world to me and genuinely she is the most amazing person i have ever met. September 10th, 2021 was the day i met her and ever since then i my whole life has changed. Everything from the smallest details as to how i talk and what i say to how i feel and how i look at the world and what my thoughts about the future are have changed ever since i have met this lady. The word girl does not cut it anymore for her and to bee truly honest it never did. She isn't a girl not a gyaldem, my god she is a whole lady and a half. More mature than anyone in her age group, most amazing woman i have ever seen on this planet and definitely the smartest, most gorgeous, most bubbly lady i met.

