Adihamu Karneh is an influential young leader, a change maker,Farmer and a youth Activist. He Co-founded Volunteers Hub Liberia and now serves as Director of Innovation. He is also the lead organizer of the Annual Youth Education and Empowerment Summit (AYEE); AYEE summit is one of Africa's biggest youth Platforms that is bringing inspiring youth leaders together to share experience, learn and make decisions to improve the quality of education for youth in the region. Adihamu Karneh has a great passion for impacting the young minds by helping youth develop their full potential especially in the area of Information Technology where he has expertise. He liaises with Actionaid Liberia to train urban farmers to use ICT as a value addition to agriculture. As a Local Farmer, Adihamu runs an agribusiness and grow Pineapple as his major livelihood source. During the recent 2017 election he led public campaigns to encourage youth involvement and participation in the electoral process and participated in campaigns to demand Presidential candidates sign on to the National Youth Manifesto. Adihamu is one of many youth leaders advocating for a pro-agrarian youth law in Liberia by 2018. You can find Adihamu Karneh on this web page [1]

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